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unit Unit1; //Richard Ebbs for EMISLEGAL 16.02.01 //tiny program to test the setting of a colour to be TRANSPARENT interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls; type TMainForm = class(TForm) Image: TImage; ExitButton: TButton; procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure ExitButtonClick(Sender: TObject); procedure SubstituteBitMapColours(var aBitMap: Graphics.TBitMap; oldColour, newColour: TColor); procedure FillBMPBackGround(var aBitMap: Graphics.TBitMap; fillCol: TColor); private //private declarations public //public declarations end; var MainForm: TMainForm; implementation {$R *.DFM} procedure TMainForm.ExitButtonClick(Sender: TObject); begin Close; end; //////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TMainForm.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); //so far all attempts at setting one of the //colours in a bitmap image to be transparent //have failed; so instead we use the DIY //SubstituteBitMapColours function. UPDATE: //various (most) of the commented-out chunks //of code DO work WHEN THE ORIGINAL IMAGE IS //SAVED a) AS A 256-COLOUR (8-bit) IMAGE, AND //b) WHEN THE IMAGE IS SAVED (in PhotoShop or //other reasonable graphics package) SUCH THAT //IT IS DEFINED AS USING THE WINDOWS SYTEM //PALETTE... var tempBitMap: Graphics.TBitMap; colourToReplace: TColor; newColour: TColor; begin tempBitMap := Graphics.TBitMap.Create; tempBitMap.LoadFromFile('Doc128.bmp'); //tempBitMap.Transparent := True; //tempBitMap.Transparent := False; //tempBitMap.TransParentColor := clWhite; //tempBitMap.TransParentColor := tempBitMap.Canvas.Pixels[1,1]; //colourToReplace := tempBitMap.Canvas.Pixels[1, 1]; //tempBitMap.TransparentMode := tmFixed; //tempBitMap.TransparentMode := tmAuto; //SetBkMode(tempBitMap.Canvas.Handle, TRANSPARENT); //SubstituteBitMapColours(tempBitMap, colourToReplace, clBlue); newColour := MainForm.Color; SubstituteBitMapColours(tempBitMap, clFuchsia, newColour); //FillBMPBackGround(tempBitMap, clBlue); {with tempBitmap do begin Transparent := True; TransparentColor := clWhite; //TransparentColor := Canvas.Pixels[1, 1]; end;} Image.Canvas.Draw(0, 0, tempBitMap); //Image.Picture.Graphic.Transparent := True; {with Image.Picture.Bitmap do begin Transparent := True; //TransparentColor := clWhite; TransparentColor := Canvas.Pixels[1, 1]; Refresh; end;} tempBitMap.Free; end; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TMainForm.SubstituteBitMapColours(var aBitMap: Graphics.TBitMap; oldColour, newColour: TColor); //code above (in the FormCreate method) for setting one colour within a //bitmap to be transparent, does not work (as it should, since the code //is from a Borland example). So we have to do things longhand, and //substitute every instance of a colour within a bitmap to be some new //(pssed in) colour. The way we do it is slow: using scanline somehow //would probably be faster (so edit this is if speed is a problem)... //THIS WORKS INTERMITTENTLY, but NOT all of the time... var wIdx: Integer; hIdx: Integer; begin //this is a SLOW WAY OF DOING IT... for wIdx := 0 to aBitMap.Width do begin for hIdx := 0 to aBitMap.Height do begin if (aBitMap.Canvas.Pixels[widx, hIdx] = oldColour) then begin aBitMap.Canvas.Pixels[widx, hIdx] := newColour; end; end; end; end; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TMainForm.FillBMPBackGround(var aBitMap: Graphics.TBitMap; fillCol: TColor); var oldBrCol: TColor; currBkColour: TColor; begin oldBrCol := aBitMap.Canvas.Brush.Color; aBitMap.Canvas.Brush.Color := fillCol; //using the pixel at 1, 1 as a basis for floodfilling should //work with ANY bitmap we care to use (if we set it up right) currBkColour := aBitMap.Canvas.Pixels[1, 1]; aBitMap.Canvas.FloodFill(1, 1, currBkColour, fsSurface); //aBitMap.Canvas.FloodFill(1, 1, fillCol, fsSurface); aBitMap.Canvas.Brush.Color := oldBrCol; end; end.