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Color selection options

I need to emulate the color selection options of control panel... I looked up the setsyscolor procedure, but though it seems to cause a global repaint, it seems to have no effect... is it no longer supported? should I instead change the win.ini (or is it system.ini - sorry - can't remember right now.) If I change these values will programs update - or do they have to be notified in some way? A: procedure TMainForm.Button4Click(Sender: TObject); var nColorIndex: array [1..2] of integer; nColorValue: array [1..2] of longint; begin nColorIndex[1]:=COLOR_ACTIVECAPTION; nColorIndex[2]:=COLOR_BTNFACE; nColorValue[1]:=clBlue; nColorValue[2]:=clRed; SetSysColors(2,nColorIndex,nColorValue); PostMessage(HWND_BROADCAST,WM_SYSCOLORCHANGE,0,0); end;