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Controlling form maximization

Okay, its late, and I've been playing with Delphi. I just wrote out a simple little program that will allow you to control the size of a form when its maximized. It does this in such a way as to remove the flickering that you see if you've been adjusting the size via the resize event. Basically, this code traps the wm_getminmaxinfo message. To use this style form instead of the Delphi standard, simply compile the following text pascal file into a DCU. In then replace occurences of TForm with TMaxForm and add (if you called the pascal file maxform.pas) maxform to your uses clause. Here now is the short program: unit Maxform; interface uses SysUtils, WinTypes, WinProcs, Messages, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs; type TMaxForm = class(TForm) private { Private declarations } fmh, fmw, fml, fmt : word; procedure mymax(var m: TWMGETMINMAXINFO); message wm_getminmaxinfo; published property maxheight : word read mh write mh; property maxwidth : word read mw write mw; property maxleft : word read ml write ml; property maxtop : word read mt write mt; constructor create(AOwner : TComponent); override; end; implementation procedure TMaxForm.mymax(var m : TWMGETMINMAXINFO); begin m.minmaxinfo^.ptmaxsize.x := fmw; m.minmaxinfo^.ptmaxsize.y := fmh; m.minmaxinfo^.ptmaxposition.x := fml; m.minmaxinfo^.ptmaxposition.y := fmt; end; constructor TMaxForm.create(Aowner : TComponent); begin fmw := screen.width; fmh := screen.height; fmt := 0; fml := 0; inherited create(aowner); end; end.