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Component for Saving User Settings automatically (using Tools API)

Title: Component for Saving User Settings automatically (using Tools API) Question: There are many routines every Delphi programmer does on an almost daily basis. One of these routines is writing and retrieving user settings to/from the Windows Registry. More and more applications "remember" some of our favorite settings, like form position and size. For the programmer it is an rather boring and time-consuming part to save all these settings, but the user is almost expecting such basic functionality. The TComponentStateRecorder component will help you to achieve this functionality by simply adding it to your form at design-time. Answer: Note: The component provided with this article was developed using Borland Delphi 5. It should work with Borland Delphi 4, too. For newer version, some adoptions are required, as Borland has renamed some of the units. This is going to be a rather complex article. You should be familiar with object oriented programming, as well as have some experience in component writing. If not, simply download the component and come back at a later time and re-read this article. Take a look at the "How-to" section. The Principle ============= Our component allows the programmer to set the Registry Key, where the settings will be saved. All recorded data will be written at the set location. The value name will be created using the component name, a colon and the property name. The value will be saved as string. Any component on the same form as the Component State Recorder is placed upon, con be chosen to be saved. The following property types of any chose component can be saved. The value of all properties will be converted into their string representation. Following property types can be used:tkIntegertkInt64tkFloattkEnumerationtkSettkChartkStringtkLString The Component State Recorder publishes the SavedComponents collection, where all components, whose values should be recorded, can be added to. Every item (TSavedComponent) of this collection publishes another collection. All recorded properties (TSavedProperty) are saved within this collection. Planning the Component State Recorder ===================================== The Component State Recorder, will be visible at design-time only, therefore we will create a descendant auf the TComponent class. We will name the class TComponentStateRecorder. The Component State Recorder has a property for the Registry key, where all the data will be recorded. Our default setting will be: \Software\Your Software\Component State Recorder\ + the forms name (RegistryKey). Further we will publish a collection, where all recorded components are listed, named (TSavedComponents). The Saved Components collection (TSavedComponents) is a descendent of the TCollection from the Classes unit. Basically, we do not have to create our own logic for such collections, however, we will have to override some methods and introduce the items property. The items property will give us access to each saved component individually. The Saved Component item class (TSavedComponent) is a descendent of the TCollectionItem class from the Classes unit. We will publish two new properties. The first property (ComponentName) allows us to choose the component that will be controlled. The second property is, once again, a collection, giving access to each controlled property, individually. The Saved Properties collection (TSavedProperties) is a descendent of the TCollection from the Classes unit, too. Same rules apply to this collection, as for TSavedComponents. We will give access to zero or more saved property items through the items property. The Saved Property item class (TSavedProperty) is a descendent of the TCollectionItem class from the Classes unit. We will publish two new properties. The first property allows us to choose the components property to be saved, the second allows us to set a default value, if the registry has no settings saved. Loading and Saving the States ============================= Our Component State Recorder class defines the private method procedure DoStates(Action: TRecorderAction); This method will both, load and save the current component state from/to the Windows Registry. For the programmer we will create two wrapper methods for loading and saving, which both will call this method internally. DoStates will open access to the registry. Then it will iterate through all components in its collections and every property within its collection. Each property value will be set/loaded separately. When loading a value that is not in the registry, the Component State Recorder will use the default value provided during design time. The Component State Recorder will check first, if the component requested exists. If not, it will continue with the next component. Then it will check for each property separately and will load/save them, if they exist within the component. Creating Property Editors ========================= Writing Property Editors is a rather easy task. Delphi provides many descendants of the TPropertyEditor class, that actually provide the logic needed to create your own. For this component we will simply create two string editors. The first editor will allow us to choose for the SavedComponent property from a drop-down list of all components on the form. The second editor will do the same for the SavedProperty property of the TSavedProperty collection item. Basically we do the same for both of them. First, we will override the GetAttributes function, allowing us to determine the behavior of the property editor. We tell the Object Inspector, to provide a drop-down list of sorted values. Result := [paValueList, paSortList]; Second, we will override the GetValues function. The function takes on parameter, a pointer to a procedure allowing us to add a string for each item in the list, individually. Depending on the property editor, we will either return a name list of all components on the form or a list of all properties of a specific component. Creating a Component Dialog =========================== Writing a component editor involves little more attention than creating a property editor, but it allows us to get done much faster when selecting component properties for automated backup. Delphi provides us the TDefaultEditor class for creating property editors. We will override three methods. GetVerbCount: We will return 1, because we need only one menu item GetVerb: Returns the name of the menu item (shown if the programmer right-clicks the component at design-time) ExecuteVerb: Executed when the programmer clicks (one of) our menu item. Within the ExecuteVerb method we will create a form and show it to the programmer. There he/she can easily editor our component. The Component Editor Form ========================= This part is not harder than the rest, but still, it is the most complex, because, we have to design the programmers interface and control the whole Component State Recorder. Screen Shot on download location With this done, we will need to fill in the code. The Component Dialog class, called by Delphi must pass along the Component State Recorder Component being edited, as well as the Designer interface. Delphi will not know, if we change the component in the editor, we must therefore notify Delphi about such matters by calling the Designer.Modified; method. This will inform Delphi of any changes and ask the programmer to save the changes to file, if the project is closed! The remainder is pretty straight forward. The Tree List View will show all managed components and their managed properties. Each item will hold an pointer to their related collection item in the Component State Recorder. This way we can easily modify it on demand. Putting the Component State Recorder to Work ============================================ The Component State Recorder will not automatically load and save the states for us. You will have to call the ComponentStateRecorder1.LoadStates method during the FormCreate event and the ComponentStateRecorder1.SaveStates method during the FormDestroy event. The Component State Recorder Source Code unit ComponentStateRecovery; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, TypInfo, DsgnIntf; type TSavedProperty = class; TSavedComponent = class; TComponentStateRecorder = class; // single property that will be saved TSavedProperty = class(TCollectionItem) private // name of property to be saved FPropertyName: String; // default value if property does not exist FDefaultValue: String; procedure SetPropertyName(const Value: String); procedure SetDefaultValue(const Value: String); function GetRegistryValue: String; procedure SetRegistryValue(const Value: String); protected function GetDisplayName: string; override; public constructor Create(aCollection: TCollection); override; procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent); override; published property PropertyName: String read FPropertyName write SetPropertyName; property RegistryValue: String read GetRegistryValue write SetRegistryValue; property DefaultValue: String read FDefaultValue write SetDefaultValue; end; TSavedProperties = class(TCollection) private // owner of this collection FSavedComponent: TSavedComponent; function GetItem(Index: Integer): TSavedProperty; procedure SetItem(Index: Integer; const Value: TSavedProperty); protected function GetOwner: TPersistent; override; procedure Update(Item: TCollectionItem); override; public constructor Create(aSavedComponent: TSavedComponent); function Add: TSavedProperty; property SavedComponent: TSavedComponent read FSavedComponent; property Items[Index: Integer]: TSavedProperty read GetItem write SetItem; published end; TSavedComponent = class(TCollectionItem) private // name of component to be saved FComponentName: String; // properties of 'this' component to be saved FSavedProperties: TSavedProperties; procedure SetSavedProperties(const Value: TSavedProperties); procedure SetComponentName(const Value: String); protected function GetDisplayName: string; override; public constructor Create(aCollection: TCollection); override; destructor Destroy; override; procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent); override; published property SavedProperties: TSavedProperties read FSavedProperties write SetSavedProperties; property ComponentName: String read FComponentName write SetComponentName; end; TSavedComponents = class(TCollection) private // owner of this collection FComponentStateRecorder: TComponentStateRecorder; function GetItem(Index: Integer): TSavedComponent; procedure SetItem(Index: Integer; const Value: TSavedComponent); protected function GetOwner: TPersistent; override; procedure Update(Item: TCollectionItem); override; public constructor Create(aComponentStateRecorder: TComponentStateRecorder); function Add: TSavedComponent; property Items[Index: Integer]: TSavedComponent read GetItem write SetItem; published end; // action of the record (save to registry - or - load from registry) TRecorderAction = (raSave, raLoad); TComponentStateRecorder = class(TComponent) private // components of owner form to be saved FSavedComponents: TSavedComponents; // registry key - where form components will be saved FRegistryKey: String; procedure SetSavedComponents(const Value: TSavedComponents); procedure SetRegistryKey(const Value: String); procedure DoStates(Action: TRecorderAction); protected public constructor Create(aOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; procedure SaveStates; procedure LoadStates; published property SavedComponents: TSavedComponents read FSavedComponents write SetSavedComponents; property RegistryKey: String read FRegistryKey write SetRegistryKey; end; procedure Register; implementation uses Registry; procedure Register; begin // register component RegisterComponents('gate(n)etwork', [TComponentStateRecorder]); end; function GetPropertyAsString( Component: TComponent; PropInfo: PPropInfo ): String; begin with PropInfo^ do case PropType^.Kind of tkInteger: // get integer value Result := IntToStr(GetOrdProp(Component, PropInfo)); tkInt64: // get integer (64 bit) value Result := IntToStr(GetOrdProp(Component, PropInfo)); tkFloat: // get float value Result := FloatToStr(GetFloatProp(Component, PropInfo)); tkEnumeration: // get enumeration value Result := GetEnumProp(Component, PropInfo); tkSet: // get set value Result := GetSetProp(Component, PropInfo); tkChar: // get single character value Result := Chr(GetOrdProp(Component, PropInfo)); tkString, tkLString: // get string value Result := GetStrProp(Component, PropInfo); else Result := ''; end; end; procedure SetPropertyFromString( Component: TComponent; PropInfo: PPropInfo; Value: String ); begin try with PropInfo^ do case PropType^.Kind of tkInteger: // set integer value SetOrdProp(Component, PropInfo, StrToIntDef( Value, GetOrdProp(Component, PropInfo) )); tkInt64: // set integer (64 bit) value SetInt64Prop(Component, PropInfo, StrToIntDef( Value, GetInt64Prop(Component, PropInfo) )); tkFloat: // set float value SetFloatProp(Component, PropInfo, StrToFloat(Value)); tkEnumeration: // set enumeration value SetEnumProp(Component, PropInfo, Value); tkSet: // set set value SetSetProp(Component, PropInfo, Value); tkChar: // set single character value SetOrdProp(Component, PropInfo, Ord(Value[1])); tkString, tkLString: // set string value SetStrProp(Component, PropInfo, Value); end; except end; end; { TSavedProperty } procedure TSavedProperty.Assign(Source: TPersistent); begin if Source is TSavedProperty then begin // assign all local values FPropertyName := TSavedProperty(Source).FPropertyName; FDefaultValue := TSavedProperty(Source).FDefaultValue; end else begin inherited Assign(Source); end; end; constructor TSavedProperty.Create(aCollection: TCollection); begin inherited Create(aCollection); // set default values FPropertyName := ''; FDefaultValue := ''; end; function TSavedProperty.GetDisplayName: string; begin // return property name or components name if FPropertyName '' then Result := FPropertyName else Result := inherited GetDisplayName; end; function TSavedProperty.GetRegistryValue: String; begin // the registry value is created by the component and property names Result := TSavedProperties(Collection).FSavedComponent.ComponentName + ':' + FPropertyName; end; procedure TSavedProperty.SetDefaultValue(const Value: String); begin FDefaultValue := Value; end; procedure TSavedProperty.SetPropertyName(const Value: String); var PropInfo: PPropInfo; TmpComponent: TComponent; CSR: TComponentStateRecorder; begin // set property name FPropertyName := Value; // set default value on-demand if FDefaultValue = '' then begin // get state recorder CSR := TSavedComponents( TSavedProperties(Collection).FSavedComponent.Collection ).FComponentStateRecorder; // at design-time only, load components current value as default if csDesigning in CSR.ComponentState then begin // load the named component (or form) if TSavedProperties(Collection).FSavedComponent.ComponentName = CSR.Owner.Name then TmpComponent := CSR.Owner else TmpComponent := CSR.Owner.FindComponent( TSavedProperties(Collection).FSavedComponent.ComponentName ); // check whether component was found if TmpComponent nil then begin // get property information PropInfo := GetPropInfo(TmpComponent.ClassInfo, Value); // check whether property information where found if PropInfo nil then // load current property value FDefaultValue := GetPropertyAsString( TmpComponent, PropInfo ); end; end; end; end; procedure TSavedProperty.SetRegistryValue(const Value: String); begin // ignore end; { TSavedProperties } function TSavedProperties.Add: TSavedProperty; begin Result := TSavedProperty(inherited Add); end; constructor TSavedProperties.Create(aSavedComponent: TSavedComponent); begin inherited Create(TSavedProperty); FSavedComponent := aSavedComponent; end; function TSavedProperties.GetItem(Index: Integer): TSavedProperty; begin Result := TSavedProperty(inherited GetItem(Index)); end; function TSavedProperties.GetOwner: TPersistent; begin Result := FSavedComponent; end; procedure TSavedProperties.SetItem(Index: Integer; const Value: TSavedProperty); begin inherited SetItem(Index, Value); end; procedure TSavedProperties.Update(Item: TCollectionItem); begin inherited; // nothing to do end; { TSavedComponent } procedure TSavedComponent.Assign(Source: TPersistent); begin if Source is TSavedComponent then begin // load values from source FComponentName := TSavedComponent(Source).FComponentName; FSavedProperties.Assign(TSavedComponent(Source).SavedProperties); end else begin inherited Assign(Source); end; end; constructor TSavedComponent.Create(aCollection: TCollection); begin inherited Create(aCollection); FSavedProperties := TSavedProperties.Create(Self); end; destructor TSavedComponent.Destroy; begin if not ( csDesigning in TSavedComponents(Collection).FComponentStateRecorder.ComponentState ) then begin // in desgin-time mode, the designer will free the objects for us FSavedProperties.Free; FSavedProperties := nil; end; inherited Destroy; end; function TSavedComponent.GetDisplayName: string; begin if FComponentName '' then Result := FComponentName else Result := inherited GetDisplayName; end; procedure TSavedComponent.SetComponentName(const Value: String); begin FComponentName := Value; end; procedure TSavedComponent.SetSavedProperties(const Value: TSavedProperties); begin FSavedProperties.Assign(Value); end; { TSavedComponents } function TSavedComponents.Add: TSavedComponent; begin Result := TSavedComponent(inherited Add); end; constructor TSavedComponents.Create( aComponentStateRecorder: TComponentStateRecorder ); begin inherited Create(TSavedComponent); FComponentStateRecorder := aComponentStateRecorder; end; function TSavedComponents.GetItem(Index: Integer): TSavedComponent; begin Result := TSavedComponent(inherited GetItem(Index)); end; function TSavedComponents.GetOwner: TPersistent; begin Result := FComponentStateRecorder; end; procedure TSavedComponents.SetItem( Index: Integer; const Value: TSavedComponent ); begin inherited SetItem(Index, Value); end; procedure TSavedComponents.Update(Item: TCollectionItem); begin inherited; // nothing to do end; { TComponentStateRecorder } constructor TComponentStateRecorder.Create(aOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(aOwner); FSavedComponents := TSavedComponents.Create(Self); FRegistryKey := '\Software\Your Software\Component State Recorder\' + TForm(aOwner).Name; end; destructor TComponentStateRecorder.Destroy; begin FSavedComponents.Free; FSavedComponents := nil; inherited Destroy; end; procedure TComponentStateRecorder.DoStates(Action: TRecorderAction); var RegistryOpened: Boolean; I, J: Integer; PropInfo: PPropInfo; TmpComponent: TComponent; SO: TSavedComponent; SP: TSavedProperty; begin with TRegistry.Create do try // generally save settings for the user! RootKey := HKEY_CURRENT_USER; // open the registry key RegistryOpened := OpenKey(RegistryKey, True); try // iterate through all Components to be saved for I := 0 to Pred(FSavedComponents.Count) do begin // get current component SO := FSavedComponents.Items[I]; // check, whether component name is set if SO.ComponentName = '' then Continue; // check, whether component is the owner form if SO.ComponentName = (Owner as TForm).Name then // use the owner forme TmpComponent := (Owner as TForm) else // find component on the owner form TmpComponent := (Owner as TForm).FindComponent(SO.ComponentName); // check component if TmpComponent = nil then // not found on form, check next in collection Continue; // iterate through all properties to be saved (of current Component) for J := 0 to Pred(SO.SavedProperties.Count) do begin // get current property SP := SO.SavedProperties.Items[J]; // check, whether property name is set if SP.PropertyName = '' then Continue; // get property info pointer PropInfo := GetPropInfo(TmpComponent.ClassInfo, SP.PropertyName); // check for property if PropInfo = nil then // it does not exists, try next Continue; // registry access ? if RegistryOpened then // yes, save or load? if Action = raSave then // save WriteString( SP.RegistryValue, GetPropertyAsString(TmpComponent, PropInfo) ) else // load, does value exist? if ValueExists(SP.RegistryValue) then // yes, load SetPropertyFromString( TmpComponent, PropInfo, ReadString(SP.RegistryValue) ) else // no, get default SetPropertyFromString(TmpComponent, PropInfo, SP.DefaultValue) else // no registry access, in load mode? if Action = raLoad then // yes, load default SetPropertyFromString(TmpComponent, PropInfo, SP.DefaultValue); end; end; finally if RegistryOpened then CloseKey; end; finally Free; end; end; procedure TComponentStateRecorder.LoadStates; begin DoStates(raLoad); end; procedure TComponentStateRecorder.SaveStates; begin DoStates(raSave); end; procedure TComponentStateRecorder.SetRegistryKey(const Value: String); begin if Value = '' then FRegistryKey := '\Software\Your Software\Component State Recorder\' + TForm(Owner).Name else FRegistryKey := Value; end; procedure TComponentStateRecorder.SetSavedComponents( const Value: TSavedComponents ); begin FSavedComponents.Assign(Value); end; end. The Property and Component Editors Source ========================================= unit frmDesignTimeEditor; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, Buttons, ComCtrls, ComponentStateRecovery, DsgnIntf, TypInfo; type // component editor for the TComponentStateRecorder class TCSRDesignEditor = class(TDefaultEditor) protected public function GetVerb(Index: Integer): String; override; function GetVerbCount: Integer; override; procedure ExecuteVerb(Index: Integer); override; end; // property editor that lists all properties of a component at design-time TPropertyNameEditor = class(TStringProperty) public procedure GetValues(Proc: TGetStrProc); override; function GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes; override; end; // property editor that lists all components at design-time TComponentNameEditor = class(TStringProperty) public procedure GetValues(Proc: TGetStrProc); override; function GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes; override; end; TfrmCSRDesigner = class(TForm) Panel1: TPanel; Label1: TLabel; edtRegKey: TEdit; Panel2: TPanel; btnOK: TBitBtn; trvCollections: TTreeView; Panel3: TPanel; lblComponent: TLabel; cmbComponent: TComboBox; grpProperty: TGroupBox; lblPropertyName: TLabel; cmbPropertyName: TComboBox; lblDefaultValue: TLabel; edtDefaultValue: TEdit; btnAddComponent: TButton; btnRemove: TButton; btnAddProperty: TButton; procedure btnOKClick(Sender: TObject); procedure trvCollectionsChange(Sender: TObject; Node: TTreeNode); procedure btnAddComponentClick(Sender: TObject); procedure cmbComponentChange(Sender: TObject); procedure edtRegKeyChange(Sender: TObject); procedure cmbPropertyNameChange(Sender: TObject); procedure edtDefaultValueChange(Sender: TObject); procedure btnAddPropertyClick(Sender: TObject); procedure btnRemoveClick(Sender: TObject); private FCSR: TComponentStateRecorder; FDesigner: IFormDesigner; procedure SetCSR(const Value: TComponentStateRecorder); procedure ShowProperties(Name: String); procedure UpdateForSelectedNode; procedure SetDesigner(const Value: IFormDesigner); public property CSR: TComponentStateRecorder read FCSR write SetCSR; property Designer: IFormDesigner read FDesigner write SetDesigner; end; var frmCSRDesigner: TfrmCSRDesigner; procedure Register; implementation {$R *.DFM} procedure Register; begin // register component RegisterComponents('gate(n)etwork', [TComponentStateRecorder]); // register property editors (they will provide drop-down lists to the OI) RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo(String), TSavedComponent, 'ComponentName', TComponentNameEditor ); RegisterPropertyEditor( TypeInfo(String), TSavedProperty, 'PropertyName', TPropertyNameEditor ); // register component editor RegisterComponentEditor(TComponentStateRecorder, TCSRDesignEditor); end; { TCSRDesignEditor } procedure TCSRDesignEditor.ExecuteVerb(Index: Integer); begin with TfrmCSRDesigner.Create(Application) do try Designer := Self.Designer; CSR := TComponentStateRecorder(Component); ShowModal; finally Free; end; end; function TCSRDesignEditor.GetVerb(Index: Integer): String; begin if Index = 0 then Result := 'Edit all recorded Properties...' else Result := ''; end; function TCSRDesignEditor.GetVerbCount: Integer; begin Result := 1; end; { TPropertyNameEditor } function TPropertyNameEditor.GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes; begin // the property editor will provide a sorted list of possible values Result := [paValueList, paSortList]; end; procedure TPropertyNameEditor.GetValues(Proc: TGetStrProc); var I, Count: Integer; PropInfos: PPropList; TmpComponent: TComponent; SC: TSavedComponent; begin // check property type if not (GetComponent(0) is TSavedProperty) then Exit; // get TSavedComponent (parent object) SC := TSavedProperties( TSavedProperty(GetComponent(0)).Collection ).SavedComponent; // find the corresponding component if SC.ComponentName = Designer.Form.Name then TmpComponent := Designer.Form else TmpComponent := Designer.GetComponent(SC.ComponentName); // quit if component was not found if TmpComponent = nil then Exit; // determine the property count Count := GetPropList(TmpComponent.ClassInfo, [ tkInteger, tkInt64, tkFloat, tkEnumeration, tkSet, tkChar, tkString, tkLString ], nil); // reserve memory needed for property informations GetMem(PropInfos, Count * SizeOf(PPropInfo)); try // load property list GetPropList(TmpComponent.ClassInfo, [ tkInteger, tkInt64, tkFloat, tkEnumeration, tkSet, tkChar, tkString, tkLString ], PropInfos); // save to object inspector list for I := 0 to Pred(Count) do Proc(PropInfos^[I]^.Name); finally // free resources FreeMem(PropInfos); end; end; { TComponentNameEditor } function TComponentNameEditor.GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes; begin // the property editor will provide a sorted list of possible values Result := [paValueList, paSortList]; end; procedure TComponentNameEditor.GetValues(Proc: TGetStrProc); var I: Integer; begin // return name of form if Designer.Form.Name '' then Proc(Designer.Form.Name); // return names of all components for I := 0 to Pred(Designer.Form.ComponentCount) do if Designer.Form.Components[I].Name '' then Proc(Designer.Form.Components[I].Name); end; { TfrmCSRDesigner } procedure TfrmCSRDesigner.btnAddComponentClick(Sender: TObject); var Node: TTreeNode; SC: TSavedComponent; begin SC := CSR.SavedComponents.Add; Node := trvCollections.Items.AddChild(nil, SC.DisplayName); trvCollections.Selected := Node; Node.Data := SC; UpdateForSelectedNode; Designer.Modified; end; procedure TfrmCSRDesigner.btnAddPropertyClick(Sender: TObject); var Node: TTreeNode; SP: TSavedProperty; begin if trvCollections.Selected = nil then Exit; if trvCollections.Selected.Data = nil then Exit; if not (TObject(trvCollections.Selected.Data) is TSavedComponent) then Exit; SP := TSavedComponent(trvCollections.Selected.Data).SavedProperties.Add; Node := trvCollections.Items.AddChild(trvCollections.Selected, SP.DisplayName); Node.Data := SP; trvCollections.Selected := Node; UpdateForSelectedNode; Designer.Modified; end; procedure TfrmCSRDesigner.btnOKClick(Sender: TObject); begin ModalResult := mrOK; end; procedure TfrmCSRDesigner.btnRemoveClick(Sender: TObject); begin if trvCollections.Selected = nil then Exit; if trvCollections.Selected.Data = nil then Exit; if (TObject(trvCollections.Selected.Data) is TSavedComponent) then begin TSavedComponent(trvCollections.Selected.Data).Collection.Delete( TSavedComponent(trvCollections.Selected.Data).Index ); trvCollections.Items.Delete(trvCollections.Selected); end; if (TObject(trvCollections.Selected.Data) is TSavedProperty) then begin TSavedProperty(trvCollections.Selected.Data).Collection.Delete( TSavedProperty(trvCollections.Selected.Data).Index ); trvCollections.Items.Delete(trvCollections.Selected); end; Designer.Modified; end; procedure TfrmCSRDesigner.cmbComponentChange(Sender: TObject); begin if trvCollections.Selected = nil then Exit; if trvCollections.Selected.Data = nil then Exit; if not (TObject(trvCollections.Selected.Data) is TSavedComponent) then Exit; TSavedComponent(trvCollections.Selected.Data).ComponentName := cmbComponent.Text; trvCollections.Selected.Text := TSavedComponent(trvCollections.Selected.Data).DisplayName; Designer.Modified; end; procedure TfrmCSRDesigner.cmbPropertyNameChange(Sender: TObject); begin if trvCollections.Selected = nil then Exit; if trvCollections.Selected.Data = nil then Exit; if not (TObject(trvCollections.Selected.Data) is TSavedProperty) then Exit; TSavedProperty(trvCollections.Selected.Data).DefaultValue := ''; TSavedProperty(trvCollections.Selected.Data).PropertyName := cmbPropertyName.Text; trvCollections.Selected.Text := TSavedProperty(trvCollections.Selected.Data).DisplayName; edtDefaultValue.Text := TSavedProperty(trvCollections.Selected.Data).DefaultValue; Designer.Modified; end; procedure TfrmCSRDesigner.edtDefaultValueChange(Sender: TObject); begin if trvCollections.Selected = nil then Exit; if trvCollections.Selected.Data = nil then Exit; if not (TObject(trvCollections.Selected.Data) is TSavedProperty) then Exit; TSavedProperty(trvCollections.Selected.Data).DefaultValue := edtDefaultValue.Text; Designer.Modified; end; procedure TfrmCSRDesigner.edtRegKeyChange(Sender: TObject); begin FCSR.RegistryKey := edtRegKey.Text; Designer.Modified; end; procedure TfrmCSRDesigner.SetCSR(const Value: TComponentStateRecorder); var I, J: Integer; SC: TSavedComponent; SP: TSavedProperty; SCNode, SPNode: TTreeNode; begin FCSR := Value; // load registry key edtRegKey.Text := FCSR.RegistryKey; trvCollections.Items.Clear; // parse all selected components for I := 0 to Pred(FCSR.SavedComponents.Count) do begin SC := FCSR.SavedComponents.Items[I]; SCNode := trvCollections.Items.AddChild(nil, SC.DisplayName); SCNode.Data := SC; // parse all selected properties for J := 0 to Pred(SC.SavedProperties.Count) do begin SP := SC.SavedProperties.Items[J]; SPNode := trvCollections.Items.AddChild(SCNode, SP.DisplayName); SPNode.Data := SP; end; end; // select the first item in the list if trvCollections.Items.Count 0 then trvCollections.Selected := trvCollections.Items.Item[0]; if Designer nil then begin // return name of form if Designer.Form.Name '' then cmbComponent.Items.Add(Designer.Form.Name); // return names of all components for I := 0 to Pred(Designer.Form.ComponentCount) do if Designer.Form.Components[I].Name '' then cmbComponent.Items.Add(Designer.Form.Components[I].Name); end; // show state of selection UpdateForSelectedNode; end; type TEnableStates = (esComponent, esProperty); TEnableStateSet = set of TEnableStates; procedure TfrmCSRDesigner.SetDesigner(const Value: IFormDesigner); begin FDesigner := Value; end; procedure TfrmCSRDesigner.ShowProperties(Name: String); var I, Count: Integer; PropInfos: PPropList; TmpComponent: TComponent; begin // clear list cmbPropertyName.Clear; // stop if no component name is provided if Name = '' then Exit; // get component if CSR.Owner.Name = Name then TmpComponent := CSR.Owner else TmpComponent := CSR.Owner.FindComponent(Name); // stop if component was not found if TmpComponent = nil then Exit; // determine the property count Count := GetPropList(TmpComponent.ClassInfo, [ tkInteger, tkInt64, tkFloat, tkEnumeration, tkSet, tkChar, tkString, tkLString ], nil); // reserve memory needed for property informations GetMem(PropInfos, Count * SizeOf(PPropInfo)); try // load property list GetPropList(TmpComponent.ClassInfo, [ tkInteger, tkInt64, tkFloat, tkEnumeration, tkSet, tkChar, tkString, tkLString ], PropInfos); // save to object inspector list for I := 0 to Pred(Count) do cmbPropertyName.Items.Add(PropInfos^[I]^.Name); finally // free resources FreeMem(PropInfos); end; end; procedure TfrmCSRDesigner.trvCollectionsChange(Sender: TObject; Node: TTreeNode); begin UpdateForSelectedNode; end; procedure TfrmCSRDesigner.UpdateForSelectedNode; var CompName, PropertyName: String; EnableStates: TEnableStateSet; begin EnableStates := []; Name := ''; if trvCollections.Selected nil then if trvCollections.Selected.Data nil then begin if TObject(trvCollections.Selected.Data) is TSavedComponent then begin cmbComponent.Text := TSavedComponent(trvCollections.Selected.Data).ComponentName; EnableStates := EnableStates + [esComponent]; cmbPropertyName.Text := ''; edtDefaultValue.Text := ''; trvCollections.Selected.Text := TSavedComponent(trvCollections.Selected.Data).DisplayName; CompName := ''; PropertyName := ''; end; if TObject(trvCollections.Selected.Data) is TSavedProperty then begin EnableStates := EnableStates + [esProperty]; CompName := TSavedProperties(TSavedProperty( trvCollections.Selected.Data ).Collection).SavedComponent.ComponentName; cmbComponent.Text := CompName; PropertyName := TSavedProperty(trvCollections.Selected.Data).PropertyName; cmbPropertyName.Text := Name; edtDefaultValue.Text := TSavedProperty(trvCollections.Selected.Data).DefaultValue; trvCollections.Selected.Text := TSavedProperty(trvCollections.Selected.Data).DisplayName; end; end; cmbComponent.Enabled := esComponent in EnableStates; lblComponent.Enabled := esComponent in EnableStates; btnAddProperty.Enabled := esComponent in EnableStates; cmbPropertyName.Enabled := esProperty in EnableStates; lblPropertyName.Enabled := esProperty in EnableStates; edtDefaultValue.Enabled := esProperty in EnableStates; lblDefaultValue.Enabled := esProperty in EnableStates; grpProperty.Enabled := esProperty in EnableStates; btnRemove.Enabled := EnableStates []; ShowProperties(CompName); cmbPropertyName.Text := PropertyName; trvCollections.Update; end; end. Have fun, Daniel Wischnewski, Content Ace