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Creating a control panel applet

> Is anybody have examples on how to create a Control > Panel Applet in Delphi 2.0 ? Borland stuffed up on this one - they didn't bother to port the CPL.H header file to a Delphi unit. But never fear, Johnny's here. :-) I've attached a Cpl.pas unit that is the port and a CplTest project that tests it out. The important thing is the CplApplet function - it must be exported as "CplApplet" since the Control Panel searches for a function with this name. With only minor changes, the entire CplApplet function can be reused for any applet. Depending on what you need to do, you are probably better off NOT using the VCL (Forms, etc) and using the old fashioned Windows dialog box functions, etc. (you can still do this with Delphi). You'll save at least 150K of disk space this way.