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D1 and printing without quickreport

{ Updated DELPHI.SWG on May 30, 1997 } > Nowadays everyone uses QuickReport. > But is there among You someone who did printouts without QuickReport? > I'd like to do it. But I don't know how to get the default printers > resolution. > The Printer.PageHeight and PageWidth tells me the size size of a page in > pixels, but it could be A4, or Fanfold, or even A3 with a poor resolution. > I'm looking for something like Printer.PixelsPerInch. > Can somebody help me with this? > Thanks in advance. > > Laszlo Kovacs > Budapest, Hungary > > > When I started using Delphi 1, I had a big struggle with ReportSmith and gave it up. I did all my printing with an object called TPrinto. I gave the object some nice methods to ease my printing, The following procedure uses PixelsPerInch. I like to use centimeters so I translated the Inches to cm's. procedure TPrinto.StartDoc; begin pageNo := 0; Printer.Canvas.Font.Name := 'MS SansSerif'; Printer.Canvas.Font.Size := 10; Printer.Canvas.Pen.width := 4; Printer.Canvas.TextOut(0, 0, ''); TextHeight := Abs(Printer.Canvas.Font.Height); LinesPerPage := Printer.PageHeight div (TextHeight + 4); cm := Round(Printer.Canvas.Font.PixelsPerInch / 2.54); LeftMargin := Round(1.5 * cm); CurrentLine := 0; end;