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Convert your tcolors to hex strings

In Delphi, color is often represented using the TColor object. In HTML documents, color is usually represented using a 6 character hex string. Following function will convert TColor type color values to "Internet-style" color codes: { Return TColor value in XXXXXX format (X being a hex digit) } function TColorToHex( Color : TColor ) : string; begin Result := { red value } IntToHex( GetRValue( Color ), 2 ) + { green value } IntToHex( GetGValue( Color ), 2 ) + { blue value } IntToHex( GetBValue( Color ), 2 ); end; Listing #1 : Delphi code. Download clr2hex (0.3 KB). Need to convert a hex color string to a TColor variable? Try this: { sColor should be in XXXXXX format (X being a hex digit) } function HexToTColor( sColor : string ) : TColor; begin Result := RGB( { get red value } StrToInt( '$'+Copy( sColor, 1, 2 ) ), { get green value } StrToInt( '$'+Copy( sColor, 3, 2 ) ), { get blue value } StrToInt( '$'+Copy( sColor, 5, 2 ) ) ); end;