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Create Wait.. panel in design time

Title: Create "Wait.." panel in design time Question: Quick way to create a panel message Answer: // // Miquel Taule // // // Use this code to create and delete a panel with a message // // BOC - Begin of code :) procedure Createpanel(msg : string); begin // This function uses ExtCtrls unit if form1.findcomponent('mypanel') = nil then else form1.findcomponent('mypanel').free; with tpanel.create(form1) do begin name :='mypanel'; caption:=msg; height:=100; width:=300; top:=(form1.height div 2)-(height div 2); left:=(form1.width div 2)-(width div 2); parent:=form1; // Fromname end; end; procedure DeletePanel; begin if form1.findcomponent('mypanel') = nil then else form1.findcomponent('mypanel').free; end; // test the code // Create 2 buttons to test the code // // procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); // begin // Createpanel('Wait...'); // end; // procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); // begin // DeletePanel; // end; // EOC - End of code :) // // Miquel Taule -