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Delphi 32 version of the Pascal CRT unit. Contributor: FRANK ZIMMER Implementation of Turbo Pascal CRT-Unit for Win32 Console Subsystem _________________ Make file CRT32.inf ________________________________ filename=Crt32 replacements= fileversion=1.0.0127 filedescription=Implementation of Turbo Pascal CRT-Unit for Win32 Console Subsystem target=Delphi 2.0 author name=Frank Zimmer author autor URL= file status=freeware full source= category=Miscellaneous _________________ Make file ________________________________ {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} unit crt32; {# freeware} {# version 1.0.0127} {# Date 18.01.1997} {# Author Frank Zimmer} {# description Copyright © 1997, Frank Zimmer, Version: 1.0.0119 Date: 18.01.1997 an Implementation of Turbo Pascal CRT-Unit for Win32 Console Subsystem testet with Windows NT 4.0 At Startup you get the Focus to the Console!!!! implemention now ( *are not in the original Crt-Unit): Procedure and Function: ClrScr ClrEol WhereX WhereY GotoXY InsLine DelLine HighVideo LowVideo NormVideo TextBackground TextColor Delay // use no processtime KeyPressed ReadKey // use no processtime Sound // with Windows NT your could use the Variables SoundFrequenz, SoundDuration NoSound *TextAttribut // Set TextBackground and TextColor at the same time, usefull for Lastmode *FlushInputBuffer // Flush the Keyboard and all other Events *ConsoleEnd // output of 'Press any key' and wait for key input when not pipe *Pipe // True when the output is redirected to a pipe or a file Variables: WindMin // the min. WindowRect WindMax // the max. WindowRect *ViewMax // the max. ConsoleBuffer start at (1,1); TextAttr // Actual Attributes only by changing with this Routines LastMode // Last Attributes only by changing with this Routines *SoundFrequenz // with Windows NT your could use thise Variables *SoundDuration // how long bells the speaker -1 until ??, default = -1 *HConsoleInput // the Input-handle; *HConsoleOutput // the Output-handle; *HConsoleError // the Error-handle; This Source is freeware, have fun :-) History 23.01.97 Sound, delay, Codepage inserted and setfocus to the console 24.01.97 Redirected status } interface uses windows,messages; {$ifdef win32} const Black = 0; Blue = 1; Green = 2; Cyan = 3; Red = 4; Magenta = 5; Brown = 6; LightGray = 7; DarkGray = 8; LightBlue = 9; LightGreen = 10; LightCyan = 11; LightRed = 12; LightMagenta = 13; Yellow = 14; White = 15; Function WhereX: integer; Function WhereY: integer; procedure ClrEol; procedure ClrScr; procedure InsLine; Procedure DelLine; Procedure GotoXY(const x,y:integer); procedure HighVideo; procedure LowVideo; procedure NormVideo; procedure TextBackground(const Color:word); procedure TextColor(const Color:word); procedure TextAttribut(const Color,Background:word); procedure Delay(const ms:integer); function KeyPressed:boolean; function ReadKey:Char; Procedure Sound; Procedure NoSound; procedure ConsoleEnd; procedure FlushInputBuffer; Function Pipe:boolean; var HConsoleInput:thandle; HConsoleOutput:thandle; HConsoleError:Thandle; WindMin:tcoord; WindMax:tcoord; ViewMax:tcoord; TextAttr : Word; LastMode : Word; SoundFrequenz :Integer; SoundDuration : Integer; {$endif win32} implementation _________________ Make file CRT32.pas ________________________________ {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} unit crt32; {# freeware} {# version 1.0.0127} {# Date 18.01.1997} {# Author Frank Zimmer} {# description Copyright © 1997, Frank Zimmer, Version: 1.0.0119 Date: 18.01.1997 an Implementation of Turbo Pascal CRT-Unit for Win32 Console Subsystem testet with Windows NT 4.0 At Startup you get the Focus to the Console!!!! ( with * are not in the original Crt-Unit): Procedure and Function: ClrScr ClrEol WhereX WhereY GotoXY InsLine DelLine HighVideo LowVideo NormVideo TextBackground TextColor Delay // use no processtime KeyPressed ReadKey // use no processtime Sound // with Windows NT your could use the Variables SoundFrequenz, SoundDuration NoSound *TextAttribut // Set TextBackground and TextColor at the same time, usefull for Lastmode *FlushInputBuffer // Flush the Keyboard and all other Events *ConsoleEnd // output of 'Press any key' and wait for key input when not pipe *Pipe // True when the output is redirected to a pipe or a file Variables: WindMin // the min. WindowRect WindMax // the max. WindowRect *ViewMax // the max. ConsoleBuffer start at (1,1); TextAttr // Actual Attributes only by changing with this Routines LastMode // Last Attributes only by changing with this Routines *SoundFrequenz // with Windows NT your could use these Variables *SoundDuration // how long bells the speaker -1 until ??, default = -1 *HConsoleInput // the Input-handle; *HConsoleOutput // the Output-handle; *HConsoleError // the Error-handle; This Source is freeware, have fun :-) History 18.01.97 the first implementation 23.01.97 Sound, delay, Codepage inserted and setfocus to the console 24.01.97 Redirected status } interface uses windows,messages; {$ifdef win32} const Black = 0; Blue = 1; Green = 2; Cyan = 3; Red = 4; Magenta = 5; Brown = 6; LightGray = 7; DarkGray = 8; LightBlue = 9; LightGreen = 10; LightCyan = 11; LightRed = 12; LightMagenta = 13; Yellow = 14; White = 15; Function WhereX: integer; Function WhereY: integer; procedure ClrEol; procedure ClrScr; procedure InsLine; Procedure DelLine; Procedure GotoXY(const x,y:integer); procedure HighVideo; procedure LowVideo; procedure NormVideo; procedure TextBackground(const Color:word); procedure TextColor(const Color:word); procedure TextAttribut(const Color,Background:word); procedure Delay(const ms:integer); function KeyPressed:boolean; function ReadKey:Char; Procedure Sound; Procedure NoSound; procedure ConsoleEnd; procedure FlushInputBuffer; Function Pipe:boolean; var HConsoleInput:tHandle; HConsoleOutput:thandle; HConsoleError:Thandle; WindMin:tcoord; WindMax:tcoord; ViewMax:tcoord; TextAttr : Word; LastMode : Word; SoundFrequenz :Integer; SoundDuration : Integer; {$endif win32} implementation {$ifdef win32} uses sysutils; var StartAttr:word; OldCP:integer; CrtPipe : Boolean; German : boolean; procedure ClrEol; var tC :tCoord; Len,Nw: integer; Cbi : TConsoleScreenBufferInfo; begin GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(HConsoleOutput,cbi); len := cbi.dwsize.x-cbi.dwcursorposition.x; tc.x := cbi.dwcursorposition.x; tc.y := cbi.dwcursorposition.y; FillConsoleOutputAttribute(HConsoleOutput,textattr,len,tc,nw); FillConsoleOutputCharacter(HConsoleOutput,#32,len,tc,nw); end; procedure ClrScr; var tc :tcoord; nw: integer; cbi : TConsoleScreenBufferInfo; begin getConsoleScreenBufferInfo(HConsoleOutput,cbi); tc.x := 0; tc.y := 0; FillConsoleOutputAttribute(HConsoleOutput,textattr,cbi.dwsize.x*cbi.dwsize.y,tc,nw); FillConsoleOutputCharacter(HConsoleOutput,#32,cbi.dwsize.x*cbi.dwsize.y,tc,nw); setConsoleCursorPosition(hconsoleoutput,tc); end; Function WhereX: integer; var cbi : TConsoleScreenBufferInfo; begin getConsoleScreenBufferInfo(HConsoleOutput,cbi); result := tcoord(cbi.dwCursorPosition).x+1 end; Function WhereY: integer; var cbi : TConsoleScreenBufferInfo; begin getConsoleScreenBufferInfo(HConsoleOutput,cbi); result := tcoord(cbi.dwCursorPosition).y+1 end; Procedure GotoXY(const x,y:integer); var coord :tcoord; begin coord.x := x-1; coord.y := y-1; setConsoleCursorPosition(hconsoleoutput,coord); end; procedure InsLine; var cbi : TConsoleScreenBufferInfo; ssr:tsmallrect; coord :tcoord; ci :tcharinfo; nw:integer; begin getConsoleScreenBufferInfo(HConsoleOutput,cbi); coord := cbi.dwCursorPosition; ssr.left := 0; := coord.y; ssr.right := cbi.srwindow.right; ssr.bottom := cbi.srwindow.bottom; ci.asciichar := #32; ci.attributes := cbi.wattributes; coord.x := 0; coord.y := coord.y+1; ScrollConsoleScreenBuffer(HconsoleOutput,ssr,nil,coord,ci); coord.y := coord.y-1; FillConsoleOutputAttribute(HConsoleOutput,textattr,cbi.dwsize.x*cbi.dwsize.y,coord,nw); end; procedure DelLine; var cbi : TConsoleScreenBufferInfo; ssr:tsmallrect; coord :tcoord; ci :tcharinfo; nw:integer; begin getConsoleScreenBufferInfo(HConsoleOutput,cbi); coord := cbi.dwCursorPosition; ssr.left := 0; := coord.y+1; ssr.right := cbi.srwindow.right; ssr.bottom := cbi.srwindow.bottom; ci.asciichar := #32; ci.attributes := cbi.wattributes; coord.x := 0; coord.y := coord.y; ScrollConsoleScreenBuffer(HconsoleOutput,ssr,nil,coord,ci); FillConsoleOutputAttribute(HConsoleOutput,textattr,cbi.dwsize.x*cbi.dwsize.y,coord,nw); end; procedure TextBackground(const Color:word); begin LastMode := TextAttr; textattr := (color shl 4) or (textattr and $f); SetConsoleTextAttribute(hconsoleoutput,textattr); end; procedure TextColor(const Color:word); begin LastMode := TextAttr; textattr := (color and $f) or (textattr and $f0); SetConsoleTextAttribute(hconsoleoutput,textattr); end; procedure TextAttribut(const Color,Background:word); begin LastMode := TextAttr; textattr := (color and $f) or (Background shl 4); SetConsoleTextAttribute(hconsoleoutput,textattr); end; procedure HighVideo; begin LastMode := TextAttr; textattr := textattr or $8; SetConsoleTextAttribute(hconsoleoutput,textattr); end; procedure LowVideo; begin LastMode := TextAttr; textattr := textattr and $f7; SetConsoleTextAttribute(hconsoleoutput,textattr); end; procedure NormVideo; begin LastMode := TextAttr; textattr := startAttr; SetConsoleTextAttribute(hconsoleoutput,textattr); end; procedure FlushInputBuffer; begin FlushConsoleInputBuffer(hconsoleinput) end; function keypressed:boolean; var NumberOfEvents:integer; begin GetNumberOfConsoleInputEvents(hconsoleinput,NumberOfEvents); result := NumberOfEvents > 0; end; function ReadKey: Char; var NumRead: Integer; InputRec: TInputRecord; begin while not ReadConsoleInput(HConsoleInput, InputRec, 1, NumRead) or (InputRec.EventType <> KEY_EVENT) do; Result := InputRec.KeyEvent.AsciiChar end; procedure delay(const ms:integer); begin sleep(ms); end; Procedure Sound; begin windows.beep(SoundFrequenz,soundduration); end; Procedure NoSound; begin windows.beep(soundfrequenz,0); end; procedure ConsoleEnd; begin if isconsole and not crtpipe then begin if wherex > 1 then writeln; textcolor(green); setfocus(GetCurrentProcess); if german then write('Bitte eine Taste drücken!') else write('Press any key!'); normvideo; FlushInputBuffer; ReadKey; FlushInputBuffer; end; end; function Pipe:boolean; begin result := crtpipe; end; procedure init; var cbi : TConsoleScreenBufferInfo; tc : tcoord; begin SetActiveWindow(0); HConsoleInput := GetStdHandle(STD_InPUT_HANDLE); HConsoleOutput := GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); HConsoleError := GetStdHandle(STD_Error_HANDLE); if getConsoleScreenBufferInfo(HConsoleOutput,cbi) then begin TextAttr := cbi.wAttributes; StartAttr := cbi.wAttributes; lastmode := cbi.wAttributes; tc.x := cbi.srwindow.left+1; tc.y :=; windmin := tc; ViewMax := cbi.dwsize; tc.x := cbi.srwindow.right+1; tc.y := cbi.srwindow.bottom+1; windmax := tc; crtpipe := false; end else crtpipe := true; SoundFrequenz := 1000; SoundDuration := -1; oldCp := GetConsoleoutputCP; SetConsoleoutputCP(1252); german := $07 = (LoWord(GetUserDefaultLangID) and $3ff); end; initialization init; finalization SetConsoleoutputCP(oldcp); {$endif win32} end.