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USING THE CREATE AND DESTROY METHODS OF A DIY OBJECT [see second example for OBJECT ORIENTED 'DBHANDLER' IMPLEMENTATION] ****************************************** first example FIRST DECLARE YOUR OBJECT WITH THESE METHODS, LIKE SO, and note that the TBitMap object declared as part of the object here must itself be created in the object's constructor and destroyed in the object's destructor. Note also the 'override' statement in the function header for the Destroy method (which ensures that Delphi will do any other cleanup necessary after we've done our explicit bits of cleaning up) type TCNSVDraw = class(TObject) constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; procedure FillTBitMapDrawArea(thisCanvas: TCanvas; cWidth, cHeight: Integer); procedure DisplayMatrixToScreen(theCanvas: TCanvas); procedure ReDrawWFrameAndGrid(theCanvas: TCanvas; cWidth, cHeight: Integer); private memBitMap: Graphics.TBitMap; public end; constructor TCNSVDraw.Create; begin memBitMap := Graphics.TBitmap.Create; memBitMap.Width := Screen.Width; memBitMap.Height := Screen.Height; end; destructor TCNSVDraw.Destroy; begin memBitMap.Free; end; Note that if we didn't need to free up bitmap resources within our own DIY destructor then we could still say CNSVDraw.Free somewhere WITHOUT having explicitly declared any kind of destructor method as part of our object (so that CNSVDraw.Free would call the DEFAULT destructor). ****************************************** Now, if the object above is declared within it's own unit, then we will probably want to reference (ie use) it from elsewhere, so we can set up a variable to instantiate the object like so type TMainForm = class(TForm) private {private declarations...} public {public declarations...} end; var CNSVDraw : TCNSVDraw; implementation {$R *.DFM} uses DrawUnit; ***var ***we COULD ALSO put the ***CNSVDraw : TCNSVDraw; ***statement [above] here instead so now we can call the object's constructor from the main form's OnCreate, and the object's destructor from the main form's OnDestroy procedure TMainForm.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin CNSVDraw := TCNSVDraw.Create; end; procedure TMainForm.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); begin {as we destroy the EditStyle form, (which is 'autocreated' once at the beginning) so we also call the destructor of the 'Drawing Style' object we have been calling upon to implement drawing functionality since the form was created...} CNSVDraw.Free; end; ****************************************** Final note: Above, it was pointed out that we had the choice of placing the VARIABLE declaration of the object in two different places in the (second) unit that calls our object's method's. A third alternative would be to place the object's VARIABLE declaration just before the implementation keyword in the object's OWN unit... ****************************************** second example ****************************************** OBJECT ORIENTED 'DBHANDLER' IMPLEMENTATION ****************************************** OBJECT ORIENTED 'DBHANDLER' IMPLEMENTATION ****************************************** Complete (whole unit) sourcecode Note the syntax for setting up both table.dataBaseName [directory] [and] table.tableName [filename] unit StyleLog; {Richard Ebbs for Honeywood Business Systems} {this unit is the DATABASE FUNCTIONALITY unit of the 'SideStyle' project, coded outside Fox to produce 'SIDE SECTION STYLE' BITMAP FILES that can then be loaded into a Fox ListView component and thus give the user the power to choose a style for a 'side section' (aka 'panel' in Cons2000). Here we open a prexistent database table (that should reside in the 'BitMaps' directory under the exefile directory) and append a record each time the user saves a bitmap, so building up a log of stylenames against filenames in the table...} interface uses DBTables {for TTable}, Forms {for TApplication}, SysUtils {for ExtractFileDir}, Windows, EditSty; const ssStylesDataBaseName = 'ssStyles.db'; bitmapFileDir = '\BitMaps\'; type TDBHandler = class(TObject) constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; procedure AppendSideSectionStyleRecord(ssStyleName, ssFileName: String); private sssTable: TTable; public end; var DBHandler: TDBHandler; implementation constructor TDBHandler.Create; {open the 'side section styles' database table...} var appName, appPath: String; pathToDBTable: String; tempString: String; tableFileName: String; begin sssTable := TTable.Create(NewStyleForm); {find the current path...} appName := Application.ExeName; appPath := ExtractFileDir(appName); pathToDBTable := appPath + bitmapFileDir; tableFileName := pathToDBTable + ssStylesDatabaseName; sssTable.DatabaseName := pathToDBTable; sssTable.TableName := tableFileName; if FileExists(tableFileName) then begin sssTable.Open; end else begin tempString := 'The program cannot find the required database file ('; tempString := tempString + ssStylesDataBaseName; tempString := tempString + '). Data cannot be saved to the database'; Application.MessageBox(PChar(tempString), ' Unknown File Location', mb_OK); end; end; destructor TDBHandler.Destroy; begin sssTable.Free; end; procedure TDBHandler.AppendSideSectionStyleRecord(ssStyleName, ssFileName: String); {add a new record to the side section styles database table...} begin sssTable.Append; sssTable.FieldByName('STYLENAME').AsString := ssStyleName; sssTable.FieldByName('FILENAME').AsString := ssFileName; sssTable.Post; end; end.