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VARIOUS DATABASE TABLE OPERATIONS ********************************* update a record in a table with values from a user input form procedure TOrderDetailsForm.UpDateOrderDetails; var orderTable : TTable; exeFileName : String; pathToExe : String; dbFullFileName: String; ordRefStr : String; tempString : String; keyFound : Boolean; begin exeFileName := Application.ExeName; pathToExe := ExtractFilePath(exeFileName); dbFullFileName := pathToExe + dbTablesDataDir + ordersTableFileName; if FileExists(dbFullFileName) then begin orderTable := TTable.Create(nil); orderTable.TableName := ordersTableFileName; orderTable.DatabaseName := ExtractFileDir(dbFullFileName); orderTable.Open; ordRefStr := OrderReferenceEdit.Text; keyFound := orderTable.FindKey([ordRefStr]); if (keyFound = True) then begin orderTable.Edit; //put database table data into the //EditOrderDetails form's edit boxes... try //more code: validation of dates input by the user is required orderTable.FieldByName('OrderDate').AsDateTime := StrToDate(OrderDateEdit.Text); orderTable.FieldByName('StyleName').AsString := StyleNameEdit.Text; //etc //etc orderTable.Post; except orderTable.Cancel; tempString := 'Problems have been encountered with the Fox Orders database table' + Chr(13) + 'Please contact SSI support'; Application.MessageBox(PChar(tempString), ' Inconsistent Data', mb_OK); end; end; //end if key found orderTable.Close; orderTable.Free; end; //end if file exists end; *************************************************************** pass a key field value to a procedure to read fields from the record with that value in it's key field: procedure TOrderDetailsForm.ReadFieldsFromTable(ordRef: String); var orderTable : TTable; exeFileName : String; pathToExe : String; dbFullFileName: String; tempString : String; keyFound : Boolean; begin exeFileName := Application.ExeName; pathToExe := ExtractFilePath(exeFileName); dbFullFileName := pathToExe + dbTablesDataDir + ordersTableFileName; if FileExists(dbFullFileName) then begin orderTable := TTable.Create(nil); orderTable.TableName := ordersTableFileName; orderTable.DatabaseName := ExtractFileDir(dbFullFileName); orderTable.Open; keyFound := orderTable.FindKey([ordRef]); if (keyFound = True) then //put database table data into the //EditOrderDetails form's edit boxes... try OrderReferenceEdit.Text := orderTable.FieldByName('OrderReference').AsString; OrderDateEdit.Text := orderTable.FieldByName('OrderDate').AsString; except tempString := 'Problems have been encountered with the Fox Orders database table' + Chr(13) + 'Please contact SSI support'; Application.MessageBox(PChar(tempString), ' Inconsistent Data', mb_OK); end; end; orderTable.Free; end; ********************************************* or if you want to loop through records: [having opened the table etc] sssTable.First; while (not(sssTable.EOF)) do begin tempString := sssTable.FieldByName('STYLENAME').AsString; if (tempString = ssStyleName) then begin unique := False; break; end; sssTable.Next; end; ************************************ const stylesDatabaseName = 'myDataBase'; Firstly, put the following 'visual' components on your form (linked variously) type TStyleDataForm = class(TForm) WinStylesDataSource: TDataSource; WinStylesTable: TTable; WinStylesDBGrid: TDBGrid; WinStylesDBNavigator: TDBNavigator; {various funcs here of course} end; THEN THERE'S VARIOUS OPS HERE function TStyleDataForm.InitThisDatabase: Boolean; {open the WINSTYLES database table. Note that as soon as we open it the DBGrid on the form here is populated with data...} var dataFilePresent: Boolean; tempString: String; begin WinStylesTable.DatabaseName := pathToDBTable; pathToDBTable := pathToDBTable + stylesDatabaseName; if FileExists(pathToDBTable) then begin WinStylesTable.Open; dataFilePresent := True; end else begin tempString := 'The program cannot find the required database file ('; tempString := tempString + stylesDataBaseName; tempString := tempString + '). Terminating the program.'; Application.MessageBox(PChar(tempString), ' Unknown File Location', mb_OK); dataFilePresent := False; end; Result := dataFilePresent; end; PUT DATA IN procedure TStyleDataForm.AppendRecord; {add a new record to the Winstyles database table...} begin WinStylesTable.Append; WinStylesTable.FieldByName('STYLE_NO').AsString := NewStyleForm.newStyleRec.styleNo; WinStylesTable.FieldByName('SHORTNAME').AsString := NewStyleForm.newStyleRec.shortName; WinStylesTable.FieldByName('LONGNAME').AsString := NewStyleForm.newStyleRec.longName; WinStylesTable.FieldByName('PROD_GROUP').AsString := NewStyleForm.newStyleRec.productGroup; WinStylesTable.FieldByName('BLOCKS_W').AsInteger := NewStyleForm.newStyleRec.blocksW; WinStylesTable.FieldByName('BLOCKS_H').AsInteger := NewStyleForm.newStyleRec.blocksH; WinStylesTable.FieldByName('DRAW_CODE').AsString := NewStyleForm.newStyleRec.drawCode; WinStylesTable.FieldByName('GLASS_CODE').AsString := NewStyleForm.newStyleRec.glassCode; WinStylesTable.FieldByName('HINGE_CODE').AsString := NewStyleForm.newStyleRec.hingeCode; WinStylesTable.Post; end; TAKE DATA OUT procedure TStyleDataForm.WinStylesDBGridDblClick(Sender: TObject); //var //lineNumber: longInt; //styleIndex: String; begin newStyle := False; {Delphi makes things very easy for us here. If we were dealing with a Memo or RichEdit component then we would need to use an API call to find the line number of the line that was clicked. Here Delphi sets the clicked line to be the 'current' record so we don't need to worry about anything like that. The first thing we do here is, we put database 'style' data into the NewStyleRec record structure which holds data for the whole of the style (in one record)...} NewStyleForm.newStyleRec.styleNo := WinStylesTable.FieldByName('STYLE_NO').AsString; NewStyleForm.newStyleRec.shortName := WinStylesTable.FieldByName('SHORTNAME').AsString; NewStyleForm.newStyleRec.longName := WinStylesTable.FieldByName('LONGNAME').AsString; NewStyleForm.newStyleRec.productGroup := WinStylesTable.FieldByName('PROD_GROUP').AsString; NewStyleForm.newStyleRec.blocksW := WinStylesTable.FieldByName('BLOCKS_W').AsInteger; NewStyleForm.newStyleRec.blocksH := WinStylesTable.FieldByName('BLOCKS_H').AsInteger; NewStyleForm.newStyleRec.drawCode := WinStylesTable.FieldByName('DRAW_CODE').AsString; NewStyleForm.newStyleRec.glassCode := WinStylesTable.FieldByName('GLASS_CODE').AsString; NewStyleForm.newStyleRec.hingeCode := WinStylesTable.FieldByName('HINGE_CODE').AsString; {having filled out the record we then use that data to draw the style...} NewStyleForm.DrawStyleFromRecord; end; *********************** CHECK TO SEE IF A VALUE IS UNIQUE BEFORE ADDING IT TO A DATABASE TABLE THIS IS THE ssslowww WAY: procedure TDBHandler.AppendSideSectionStyleRecordOld(ssStyleName, ssFileName: String); {add a new record to the side section styles database table...} var unique: Boolean; tempString: String; begin unique := True; sssTable.First; while (not(sssTable.EOF)) do begin tempString := sssTable.FieldByName('STYLENAME').AsString; if (tempString = ssStyleName) then begin unique := False; break; end; sssTable.Next; end; if (unique = True) then begin sssTable.Append; sssTable.FieldByName('STYLENAME').AsString := ssStyleName; ssFileName := ssFileName + '.bmp'; sssTable.FieldByName('FILENAME').AsString := ssFileName; sssTable.Post; end; end; THIS IS THE FAST-ACCESS WAY: function TDBHandler.AppendSideSectionStyleRecord(ssStyleName, ssFileName: String): Boolean; {add a new record to the side section styles database table...} var tempString: String; begin if (not(sssTable.FindKey([ssStyleName]))) then begin sssTable.Append; sssTable.FieldByName('STYLENAME').AsString := ssStyleName; ssFileName := ssFileName + '.bmp'; sssTable.FieldByName('FILENAME').AsString := ssFileName; sssTable.Post; Result := True; end else Result := False; end; ****************** USING AN SQL QUERY PREAMBLE: we use a DIY 'detail line' object in the function below, so we need to understand how that works before we look at the SQL code proper... since we don't know how many result lines (ie database records) we will want to store at the outset, things are set up here so that we dynamically create a detail line object each time we encounter a new record type {object to temporarily hold database details before handing them to the ListView component for display} TDetailLine = class(TObject) styleName: String; fileName: String; end; private {private declarations} detailLine: TDetailLine; end; FUNCTION WITH SQL CODE IN -use a dynamically created object to hold records, and free up the objects at the end we need a dLineList.Create; somewhere up here procedure TSideSectionStyleForm.LoadSideSectionStyleTable; {load data from SSStyle.db (using SQL) and store it in the 'detail line' variable so we can display it in the ListView later...} var dbFullFileName: String; sssTQuery: TQuery; exeFileName, pathToExe: String; queryString: String; begin dLineList.Clear; sssTQuery := TQuery.Create(nil); exeFileName := Application.ExeName; pathToExe := ExtractFilePath(exeFileName); dbFullFileName := pathToExe + dbTablesDataDir + sideSectionStylesTableName; sssTQuery.DatabaseName := ExtractFileDir(dbFullFileName); if (FileExists(dbFullFileName)) then begin {note that #39 is a single apostrophe (and #34 is a double one)...} queryString := 'SELECT StyleName, FileName FROM ' + #39 + dbFullFileName + #39; sssTQuery.sql.Add(queryString); {open the table} sssTQuery.Open; if sssTQuery.RecordCount > 0 then begin sssTQuery.First; while not sssTQuery.EOF do begin detailLine := TDetailLine.Create; detailLine.refNo := (sssTQuery.FieldByName('OrderReference').AsString); detailLine.custName := (sssTQuery.FieldByName('CustomerName').AsString); detailLine.styleName := (sssTQuery.FieldByName('StyleName').AsString); detailLine.orderDate := (sssTQuery.FieldByName('OrderDate').AsString); detailLine.thumbFileName := (sssTQuery.FieldByName('ThumbFileName').AsString); dLineList.Add(DetailLine); sssTQuery.Next; end; end; end; sssTQuery.Free; end; procedure TSideSectionStyleForm.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); var listIdx: Integer; dListPointer: TDetailLine; begin for listIdx := 0 to (dLineList.Count - 1) do begin dListPointer := dLineList.Items[listIdx]; dListPointer.Free; end; end;