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Data integrity violation [bde error message]

Question: What does BDE error 38 (0026 hex) aka 'Data Integrity Violation' mean? Answer: Here is a list of possible explanations for this situation: 9729 : $2601 : Key violation. 9730 : $2602 : Minimum validity check failed. 9731 : $2603 : Maximum validity check failed. 9732 : $2604 : Field value required. 9733 : $2605 : Master record missing. 9734 : $2606 : Master has detail records. Cannot delete or modify. 9735 : $2607 : Master table level is incorrect. 9736 : $2608 : Field value out of lookup table range. 9737 : $2609 : Lookup Table Open operation failed. 9738 : $260A : Detail Table Open operation failed. 9739 : $260B : Master Table Open operation failed. 9740 : $260C : Field is blank. 9741 : $260D : Link to master table already defined. 9742 : $260E : Master table is open. 9743 : $260F : Detail table(s) exist. 9744 : $2610 : Master has detail records. Cannot empty it. 9745 : $2611 : Self referencing referential integrity must be entered one at a time with no other changes to the table 9746 : $2612 : Detail table is open. 9747 : $2613 : Cannot make this master a detail of another table if its details are not empty. 9748 : $2614 : Referential integrity fields must be indexed. 9749 : $2615 : A table linked by referential integrity requires password to open. 9750 : $2616 : Field(s) linked to more than one master. 9751 : $2617 : Expression validity check failed