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Component to display while waiting

{ After I got the new Swag-snippets and saw how to make components for Delphi, I just made this one for fun. You all still remember Knight Rider with his car, KITT... Well, at the front the car had a scanner... I made it as a component... All properties are as obvious as can be (I think) so that shouldn't be a problem. Just install it as normal (Don't forget to make a bitmap for it!) Remember, it's just for fun. Use it when scanning something or waiting for something... Author: Martijn Tonies Date : 10-28-1996 E-mail: {---8<------------------------------------------------------------------------} unit UKITScan; interface uses SysUtils, WinTypes, WinProcs, Messages, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, ExtCtrls; const MaxLeds = 100; type TScanColor = (scBlue,scGreen,scRed,scYellow); TScanMode = (smLeftToRight,smRightToLeft,smBoth); TKITScanner = class(TGraphicControl) private FBevelInner: TPanelBevel; FBevelOuter: TPanelBevel; FBevelWidth: Byte; FHowManyLeds: Byte; FOutColor: TColor; FOnColor: TColor; FScanColor: TScanColor; FScanSpeed: Integer; FScanning: Boolean; FScanMode: TScanMode; FLedsColors: array [1..MaxLeds] of TScanColor; LedPos: Byte; LedWay: Boolean; Border: Byte; LedH,LedW: Integer; LedX: array [1..MaxLeds] of Integer; ScanTimer: TTimer; procedure DoScan(Sender: TObject); procedure Draw; procedure DrawBevel(Rect: TRect); procedure DrawLeds; procedure SetBevelInner(Value: TPanelBevel); procedure SetBevelOuter(Value: TPanelBevel); procedure SetBevelWidth(Value: Byte); procedure SetHowManyLeds(Value: Byte); procedure SetScanColor(Value: TScanColor); procedure SetScanMode(Value: TScanMode); procedure SetScanning(Value: Boolean); procedure SetScanSpeed(Value: Integer); procedure UpdateBorder; procedure UpdatePos; { Private declarations } protected { Protected declarations } public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; procedure Paint; override; { Public declarations } published property Align; property BevelInner: TPanelBevel read FBevelInner write SetBevelInner default bvNone; property BevelOuter: TPanelBevel read FBevelOuter write SetBevelOuter default bvRaised; property BevelWidth: Byte read FBevelWidth write SetBevelWidth default 1; property Color; property Cursor; property Enabled; property HowManyLeds: Byte read FHowManyLeds write SetHowManyLeds default 7; property ScanColor: TScanColor read FScanColor write SetScanColor default scRed; property ScanMode: TScanMode read FScanMode write SetScanMode default smBoth; property Scanning: Boolean read FScanning write SetScanning default False; property ScanSpeed: Integer read FScanSpeed write SetScanSpeed default 100; property ShowHint; property Visible; { Published declarations } end; procedure Register; implementation {==============================================================================} {Private functions and procedures} procedure TKITScanner.Draw; var R: TRect; begin R:=GetClientRect; UpdateBorder; Drawbevel(R); InflateRect(R,-Border,-Border); Canvas.Brush.Style:=bsSolid; Canvas.Brush.Color:=Color; Canvas.FillRect(R); DrawLeds; end; {------------------} procedure TKITScanner.DrawBevel(Rect: TRect); var TopColor: TColor; BottomColor: TColor; procedure SetColors(Bevel: TPanelBevel); begin if Bevel=bvLowered then TopColor:=clBtnShadow else TopColor:=clBtnHighlight; if Bevel=bvLowered then BottomColor:=clBtnHighlight else BottomColor:=clBtnShadow; end; begin if FBevelOuter<>bvNone then begin SetColors(FBevelOuter); Frame3D(Canvas,Rect,TopColor,BottomColor,FBevelWidth); end; if FBevelInner<>bvNone then begin SetColors(FBevelInner); Frame3D(Canvas,Rect,TopColor,BottomColor,FBevelWidth); end; end; {------------------} procedure TKITScanner.SetBevelInner(Value: TPanelBevel); begin if Value<>FBevelInner then begin FBevelInner:=Value; Draw; end; end; procedure TKITScanner.SetBevelOuter(Value: TPanelBevel); begin if Value<>FBevelOuter then begin FBevelOuter:=Value; Draw; end; end; procedure TKITScanner.SetBevelWidth(Value: Byte); begin if Value<>FBevelWidth then begin FBevelWidth:=Value; Draw; end; end; procedure TKITScanner.UpdateBorder; begin Border:=0; if FBevelInner<>bvNone then Border:=FBevelWidth; if FBevelOuter<>bvNone then Inc(Border,FBevelWidth); end; {------------------} procedure TKITScanner.SetHowManyLeds(Value: Byte); begin if Value=0 then Value:=1; if Value>MaxLeds then Value:=MaxLeds; if FHowManyLeds<>Value then begin FHowManyLeds:=Value; Draw; end; end; {------------------} procedure TKITScanner.SetScanMode(Value: TScanMode); begin if Value<>FScanMode then FScanMode:=Value; end; {------------------} procedure TKITScanner.SetScanSpeed(Value: Integer); begin if Value<>FScanSpeed then FScanSpeed:=Value; if FScanning and Assigned(ScanTimer) then ScanTimer.Interval:=FScanSpeed; end; {------------------} procedure TKITScanner.SetScanColor(Value: TScanColor); begin if Value<>FScanColor then begin FScanColor:=Value; Draw; end; end; {------------------} procedure TKITScanner.SetScanning(Value: Boolean); begin if Value<>FScanning then begin FScanning:=Value; if FScanning then begin ScanTimer:=TTimer.Create(Self); ScanTimer.Interval:=FScanSpeed; ScanTimer.OnTimer:=DoScan; ScanTimer.Enabled:=True; end else if Assigned(ScanTimer) then begin ScanTimer.Free; ScanTimer:=nil; end; end; end; {------------------} procedure TKITScanner.DrawLeds; var n:Integer; begin LedH:=Height-Border-Border-2; if LedH<1 then begin Height:=3+Border+Border; Draw; end; LedW:=(Width-Border-Border-1-FHowManyLeds) div FHowManyLeds; if LedW<1 then begin Width:=Border+Border+1+FHowManyleds*(2); Draw; end; if (Width<>(Border+Border+1+FHowManyLeds*(1+LedW))) and ((Align=alLeft) or (Align=alRight) or (Align=alNone)) then begin Width:=Border+Border+1+FHowManyLeds*(1+LedW); Draw; end; case FScanColor of scBlue : begin FOutColor:=clNavy; FOnColor:=clBlue; end; scGreen : begin FOnColor:=clLime; FOutColor:=clGreen; end; scRed : begin FOutColor:=clMaroon; FOnColor:=clRed; end; scYellow : begin FOutColor:=clOlive; FOnColor:=clYellow; end; end; Canvas.Brush.Color:=FOutColor; Ledx[1]:=Border+1; n:=2; while n<=FHowManyLeds do begin Ledx[n]:=Ledx[n-1]+1+LedW; Inc(n); end; for n:=1 to FHowManyLeds do Canvas.FillRect(Rect(Ledx[n],Border+1,Ledx[n]+LedW,Height-Border-1)); end; {------------------} procedure TKITScanner.UpdatePos; begin case FScanMode of smBoth : if LedWay then if LedPos>FHowManyLeds then LedWay:=not LedWay else Inc(LedPos,1) else if LedPos<1 then LedWay:=not LedWay else Dec(LedPos,1); smLeftToRight : begin LedWay:=True; if LedPos>FHowManyLeds then LedPos:=0 else Inc(LedPos,1); end; smRightToLeft : begin LedWay:=False; if LedPos<1 then LedPos:=FHowManyLeds+1 else Dec(LedPos,1); end; end; end; procedure TKITScanner.DoScan; var n: Byte; begin Canvas.Brush.Color:=FOutColor; for n:=1 to FHowManyLeds do Canvas.FillRect(Rect(Ledx[n],Border+1,Ledx[n]+LedW,Height-Border-1)); UpdatePos; Canvas.Brush.Color:=FOnColor; if (LedPos>=1) and (LedPos<=FHowManyLeds) then Canvas.FillRect(Rect(Ledx[LedPos],Border+1,Ledx[LedPos]+LedW,Height-Border-1)); end; {==============================================================================} {Protected functions and procedures} {==============================================================================} {Public functions and procedures} constructor TKITScanner.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); FBevelInner:=bvNone; FBevelOuter:=bvRaised; FBevelWidth:=1; FHowManyLeds:=7; FScanColor:=scRed; FScanSpeed:=100; FScanMode:=smBoth; LedPos:=1; LedWay:=True; Width:=82; Height:=12; end; destructor TKITScanner.Destroy; begin if FScanning then SetScanning(False); inherited Destroy; end; procedure TKITScanner.Paint; begin Draw; end; {==============================================================================} procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents('Samples', [TKITScanner]); end; end.