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Search for text in all components on a form... hi mike, Try something along the lines of...... ------------------------------------------ function Tfrm.CheckForBlankText : Boolean ; var n : LongInt ; begin Result := false ; for n := 0 to ( ComponentCount - 1 ) do begin if ( components[n].ClassType = TEdit ) then // or ( components[n] is TEdit ) begin TEdit (components[n]).text = '' then begin Result := true ; Exit ; end ; end ; end ; End ; i am currently up/ downgrading from win NT 4.0 -> win 98 and haven't got delphi installed yet. (just got outlook 2000 running though!) So i have been unable to check for typo's. But the principles should be correct, any problems mail me directly and i will send something i have tested in the IDE. ComponentCount and Components[..] are properties of forms in delphi, which i don't think are too widely documented. Hope this is of interest to you. cheers, David -----Original Message----- From: Mike Smit [] Sent: 23 March 1999 13:26 To: Subject: Search for text in all components on a form... Hi All. Does anybody know of a simple way to check that all textbox's on a form contain something (not empty) instead of using an if statement for every control. Thanks in advance... Regards - Mike Analyst Programmer Alphapos RESIZING ALL COMPONENTS ON A FORM From: Richard Ebbs <> To: Israel Nemlich <> Originally: Israel Nemlich <> Subject: Form resize Hi Israel re your query > I need help on how to resize (automatically) > and all it's components every time the form > is resized. -off the top of my head I think you'd need something like this: 1) a couple of global variable to keep track of the 'old' form width and height, eg var oldFormWidth, oldFormHeight: Integer; and some code in the OnResize event handler for the form like this perhaps: procedure MyForm.FormResize(Sender: TObject) var widthRatio, heightRatio: Double; compIndex: Integer; begin widthRatio := (MyForm.Width / oldFormWidth); heightRatio := (MyForm.Height / oldFormHeight); for compIndex := 0 to (ComponentCount - 1) do begin Components[compIndex].Width := Round(Components[compIndex].Width * widthRatio); Components[compIndex].Height := Round(Components[compIndex].Height * heightRatio); end; oldFormWidth := MyForm.Width; oldFormHeight := MyForm.Height; end; so that every time the form is resized all sub-components are resized by the same ratio in both the X and Y directions... I haven't tested the code but it shouldn't be far off... (although resizing [eg button] text to an an appropriate size might be a little fiddly..?) Hope this is useful. Richard Ebbs