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see also CalendarDates.txt ************************************************************* procedure TSeatBookings.SetDate(dateString: String); {set date values in the 'date' and 'time' labels on both the main form} {and the 'make or edit booking' (user input) form... we'll use these} {values later for one thing or another...} var len: Integer; longDate, dayString, monthString, yearString: String; tempInt: Integer; begin {extract 'day' characters...} dayString := Copy(dateString, 1, 2); {extract the month characters} monthString := Copy(dateString, 4, 2); {extract the year characters} yearString := Copy(dateString, 7, 2); tempInt := StrToInt(monthString); monthString := MakeMonthString(tempInt); longDate := dayString + ' ' + monthString + ' ' + yearString; len := Length(dateString); if len < 5 then begin MakeOrEditBForm.DateLabel.Caption := 'Date???'; UserInterface.DateLabel.Caption := 'Date???'; end else begin MakeOrEditBForm.DateLabel.Caption := dateString; UserInterface.DateLabel.Caption := longDate; end; end; procedure TSeatBookings.SetTime(timeString: String); var len: Integer; begin len := Length(timeString); if len < 5 then begin MakeOrEditBForm.TimeLabel.Caption := 'Time???'; UserInterface.TimeLabel.Caption := 'Time'; end else begin if ((timeString[1] = 'M') or (timeString[1] = 'm')) then begin MakeOrEditBForm.TimeLabel.Caption := 'Matinee'; UserInterface.TimeLabel.Caption := 'Matinee'; end else begin MakeOrEditBForm.TimeLabel.Caption := 'Evening'; UserInterface.TimeLabel.Caption := 'Evening'; end; end; end; function TSeatBookings.GetTodayDate(redundant: Integer): String; {use Delphi date functions to create a string holding the current date in} {this kind of format: 01JAN98 -the coding is easier if we use both the Now()} {function which returns the above value as 111998, and the Date() function} {which returns the above value as 01/01/98...} {THIS FUNCTION IS NOT USED IN THE CURRENT IMPLEMENTATION} {-BUT IT MIGHT BE USEFUL LATER...} var dateStringOne: String; dateStringTwo: String; dayString: String; monthString: String; yearString: String; present: TDateTime; year, month, day: Word; begin present:= Now; DecodeDate(present, year, month, day); monthString := MakeMonthString(month); dateStringOne := DateToStr(Date); dayString := dateStringOne[1] + dateStringOne[2]; yearString := dateStringOne[7] + dateStringOne[8]; dateStringTwo := dayString + monthString + yearString; Result := dateStringTwo; end; ***************************************************************************************** METHOD TO CALCULATE SOMEONE'S EXACT AGE >I would like to calculate someones exact age. > >Does anybody already have a method for that ? > >TIA > >Ciao ! >Rowdy Rabouw Here is some code that I use. I'm not sure whose source helped me put it together, Most likely someone from this list. I have an TEdit Box for a date input and two labels that get the results of the calculation Years and Months. procedure TCaseMgtDataForm.DateEditDOBExit(Sender: TObject); var Days, Months, Years: Word; Date1, date2: TDateTime; Day1, Day2, Month1, Month2, Year1, Year2: Word; bTest : Boolean ; begin date2 := Date; bTest := False ; Try {Need an error check if invalid date string } Date1 := strtodate(DateeditDOB.text) ; bTest := True ; except on E: EConvertError do ShowMessage(E.ClassName + #13+ #10 + E.Message); end; if not bTest then DateEditDOB.Text := ' / / '; setfocusedcontrol(DateEditDOB) ; {Reset focus to input TEdit on error (THis does not work properly)} if bTest then begin {We got a good date converted} DecodeDate(Date1, Year1, Month1, Day1); DecodeDate(Date2, Year2, Month2, Day2); Years := Year2 - Year1; Months := 0; Days := 0; if Month2 < Month1 then begin Inc(Months, 12); Dec(Years); end; Inc(Months, Month2 - Month1); if Day2 < Day1 then begin Inc(Days, DaysPerMonth(Year1, Month1)); if Months = 0 then begin Dec(Years); Months := 11; end else Dec(Months); end; Inc(Days, Day2 - Day1); Age.caption := inttostr(years); Mon.caption := inttostr(months); end ; end; Bill Krause Http:// Buy Guitar Strings online at: _______________________________________________ Delphi mailing list -> *********************************************************************************