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Compensating for different screen resolution

{ My forms always look bad when displayed at a screen resolution different from the one it was designed at. I found some code in Lloyd's help file, which made it look very easy. The only problem is that it won't compile for me. The code is as follows: ------------------------------------------------ } implementation const ScreenWidth: LongInt = 800; {I designed my form in 800x600 mode.} ScreenHeight: LongInt = 600; {$R *.DFM} procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); var i, OldFormWidth: integer; begin scaled := true; if (screen.width <> ScreenWidth) then begin OldFormWidth := width; height := longint(height) * longint(screen.height) DIV ScreenHeight; width := longint(width) * longint(screen.width) DIV ScreenWidth; scaleBy(screen.width, ScreenWidth); font.size := (Width DIV OldFormWidth) * font.size; end; end; Then, you will want to have something that checks to see that the font sizes are OK. Before you change the font's size, you would need to ensure the object actually has a font property by checking the RTTI. This can be done as follows: USES TypInfo; {Add this to your USES statement.} var i: integer; begin for i := componentCount - 1 downto 0 do with components[i] do begin if GetPropInfo(ClassInfo, 'font') <> nil then font.size := (NewFormWidth DIV OldFormWidth) * font.size; end; end; ------------------------------------------------ The first problem is that the TypeInfo unit does not seem to exist. The other problem is that the GetPropInfo() function is undefined. Apparently it is in the TypeInfo unit. What am I missing? Has the TypeInfo class been removed from Delphi in version 2? Is there another way to find out if a component has a Font property? Please help!