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D4 making tcheckbox data aware with tdbedit

Simple means of making some components data-aware. Alternative data-aware checkboxes (and radiobuttons) that can be arranged more flexibly. Although more recent versions of Delphi may offer better ways of displaying data-aware collections of checkboxes and radiobuttons, I'm still using D4. I have often wished for a data-aware component that (a) does not include the bevelled box of D4's radio button group, (b) can be made to resemble some paper forms more closely, (c) permits more flexible arrangement of the items in the group, and (d) permits unusual patterns of buttons to be 'on' and 'off' simultaneously. In short, more flexibility. I think this recipe does this, and it also illustrates simple means for making some controls that are not data-aware acquire this capability by co-operating with those that are. The upper and lower rows of checkboxes are represented in the Delphi code below by the classes TCheckboxCollection and TPersonalityCBCollection respectively. Each of these classes is a container for checkbox descriptors and their methods, Click, GetValue and SetValue, establish the behaviour of controls collectively, and arrange to associate their collective value with the associated data-aware control and, hence, with the data store. The upper set of checkboxes behaves much like a set of radio buttons. In contrast, more than one of the set of lower checkboxes can be checked at once, and the "RESET" checkbox can be used to remove the checks from all at once. Your comments welcome! unit Unit1; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, Db, StdCtrls, Mask, DBCtrls, DBTables, ExtCtrls; type TCheckboxDescriptor = class // hide the default behaviour of the checkbox in response // to a click, and simplify manipulation of the encapsulated object private preClickedState: TCheckBoxState; function GetState: TCheckBoxState; procedure SetState ( State: TCheckBoxState ); public checkbox: TCheckbox; property State: TCheckBoxState read GetState write SetState; constructor Create (theCheckbox: TCheckbox); end; TCheckboxCollection = class // associate a data-aware edit box and its value with a collection // of checkbox descriptors; default behaviour resembles radio buttons checkboxDescriptors: TList; handlingClick: Boolean; private function FindSender ( Sender: TObject ): TCheckboxDescriptor; function GetValue : string; procedure SetValue ( NewValue: string ); public associatedDBEdit: TDBEdit; constructor Create ( DBEdit: TDBEdit; theCheckboxes: array of TCheckbox ); procedure Click ( Sender: TObject ); property Value: string read GetValue write SetValue; end; TPersonalityCBCollection = class ( TCheckboxCollection ) // derived class which permits more than one checkbox to be checked at // a time, and uses one checkbox for resetting the others private function GetValue : string; procedure SetValue ( NewValue: string ); public property Value: string read GetValue write SetValue; procedure Click ( Sender: TObject ); end; TForm1 = class(TForm) Table1: TTable; DBEdit1: TDBEdit; DataSource1: TDataSource; CheckBox1: TCheckBox; CheckBox2: TCheckBox; CheckBox3: TCheckBox; CheckBox4: TCheckBox; CheckBox5: TCheckBox; CheckBox6: TCheckBox; CheckBox7: TCheckBox; CheckBox8: TCheckBox; CheckBoxNA: TCheckBox; CheckBox9: TCheckBox; CheckBox10: TCheckBox; CheckBox11: TCheckBox; CheckBox12: TCheckBox; CheckBox13: TCheckBox; CheckBox14: TCheckBox; CheckBox15: TCheckBox; CheckBox16: TCheckBox; DBNavigator1: TDBNavigator; Label1: TLabel; Label2: TLabel; Label3: TLabel; Shape1: TShape; Label4: TLabel; DBEdit2: TDBEdit; procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure CheckBoxNAClick(Sender: TObject); procedure DBEdit1Change(Sender: TObject); procedure CheckBox9Click(Sender: TObject); procedure DBEdit2Change(Sender: TObject); private SeverityCBs: TCheckboxCollection; PersonalityCBs: TPersonalityCBCollection; public end; var Form1: TForm1; implementation {$R *.DFM} constructor TCheckboxDescriptor.Create (theCheckbox: TCheckbox); begin inherited Create; checkbox:=theCheckbox; // retain the design state of the checkbox preClickedState:=theCheckbox.State; end; function TCheckboxDescriptor.GetState: TCheckBoxState; begin result:=preClickedState; end; procedure TCheckboxDescriptor.SetState ( State: TCheckBoxState ); begin checkbox.State:=State; preClickedState:=State end; constructor TCheckboxCollection.Create ( DBEdit: TDBEdit; theCheckboxes: array of TCheckbox ); var i: integer; begin inherited Create; associatedDBEdit:=DBEdit; checkboxDescriptors:=TList.Create; for i:=0 to high ( theCheckboxes ) do checkboxDescriptors.Add(TCheckboxDescriptor.Create(theCheckboxes[i])); handlingClick:=false; end; function TCheckboxCollection.FindSender ( Sender: TObject ): TCheckboxDescriptor; var c: integer; checkboxDescriptor: TCheckboxDescriptor; begin checkboxDescriptor:=nil; for c:=0 to checkboxDescriptors.Count - 1 do begin checkboxDescriptor:=checkboxDescriptors.Items[c]; if checkboxDescriptor.checkbox = Sender then break end; result:=checkboxDescriptor end; procedure TCheckboxCollection.Click ( Sender: TObject ); var clickedCBDescriptor, oneCBDescriptor: TCheckboxDescriptor; c: integer; begin if handlingClick then exit; handlingClick:=true; clickedCBDescriptor:=FindSender ( Sender ); if clickedCBDescriptor.State = cbChecked then clickedCBDescriptor.State:=cbUnchecked else begin clickedCBDescriptor.State:=cbChecked; for c:=0 to checkboxDescriptors.Count - 1 do begin oneCBDescriptor:=checkboxDescriptors.Items[c]; if oneCBDescriptor <> clickedCBDescriptor then oneCBDescriptor.State:=cbUnchecked; end; end; associatedDBEdit.DataSource.Edit; associatedDBEdit.Text:=Value; handlingClick:=false; end; procedure TPersonalityCBCollection.Click ( Sender: TObject ); var clickedCB: TCheckbox; clickedCBDescriptor, oneCBDescriptor: TCheckboxDescriptor; c: integer; begin if handlingClick then exit; handlingClick:=true; clickedCB:=Sender as TCheckbox; clickedCBDescriptor:=FindSender ( Sender ); if clickedCB.Name = 'CheckBox16' then for c:=0 to checkboxDescriptors . Count - 1 do begin oneCBDescriptor:=checkboxDescriptors.Items[c]; oneCBDescriptor.State:=cbUnchecked; end else case clickedCBDescriptor.State of cbChecked: clickedCBDescriptor.State:=cbUnchecked; else clickedCBDescriptor.State:=cbChecked; end; associatedDBEdit.DataSource.Edit; associatedDBEdit.Text:=Value; handlingClick:=false; end; function TPersonalityCBCollection.GetValue : string; var c, modulo, resultAsInt: integer; oneCBDescriptor: TCheckboxDescriptor; begin resultAsInt:=0; modulo:=1; for c:=0 to checkboxDescriptors . Count - 2 do begin if c > 0 then modulo:=modulo * 2; oneCBDescriptor:=checkboxDescriptors.Items[c]; if oneCBDescriptor.checkbox.State = cbChecked then resultAsInt:=resultAsInt + modulo; end; result:=IntToStr ( resultAsInt ) end; function TCheckboxCollection.GetValue : string; var c: integer; oneCBDescriptor: TCheckboxDescriptor; begin for c:=0 to checkboxDescriptors . Count - 1 do begin oneCBDescriptor:=checkboxDescriptors.Items[c]; if oneCBDescriptor.checkbox.State = cbChecked then begin if oneCBDescriptor.checkbox.Caption = 'N/A' then result:='0' else result:=oneCBDescriptor.checkbox.Caption; break end end end; procedure TPersonalityCBCollection.SetValue ( NewValue: string ); var c, modulo, pattern: integer; oneCBDescriptor: TCheckboxDescriptor; begin if NewValue = '' then exit; if handlingClick then exit; handlingClick:=true; modulo:=1; pattern:=StrToInt(NewValue); for c:=0 to checkboxDescriptors . Count - 1 do begin if c = 0 then modulo:=1 else modulo:=modulo * 2; oneCBDescriptor:=checkboxDescriptors.Items[c]; if (pattern and modulo) <> 0 then oneCBDescriptor.State:=cbChecked else oneCBDescriptor.State:=cbUnchecked; end; handlingClick:=false; end; procedure TCheckboxCollection.SetValue ( NewValue: string ); var c: integer; oneCBDescriptor: TCheckboxDescriptor; begin if NewValue = '' then exit; if handlingClick then exit; handlingClick:=true; for c:=0 to checkboxDescriptors . Count - 1 do begin oneCBDescriptor:=checkboxDescriptors.Items[c]; oneCBDescriptor.State:=cbUnchecked; end; c:=StrToInt(NewValue); oneCBDescriptor:=checkboxDescriptors.Items[c]; oneCBDescriptor.State:=cbChecked; handlingClick:=false; end; procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin SeverityCBs := TCheckboxCollection . Create ( DBEdit1, [ CheckBoxNA,CheckBox1, CheckBox2, CheckBox3, CheckBox4, CheckBox5, CheckBox6, CheckBox7, CheckBox8 ] ); PersonalityCBs:=TPersonalityCBCollection.Create ( DBEdit2, [ CheckBox9, CheckBox10, CheckBox11, CheckBox12, CheckBox13, CheckBox14, CheckBox15, CheckBox16 ] ); Table1.Open end; procedure TForm1.CheckBoxNAClick(Sender: TObject); begin SeverityCBs.Click(Sender); end; procedure TForm1.DBEdit1Change(Sender: TObject); begin SeverityCBs.SetValue(DBEdit1.Text) end; procedure TForm1.CheckBox9Click(Sender: TObject); begin PersonalityCBs.Click(Sender); end; procedure TForm1.DBEdit2Change(Sender: TObject); begin PersonalityCBs.SetValue(DBEdit2.Text) end; end.