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Config (and other specific) code for Windows NT and Windows 2000 ************************************************************************************** [from Dalldorf, Troy []] [and given to] We do something similar in our application (perhaps an overkill for what you need to do), but here it is: We have a MODULES table in the database which has MODULE_ID, PARENT_ID, CLASS_NAME. CLASS_NAME is the name of a Delphi WinControl (any descendant which implements our IdoVisualModule interface). The interface implements several methods such as: SetConnection GetModule : TWinControl (to be able to set the parent etc.) Activate Initialize GetCaption etc. Then, we load a tree view from the MODULES table, which then creates all CLASSES using: Instance := TComponentClass(FindClass(CLASS_NAME)).Create(nil); If this Instance supports our interface we can perform certain functions without knowing what it does exactly. The user can click on any node in the tree view and the module appears on the right, we can easily change the order of these modules, remove some, just by changing the database. If you need more details, let me know. HTH, Troy ************************************************************************************** >As an example of a privIege: >If you want to shutdown windows you call >ExitWindowsEx(EWX_SHUTDOWN,0); Although this works fine on >Win9x under NT it would fail, However by getting the >SeShutdownPrivilege and then calling ExitWindowsEx >everything works fine. (Unless the computer has be locked up >by the Admin to prevent this.) > >So, somehow I must be able to write to this registry key, >even if only from an Admin account. > ie something like this procedure TfrmTimeSync.SetDateTime(dDateTime: TDateTime); var dSysTime: TSystemTime; tmp, buffer: DWord; tkp, tpko: TTokenPrivileges; hToken: THandle; begin if LMDSIWindowsNT then begin if not OpenProcessToken(GetCurrentProcess(), TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES or TOKEN_QUERY, hToken) then exit; LookupPrivilegeValue(nil, 'SE_SYSTEMTIME_NAME', tkp.Privileges[0].Luid); tkp.PrivilegeCount := 1; tkp.Privileges[0].Attributes := SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED; if not AdjustTokenPrivileges(hToken, FALSE, tkp, sizeof(tkp), tpko, buffer) then exit; end; DateTimeToSystemTime(dDateTime, dSysTime); SetLocalTime(dSysTime); end; -- Kerry Neighbour, on 06/11/2000 ICQ #93143774 *************************************************************************** apparently, both of these sites have good info on this kind of stuff: > > also if you want to know more about registry in general, try *************************************************************************** WINDOWS VERSION/PLATFORM ID/SERVICE PACK NUMBER with the following code: var Info: TOSVersionInfo; begin FillChar(Info, SizeOf(Info), 0); Info.dwOSVersionInfoSize := SizeOf(Info); if GetVersionEx(Info) then ShowMessage('Version: ' + IntToStr(Info.dwMajorVersion) + '.' + IntToStr(Info.dwMinorVersion) + '.' + IntToStr(Info.dwBuildNumber) + ' PlatformId: ' + IntToStr(Info.dwPlatformId) + ' ' + Info.szCSDVersion) else ShowMessage('Error'); end; I get the string: 'Version: 2.0.2195 PlatformId: 2 Service Pack 1' (I have a service Pack 1) regards *************************************************************************** re location settings Metric := GetLocaleStr(LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT, LOCALE_IMEASURE, '') = '0'; Look up Source\Rtl\Win\Windows.pas for a whole stack of LOCALE_nnn consts. >How do we find out which country is set in the regional settings, of more >precisely the setting of the Measure System option (ie is it >Metric/U.S./etc) HTH Ray *************************************************************************** GET WINDOWS SYSTEM RESOURCES INFO (* This program must be compiled using 16 bit Delphi 1 to use the equivalent of GetFreeResources in the 16 bit Toolhelp library. This is the routine SystemHeapInfo. ToolHelp.dll is usually on the Windows\System directory in Windows 9x/ME systems by default. The ToolHelp routines are documented in the MSDN Library. Interfacing this program to a 32 bit application might be simply accomplished by writing the result to a temporary file and reading it back in the 32 bit program which spawns Getres.exe with a CreateProcess or a ShellExecute or even a WinExec call. In a practical application, the WinCrt unit should be omitted along with the writes and reads to the screen and a file assigned, written to, then closed. If the program is run under Windows NT or Windows 2000, it always returns 90% for User and GDI resources. Hence, the 32 bit program which spawns it should test for the current OS using a global variable for general use and setting it perhaps as follows: In a globally accessible unit: type OsVersionType = (Unknown, Win32s, WinNT3, WinNT4, WinNT5, Win95, Win98, WinME); var OsVersion: OsVersionType; Anywhere where resources need to be known. e.g. in FormShow: procedure TMainForm.FormShow(Sender: TObject); var Handle: Thandle; OS: TOsVersionInfo; DiagText: string; NotFound :Boolean; begin NotFound := False; OS.dwOSVersionInfoSize := SizeOf(TOSVersionInfo); if GetVersionEx(OS) then case OS.dwPlatformId of VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT: case OS.dwMajorVersion of 3: begin OsVersion := WinNT3; DiagText := ' WinNT 3'; end; 4: begin OsVersion := WinNT4; DiagText := ' WinNT 4'; end; 5: begin OsVersion := WinNT5; DiagText := ' WinNT 5'; end; end; VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS: if OS.dwMajorVersion = 4 then case OS.dwMinorVersion of 0..9: begin OsVersion := Win95; DiagText := ' Win95'; end; 10..89: begin OsVersion := Win98; DiagText := ' Win98'; end; 90..99: begin OsVersion := WinME; DiagText := ' WinME'; end; end; VER_PLATFORM_WIN32s: begin OsVersion := Win32s; DiagText := ' Win32s; end; Else NotFound := True; end else NotFound := True; If Not NotFound Then begin ShowMessage('dwMajorVersion ' + IntToStr(OS.dwMajorVersion) +' dwMinorVersion ' + IntToStr(OS.dwMinorVersion) + ' dwPlatformId ' + InttoStr(OS.dwPlatformId) + DiagText); If (OSVersion in [Win32s, Win95, Win98, WinME]) then WinExec('','getres.exe'); {do something here with the results} end; End; *) program GetRes; uses WinProcs, WinTypes, WinCrt; type TSHI = record dwSize: LongInt; wUserFreePercent: Integer; wGDIFreePercent: Integer; hUserSegment: Integer; hGDISegment: Integer end; TSysHeapInfo = procedure(var SHI : TSHI); var Handle: Thandle; ISysHeapInfo : TSysHeapInfo; SHI : TSHI; begin SHI.dwSize := SizeOf(TSHI); Handle := LoadLibrary('TOOLHELP.DLL'); if (Handle <> 0) then begin @ISysHeapInfo := GetProcAddress(Handle, 'SYSTEMHEAPINFO'); if (@ISysHeapInfo <> nil) then begin ISysHeapInfo(SHI); With SHI do Write('User % ', wUserFreePercent, ' GDI % ', wGDIFreePercent, ' UserSegment ', hUserSegment, ' GDISegment ', hGDISegment); end else Write('SystemHeapInfo not found'); FreeLibrary(Handle); end else Write('ToolHelp not found'); ReadLn; DoneWinCrt; end. *************************************************************************** > There are any way to know the name of the server a user Logon? In your login batch file, you can use the variable %username% which will be filled with the users login name. You can use that to launch your own program in the batch file... Todd Lang *************************************************************************** CUSTOMISE THE SYTEM MENU: procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var hSysMenu : HMENU; iCount : integer; begin hSysMenu := GetSystemMenu(Handle, False); iCount := GetMenuItemCount(hSysMenu); ShowMessage(IntToStr(iCount)); { delete the Size system menu item } DeleteMenu(hSysMenu, 2, MF_BYPOSITION); iCount := GetMenuItemCount(hSysMenu); ShowMessage(IntToStr(iCount)); end; Regards Theo ALSO (RE CUSTOMISE THE SYTEM MENU) There is a component on DSP called TSysCmd or TSysCommand (not exactly sure), it works very well and is freeware I believe. ******************************************************************************** WIN2K STARTUP On Thu, 23 Nov 2000, Robert Meek wrote: > HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run > > When the OS boots up, this will cause the application to start > automatically, just as if a shortcut had been added to the "Startup" folder. I don't think the two are _exactly_ the same. Holding down the Shift key suppresses the Startup folder's items from running. I'm not sure the registry's items can be disabled like that. This difference (if there really is one) shouldn't be an issue for your INI-access problems, though. > The value used in the Registry entry is exactly the same as in the > command-line or shortcut method...the full path and exe name with one > parameter added: "\A". Before you go any further, try using a different parameter. The usual parameter indicators are slashes (/) and dashes (-), not backslashes (\). Backslash is a file name separator. In fact, the registry might be getting confused since backslash is also an escape character in C. > But on my laptop, when I browse to the exe file, it places the same > entry on the command-line, but with the addition of placing it in quotes > because on my laptop the path to the exe includes being under the "Program > Files" sub-directory. This shouldn't cause a problem one would think, but > although it will run from there left untouched, as soon as I add the > parameter, ( YES, inside the quotes! ), or do so and delete the quotes, I > get an error that the path is incorrect in the latter case, and that the exe > cannot be found in the former! Put quotation marks around a file name. Do not put them around the entire command. The OS treats everything between quotation marks as a single element. If you put your command-line argument inside the single set of quotation marks, then it tries to run the A program in the next subdirectory, which of course doesn't exist. If you leave off quotation marks altogether, then the OS stops at the first space and treats everything thereafter as command-line arguments. Put the command-line arguments _outside_ the quotation marks. > it makes it much more complicated because using the Registry, you cannot > get a default value return if an entry doesn't exist. You instead get > an exception! This means I must write all the entries up front with > dummy values, but if there's no other way?? See the KeyExists and ValueExists functions of TRegistry. Also see the CanCreate parameter of the OpenKey function. They all let you control how you read registry values. If a key or value does not exist, assign a default value instead of the one you would have read from the registry. > Also, how does one go about running a program with parameters from a > command-line when the line must be in quotes? Is this possible? Realize what the quotation marks are for: grouping pieces that the OS would normally separate. When you NEED to have a space (as when separating parameters), simply don't quote it. --Rob ************************************************************************************* Rob Kennedy schrieb: > On Tue, 28 Nov 2000, Robert Meek wrote: > > > Well that leads to a question...How do I tell what account a program >> is running under? > > Try something like this: > var > pUserame: PChar; > n: Cardinal; > begin > n := 50; > pUsername := StrAlloc(n); > WNetGetUser(nil, pUsername, n); > MessageBox(0, 'User name', pUsername, 0); > StrDispose(pUsername); > end; > > --Rob > ------------------------------------- Stefan Schwarz Dipl.-Chem. Tel. +49 (0) 711 970-1780 eMail: **************************************************************************************** > Finally, as I no longer have a Win98 or WinNT machine to test on, could > someone please offer some well tested code for causing these two OS's to > shut-down via code? I don't want them to reboot...just shut-down. > Thanx kindly! Robert, Here is a small app I wrote (to be called by a third party program) that when executed will shutdown the OS, NO warning! This will work correctly on NT as it gets the required privilege! Regards, Anthony Richardson *************** Start of ShutDown.DPR *************** program ShutDown; uses Forms, Windows, Dialogs, Priv in 'Priv.pas'; {$R *.RES} const SE_SHUTDOWN_NAME = 'SeShutdownPrivilege'; begin Application.Initialize; Application.Run; if SetPrivilege(SE_SHUTDOWN_NAME, True) then ExitWindowsEx(EWX_SHUTDOWN,0) else MessageDlg('Failed to set privilege', mtError, [mbOK],0); end. *************** Start of Priv.pas *************** unit Priv; interface uses Windows; function SetPrivilege(sPrivilegeName : string; bEnabled : boolean ): Boolean; implementation function SetPrivilege(sPrivilegeName : string; bEnabled : boolean ): boolean; var TPPrev, TP : TTokenPrivileges; Token : THandle; dwRetLen : DWord; WinVersion : TOSVersionInfo; begin Result := False; { These API calls only work on a WIndows NT machine, return true automatically if running on Windows 95/98 } WinVersion.dwOSVersionInfoSize := SizeOf(OSVERSIONINFO); if GetVersionEx(WinVersion) then begin if WinVersion.dwPlatformId = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT then begin if OpenProcessToken(GetCurrentProcess,TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES or TOKEN_QUERY, Token) then begin TP.PrivilegeCount := 1; if(LookupPrivilegeValue(Nil, PChar(sPrivilegeName), TP.Privileges[ 0 ].LUID))then begin if( bEnabled )then begin TP.Privileges[ 0 ].Attributes := SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED; end else begin TP.Privileges[ 0 ].Attributes := 0; end; dwRetLen := 0; Result := AdjustTokenPrivileges(Token, False, TP, SizeOf( TPPrev ), TPPrev, dwRetLen ); end; CloseHandle(Token); end; end else result := True; end; end; end. **************************************************************************************** > Two final glitches since moving to Win2k are still troubling me: First, > can someone please tell me how to insure a form has focus? Try following API functions: - SetForegroundWindow - BringWindowToTop **************************************************************************************** >I would like to have a function to find the 'windows'-temp >directory without >the directory-exists check. Is this possible ? See the WinAPI function GetTempPath... **************************************************************************************** RE: Config, OS shutdown, and making forms active > Hi Mark, > I don't remember seeing it here, but then I'm so > confused most of the time > that it wouldn't surprise me that I missed it! If you get > your hands on it, > I'd definitely appreciate seeing it. Thanx in advance! hi robert... no prob.. sorry about the wait on this. we got the comp to work on both a Win95 and NT 4 Workstation w/SP 5. one of the guys is going to test it on a win98 box this week-end. i'll let you know what he finds out. read the comments for the source. please note that we could NOT get the two machines we tested this on to EWX_POWEROFF. we're not sure if it's a hardware thing or what. enjoy mark the full source code for the comp follows. ============================================ (* this code is the property of Mark Meyer and LOGS Financial Services Inc., Northbrook, Illinois Copyright December 1, 2000. this code is contributed to the Delphi developer community. it is submitted for public use "as is" and is meant to provide a basis on which others can learn and build. if this code and component is of any benefit to you - please "keep the wheel turning" by helping others when and where you can in the programming community. if you have any questions please contact me. thx mark meyer wk: hm: TShutDownEX is a small component written and tested in Delphi 5.0 under NT4 w/SP5. it's purpose in life is to demonstrate how the Win32 API's InitiateSystemShutDown and ExitWindowsEx can be encapsulated in a Delphi component. i have done "some" testing in win95. i have yet to test this under win98 or Win2K - i have attempted to make this work under win95 and win98 by using the GetVersion API - see DoShutDown method TShutDownEX is easy to use. just place it on a form and and fire it like so: procedure TForm1.button1click(Sender: TObject); begin with shutdownex1 do begin shutdown; end;{with} end; if you choose to use the InitiateSystemShutdown API (invoked by way of the UseISS property) then you can do something like this: procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin with shutdownex1 do begin UseISS := true; machinename := 'machine name here'; shutdown; end;{with} end; if you want to abort the shutdown (AND you are using the UseISS property ie you are on Win2K or NT) you can do something like this: procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); begin with shutdownex1 do begin abortshutdown( "machine name here" ); end;{with} end; ok - now the big question - ???? why did you bother to use InitiateSystemShutDown when you could have done everything with ExitWindowsEX ? good question! - the nice thing about using ISS - is that it allows you to: 1) display a warning message 2) set a "timeout" value you can also abort the shutdown process after calling ISS: for more info see: i thought these were nice features so i tried to include both API's (ISS and EWX) into a single comp. OTOH - ExitWindowsEX works on everything - according to the MSDN ok - what about version detection - ????? good question! - the MSDN says that ISS does NOT work in Win98 and Win95. so if we are going to let the user pick with api they are going to call - we need to "bullet-proof" the comp "a little" so that it does not try to call the wrong API if it's not supported. you can do this with either: GetVersion() GetVersionEX() or VerifyVersionInfo() all of the info on these API's is located at just do a search on the API you want to know about. notes: the following features come into play when you have the UseISS property set to true: // use a Win32 API or just leave this set to blank for the current machine MachineName : string read GetMachineName write SetMachineName; // what you want to show on the monitor while the shutdown process is commencing DisplayMessage : string read GetDisplayMessage write SetDisplayMessage; // how many seconds until the shut down process is invoked TimeOut : DWORD read GetTimeOut write SetTimeOut default 10; // do you want to force all open apss closed before shutdown ? ForceAppsClosed : boolean read FForceAppsClosed write FForceAppsClosed default true; // do you want to reboot the machine ? RebootAfterShutDown : boolean read FRebootAfterShutDown write FRebootAfterShutDown default true; // this does the dirty work - see example above ShutDown; // used to abort the shut down process - see example above AbortShutDown(value : string); if you DO NOT have the UseISS property set to true then you are essetially telling the comp that you want to call the EWX API. btw: if you don't have an OS on your box that supports ISS - the comp will call EWX for you. the following properties come into play when you have the UseISS property set to false OR your OS does not support ISS. property ShutDownOptions: TShutDownOption read FShutDownOption write SetShutDownOption default ewxSHUTDOWN; one last thing: you can use this comp to get OS version info for yourself. please see the following properties. they are all set upon comp creation: property MajorVersion : DWORD read FMajorVersion; property MinorVersion : DWORD read FMinorVersion; property BuildNumber : DWORD read FBuildNumber; property PlatformID : DWORD read FPlatformID; property CSDVersion : string read FCSDVersion; if you want more info on these - see the MSDN: this is for GetVersionEX and this is for OSVERSIONINFO struct and this is for OSVERSIONINFOEX struct please note that you will have to implement this youself - it is NOT defined in the Windows.pas file *) unit ShutDownEX; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, winsvc; type ENOVersionInfoAvailable = class(exception); // security options TShutDownOption = (ewxLOGOFF,ewxPOWEROFF,ewxREBOOT,ewxSHUTDOWN,ewxFORCE,ewxFORCEIFHUNG); TShutDownOptions = set of TShutDownOption; TShutDownEX = class(TComponent) private { Private declarations } // used specifically when call the InitiateSystemShutDown Win32 API // see the MSDN for more info FMachineName : string; FDisplayMessage : string; FTimeOut : DWORD; FForceAppsClosed : boolean; FRebootAfterShutDown : boolean; FShutDownOption : TShutDownOption; // this switch is used to tell the comp whether // is should "attempt" to call the IntiateSystemShutDown API // if the OS does not support it - the comp will // call ExitWindowsEX FUseISS : boolean; // used for version determination in GetVersionInformation FMajorVersion : DWORD; FMinorVersion : DWORD; FBuildNumber : DWORD; FPlatformID : DWORD; FCSDVersion : string; // used for version determination in GetVersionInformation function GetMachineName : string; function GetDisplayMessage : string; function GetTimeOut : DWORD; function GetShutDownPriv : boolean; function GetVersionInformation : boolean; procedure SetMachineName (value : string); procedure SetDisplayMessage(value : string); procedure SetTimeOut (value : DWORD); procedure SetShutDownOption(value : TShutDownOption); procedure DoShutDown; procedure DoExitWindowsEX; protected { Protected declarations } public { Public declarations } constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; procedure AbortShutDown(value : string); procedure ShutDown; property MajorVersion : DWORD read FMajorVersion; property MinorVersion : DWORD read FMinorVersion; property BuildNumber : DWORD read FBuildNumber; property PlatformID : DWORD read FPlatformID; property CSDVersion : string read FCSDVersion; published { Published declarations } property MachineName : string read GetMachineName write SetMachineName; property DisplayMessage : string read GetDisplayMessage write SetDisplayMessage; property TimeOut : DWORD read GetTimeOut write SetTimeOut default 10; property ForceAppsClosed : boolean read FForceAppsClosed write FForceAppsClosed default true; property RebootAfterShutDown : boolean read FRebootAfterShutDown write FRebootAfterShutDown default true; property UseISS : boolean read FUseISS write FUseISS default false; property ShutDownOptions: TShutDownOption read FShutDownOption write SetShutDownOption default ewxSHUTDOWN; end; procedure Register; implementation const SE_SHUTDOWN_NAME = 'SeShutdownPrivilege'; constructor TShutDownEX.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); // we call this twice - once upon comp creation // for courtesy mostly and just before we attempt to // shutdown the machine. // let the user know if we cannot get the info if not(GetVersionInformation) then raise ENOVersionInfoAvailable.create('Could not Get OS Version info'); end; destructor TShutDownEX.Destroy; begin inherited destroy; end; // ===================== Start of functions ======================== function TShutDownEX.GetMachineName : string; begin result := FMachineName; end; function TShutDownEX.GetDisplayMessage : string; begin result := FDisplayMessage; end; function TShutDownEX.GetTimeOut : DWORD; begin result := FTimeOut; end; function TShutDownEX.GetShutDownPriv : boolean; var htoken : thandle; tkp : ttokenprivileges; p : ttokenprivileges; retlen : dword; reply : dword; begin result := false; if openprocesstoken(getcurrentprocess, TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES OR TOKEN_QUERY, htoken) then begin if lookupprivilegevalue(nil,SE_SHUTDOWN_NAME,tkp.privileges[0].luid) then begin tkp.privilegecount := 1; tkp.Privileges[0].attributes := se_privilege_enabled; adjusttokenprivileges(htoken,false,tkp,sizeof(tkp),p,retlen); reply := getlasterror; if reply = error_success then begin result := true; end;{if} end;{if} end;{if} end; function TShutDownEX.GetVersionInformation : boolean; var osvi : TOSVersionInfo; begin result := false; osvi.dwOSVersionInfoSize := sizeof(TOSVersionInfo); if (GetVersionEX(osvi)) then begin FMajorVersion := osvi.dwMajorVersion; FMinorVersion := osvi.dwMinorVersion; FBuildNumber := osvi.dwBuildNumber; FPlatformID := osvi.dwPlatformId; FCSDVersion := osvi.szCSDVersion; result := true; end;{if} end; // ===================== End of functions ======================== // ===================== Start of Procedures ======================== procedure TShutDownEX.SetShutDownOption(value: TShutDownOption); begin if (FShutDownOption <> value) then begin FShutDownOption := value; end;{if} end; procedure TShutDownEX.SetMachineName (value : string); begin if (value <> FMachineName) then begin FMachineName := value; end; end; procedure TShutDownEX.SetDisplayMessage(value : string); begin if (value <> FDisplayMessage) then begin FDisplayMessage := value; end; end; procedure TShutDownEX.SetTimeOut (value : DWORD); begin if (value <> FTimeOut) then begin FTimeOut := value; end; end; procedure TShutDownEX.DoShutDown; begin // check for Windows OS if not (GetVersionInformation) then raise ENOVersionInfoAvailable.create('Could not Get OS Version info'); // see if this is a Win95 or 98 box if (PlatformID = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS) then begin // ok this is either a Win95 or 98 - so you CANNOT use // InitiateSystemShutdown API - we will not even look at the UseISS property DoExitWindowsEX; end{if} else begin // ok this is either a WINNT or WIN2K box - so go from there // user has a choice on whether they want to use the // InitiateSystemShutdown API or the ExitWindowsEX API // first things first - see if they have the privs to do this if (GetShutDownPriv) then begin // check to see if they want to use ExitWindowsEX or InitiateSystemShutDown if (UseISS) then begin initiatesystemshutdown(pchar(FMachineName),pchar(FDisplayMessage),FTimeOut,F ForceAppsClosed,FRebootAfterShutDown); end{if} else begin // ok - user must want to use ExitWindowsEX API DoExitWindowsEX; end;{else} end{if} else begin // sorry - you cannot get do this messagedlg('you do not have sufficient right to to execute InitiateSystemShutDown()',mterror,[mbok],0); end; end;{else} end; procedure TShutDownEX.DoExitWindowsEX; var uFlags :UINT; begin uFlags := NULL; // build the options if (ewxLOGOFF = FShutDownOption) then uFlags := EWX_LOGOFF else if (ewxPOWEROFF = FShutDownOption) then uFlags := EWX_POWEROFF else if (ewxREBOOT = FShutDownOption) then uFlags := EWX_REBOOT else if (ewxSHUTDOWN = FShutDownOption) then uFlags := EWX_SHUTDOWN else if (ewxFORCE = FShutDownOption) then uFlags := EWX_FORCE else if (ewxFORCEIFHUNG = FShutDownOption) then uFlags := EWX_FORCEIFHUNG else uFlags := EWX_SHUTDOWN; ExitWindowsEX(uFlags,DWORD(0)); end; procedure TShutDownEX.AbortShutDown(value : string); begin abortsystemshutdown(pchar(FMachineName)); end; procedure TShutDownEX.ShutDown; begin DoShutDown; end; procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents('Samples', [TShutDownEX]); end; end. _______________________________________________ Delphi mailing list -> **************************************************************************************** WINDOWS DIRECTORY Try var WindowsDir: String; begin WindowsDir := GetEnvironmentString('windir'); end; This is defined in WinUtils and will retrieve all the Windows environment variable values for you. You can use the direct API call GetEnvironmentVariable instead which is something like GetEnvironmentVariable('windir', envVar, SizeOf(envVar)) where envVar would be defined as array[0..MAXPATH] of Char. You can also use this to get the full Path variable, Comspec, which is the command line processor i.e. cmd.exe and TmpDir the windows temp directory. **************************************************************************************** W2K reverses the bytes of the disk serial number with GetVolumeInformation(). **************************************************************************************** source code follows for TNTServiceList (* this code is the property of Mark Meyer and LOGS Financial Service Inc., Northbrook, Illinois Copyright October 2000. this code is contributed to the Delphi developer community. it is submitted for public use "as is" and is meant to provide a basis on which others can learn and build. i originally found this code out on the Borland Win32 newsgroup written for D3 and rewrote it as a component using D5. if this code and component is of any benefit to you - please "keep the wheel turning" by helping others when and where you can in the programming community. if you have any questions please contact me. thx mark meyer wk: hm: *) unit NTServiceList; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, WinSvc; type PMyServices =^TMyServices; TMyServices = array[0..255] of TEnumServiceStatus; type TNTServiceList = class(TComponent) private { Private declarations } FServiceList : TStringlist; FServer : string; FSCManagerHandle : HWND; function Display_status(status_code:DWORD):string; function GetEnumPriv : boolean; function GetServer : string; function GetServiceList : tstringlist; procedure SetServer (value : string); procedure DoServiceList; protected { Protected declarations } public { Public declarations } constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; published { Published declarations } property Server : string read GetServer write SetServer; property ServiceList : tstringlist read GetServiceList; end; procedure Register; const SERVICE_WIN32_OWN_PROCESS = $00000010; SERVICE_WIN32_SHARE_PROCESS = $00000020; SERVICE_WIN32 = (SERVICE_WIN32_OWN_PROCESS or SERVICE_WIN32_SHARE_PROCESS); SERVICE_ACTIVE = 1; SERVICE_INACTIVE = 2; SERVICE_STATE_ALL = SERVICE_ACTIVE + SERVICE_INACTIVE; implementation constructor TNTServiceList.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); FServiceList := tstringlist.Create; // DoServiceList; end; destructor TNTServiceList.Destroy; begin FServiceList.destroy; inherited destroy; end; function TNTServiceList.GetServiceList : TStringlist; begin DoServiceList; result := FServiceList; end; procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents('Samples', [TNTServiceList]); end; function TNTServiceList.GetServer : string; begin result := FServer; end; procedure TNTServiceList.SetServer(value : string); begin if (value <> FServer) then FServer := value; end; function TNTServiceList.GetEnumPriv : boolean; var htoken : thandle; tkp : ttokenprivileges; p : ttokenprivileges; retlen : dword; reply : dword; begin result := false; if openprocesstoken(getcurrentprocess, TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES OR TOKEN_QUERY, htoken) then begin if lookupprivilegevalue(nil,'seshutdownprivilege',tkp.privileges[0].luid) then begin tkp.privilegecount := 1; tkp.Privileges[0].attributes := SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED; adjusttokenprivileges(htoken,false,tkp,sizeof(tkp),p,retlen); reply := getlasterror; if reply = error_success then begin result := true; end;{if} end;{if} end;{if} end; procedure TNTServiceList.DoServiceList; var ResumeHandle: DWORD; Buff : Integer; BytesNeeded : DWORD; NumberOfServices : DWORD; x :Integer; MyPointer: PMyServices; Re: Boolean; displayname : string; currentstate : DWORD; display_currentstate : string; servicename : string; servername : string; begin screen.cursor:=crHourglass; new(MyPointer); try FSCManagerHandle :=0; ResumeHandle:=0; Buff:=4048; Bytesneeded:=0; Numberofservices:=0; if (getenumpriv) then begin FSCManagerHandle := openscmanager(pchar(FServer),nil,SC_MANAGER_ALL_ACCESS); end{if} else begin exit; end; if FSCManagerHandle <> 0 then re:=EnumServicesStatus(FSCManagerHandle, SERVICE_WIN32, SERVICE_STATE_ALL, MyPointer^[0], Buff, Bytesneeded, NumberOfServices, ResumeHandle); FServiceList.clear; for x := 0 to NumberofServices - 1 do begin displayname := StrPas(MyPointer^[x].lpDisplayName); servicename := strpas(mypointer^[x].lpservicename); currentstate := mypointer^[x].servicestatus.dwcurrentstate; display_currentstate := display_status(currentstate); FServiceList.Add(servicename + ' : ' + display_status(currentstate)); end;{for} finally{try-finally} dispose(MyPointer); end; screen.cursor:=crDefault; end; function TNTServiceList.Display_status(status_code:DWORD):string; var temp : string; begin case status_code of SERVICE_STOPPED : temp := 'STOPPED'; SERVICE_START_PENDING : temp := 'START_PENDING'; SERVICE_STOP_PENDING : temp := 'STOP_PENDING'; SERVICE_RUNNING : temp := 'RUNNING'; SERVICE_CONTINUE_PENDING : temp := 'CONTINUE_PENDING'; SERVICE_PAUSE_PENDING : temp := 'PAUSE_PENDING'; SERVICE_PAUSED : temp := 'PAUSED'; end;{case} result := temp; end; end. **************************************************************************************** [more DISK SERIAL NUMBER code] This is what I use: function GetOSInformation: String; begin Result := ''; case Win32Platform of 0: Result := '32s'; 1: begin if Win32MinorVersion > 89 then Result := 'ME' else if Win32MinorVersion > 9 then begin Result := '98'; if Win32BuildNumber = 2222 then Result := Result + ' SE'; end else Result := '95'; end; 2: begin if Win32MajorVersion = 5 then begin if Win32BuildNumber >= 2195 then Result := '2000' else Result := '2000 RC/Beta'; end else Result := 'NT'; end; else Result := UNKNOWNTEXT; end; Result := 'Windows ' + Result + ' ' + IntToStr(Win32MajorVersion) + '.' + IntToStr(Win32MinorVersion) + '.' + IntToStr(Win32BuildNumber); end; ----- Original Message ----- From: "Raymond Kennington" <> To: <> Sent: Wednesday, December 13, 2000 20:04 Subject: Why does W2k reverses the order of the disk serial number? > How can I write code with D4 on NT4 to determine if the operating system that the code is > running on is W2k? > > This is needed because W2K reverses the bytes of the disk serial number with > GetVolumeInformation(). > > Raymond. **************************************************************************************** function Get_DiskSerialNo(DriveID : string) : string; var VolumeSerialNumber : DWORD; MaximumComponentLength : DWORD; FileSystemFlags : DWORD; begin Get_DiskSerialNo := ''; try GetVolumeInformation(PChar(DriveID ), nil, 0, @VolumeSerialNumber, MaximumComponentLength, FileSystemFlags, nil, 0); Get_DiskSerialNo := IntToHex(HiWord(VolumeSerialNumber), 4)+IntToHex(LoWord(VolumeSerialNumber), 4) except end; end; **************************************************************************************** REGISTRY ACCESS Preface your calls to HKLM with rg.Access := KEY_ALL_ACCESS; //for W2K and HKLM **************************************************************************************** > > Can someone comment on using TRegistry to write to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE? I > > have been doing experiments with D5 today and it appears that if you do not > > have at least Power User permissions under NT or Win2000, you are not > > allowed to write to that root key. > > That is correct, Windows NT/2K is very picky about who can and can't write to > any part of the registry except HKEY_CURRENT_USER. > > I looked for a way around this earlier, but got nowhere. Good Luck, I would be > interested in the solution if you can find one. That is not correct, there is (of course) a way around it. I was once working with a programme, which should install itself on such a machine. The only problem I still have is that I cannot read from the registry, but I can still delete entries from the registry! The trick is to create a *.reg file and execute it! DO NOTE that winNT will ask whether the user wants to add this to the registry, therefore the user must answer yes. I do not delete the file in here, but at any time during startup (I save the name in the inifile, and delete it if present) The code goes as follows below. Best rgds Sonnich try {try to install directly} MyReg.WriteString('PolinfoNewsreader', TempStr); except {if failed to write to the registry (due to system rights), then create a registry file and run it. In that case the registry can be reached even when there is not rights! Deleting from the registry is possible at all times!} {create filename} GetTempPath(80, TPath); TempStr2 := StrPas(TPath); if TempStr2[Length(TempStr2)] = '\' then TempStr2 := Copy(TempStr2, 1, Length(TempStr2) - 1); TempStr2 := TempStr2 + '\instpol.reg'; {create file} AssignFile(fReg, TempStr2); Rewrite(fReg); WriteLn(fReg, 'REGEDIT4'); WriteLn(fReg, '[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run]'); {replace all backslashes with doubles (.REG format) } TempStr2 := ''; for i := 1 to Length(TempStr) do if TempStr[i] = '\' then TempStr2 := TempStr2 + '\\' else TempStr2 := TempStr2 + TempStr[i]; WriteLn(fReg, '"PolinfoNewsreader"="' + TempStr2 + '"'); CloseFile(fReg); {execute the REG file} ShellExecute(Self.Handle, 'open', TPath, nil, nil, SW_NORMAL); end; **************************************************************************************** Use SetFileAttributes (Win32API) SetFileAttributes(PChar('SomeFile.txt'), FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL); **************************************************************************************** WIN2K USER NAMES... ------------------------------------------------------------ >Does anyone know how I can get, using Delphi 5, > the user who is logged on to Windows NT? function NetGetUser : String; var nLength : DWORD; begin nLength := 128; SetLength(Result, nLength); WNetGetUser(nil, @Result[1], nLength); SetLength(Result, StrLen(@Result[1])); end; -- ----------------------------------------- Hi- the function you need is GetUserName. An excerpt from MSDN: GetUserName The GetUserName function retrieves the user name of the current thread. This is the name of the user currently logged onto the system. BOOL GetUserName( LPTSTR lpBuffer, // address of name buffer LPDWORD nSize // address of size of name buffer ); Because this involves the usual API annoyance of allocating buffers, testing to see if the buffer is large enough, etc etc, I wrote a wrapper fn: function GetUserNameStr(): String; // this function gets the NT UserName of the user owning the thread calling, // unless the thread is impersonating, in which case it returns the user // name of the impersonated user. var lUserLen: Cardinal; begin lUserLen := 255; SetLength(Result,lUserLen); if not GetUserName(PChar(Result),lUserLen) then // maybe the buffer wasn't large enough?- in that case lUserLen will have been reset begin SetLength(Result,lUserLen); if not GetUserName(PCHar(Result),lUserLen) then RaiseLastWin32Error; end; SetLength(Result,StrLen(PChar(Result))); end; You don't need to worry about impersonation unless you are writing code which will be run in a COM server, or other server code which needs to use the security context of an outside caller (named pipes comms, etc). ------------------------------------------------- OR (a simple version of the above): Try this: procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); function PUB_GetNetUserName : String; var Pc: PChar; Sz: DWORD; Begin Result := 'xxxx'; Sz := 50+1; Pc := StrAlloc(Sz); try if GetUserName(Pc, Sz) then Result := UpperCase(Pc); finally StrDispose(Pc); end; end; begin Showmessage(PUB_GetNetUserName); end; **************************************************************************************** The GetSystemDirectory function retrieves the path of the Windows system directory. The system directory contains such files as Windows libraries, drivers, and font files. UINT GetSystemDirectory( LPTSTR lpBuffer, // address of buffer for system directory UINT uSize // size of directory buffer ); **************************************************************************************** ForceDirectories (VERY USEFUL) I'm not sure if I get what you want, but you might give the OLH a look for "ForceDirectories()". This function creates all dirs necessary to create the last one (you give it "D:\Test\This\New\Dir", and it will create all new dirs...) There is a function called forcedirectories. Just call this function for every leaf node you have in your directory tree Quoted from Delphi help file : //BEGIN QUOTE ForceDirectories function Creates all the directories along a directory path if they do not already exist. Unit FileCtrl Category file management routines function ForceDirectories(Dir: string): Boolean; Description DOS and Windows only allow directories to be created one at a time. For example, to create the C:\APPS\SALES\LOCAL directory, the APPS and SALES directories must exist before the LOCAL directory can be created. Use ForceDirectories to create a directory and all parent directories that do not already exist. ForceDirectories returns True if it successfully creates all necessary directories, False if it could not create a needed directory. Note: Do not call ForceDirectories with an empty string. Doing so causes ForceDirectories to raise an exception. // END QUOTE