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unit CodeBox; { This verison of the CodeBox unit is designed to compile on the Standard and Pro versions of Delphi 4. If it does not, let me know by email at In particular, I have commented out the reference to HTTPApp.pas because it does not ship with the Pro and Standard versions of Delphi. To support a function in the CodeBox unit called GetWebRequest (lines 294 & 2510) you can restore HTTPApp.pas to the uses clause and you can remove the comments around GetWebRequest. To edit the uses clause on line 24 for the CS version, make sure it looks like this: uses Windows, Classes, Forms, Consts, SysUtils, Graphics, ActiveX, HTTPApp.pas; --------------------------------------------------------------- This unit contains various utility routines that I have written or collected over the years. There are four major categories of routines: Bit manipulation Math Ole Palette String This unit will compile to a smaller size if you define DELPHI_LEAN_AND_MEAN. Might do that on shipping builds... Delphi 1 = VER80 Delphi 2 = VER90 Delphi 3 = VER100 Delphi 4 = VER120 C++ Builder = VER93 C++ Builder3 = VER110 } interface uses Windows, Classes, Forms, Consts, SysUtils, Graphics, ActiveX; //, HTTPApp; { --- Bit Manipulation --- } function ShowBits(B: Byte): string; procedure SetBit(Position: Integer; Value: Byte; var ChangeByte: Byte); function BitOn(Position: Integer; TestByte: Byte) : Boolean; { --- Math Declarations --- } function ArcCos(x: Real): Real; function ArcSin(x: Real): Real; function Comp2Str(N: Comp): String; function Int2StrPad0(N: LongInt; Len: Integer): String; function Int2Str(N: LongInt): String; function IsEqual(R1, R2: Double): Boolean; function LogXY(x, y: Real): Real; function Pennies2Dollars(C: Comp): String; function Power(X: Integer; Y: Integer): Real; function Power2(Base, Exponent : Double) : Double; function Real2Str(N: Real; Width, Places: integer): String; function Str2Comp(MyString: string): Comp; function Str2Pennies(S: String): Comp; function Str2Real(MyString: string): Double; function XToTheY(x, y: Real): Real; { --- Date and Time Declarations --- } function HoursToMsecs(Hours: Integer): Integer; function MinutesToMSecs(Minutes: Integer): Integer; function SecondsToMSecs(Seconds: Integer): Integer; { --- OLE DECLARATIONS --- } const SOleError = 62211; CLSCTX_REMOTE_SERVER = $10; type PMultiQi = ^TMultiQI; TMultiQi = record IID: PGUID; Unknown: IUnknown; hr: HRESULT; end; PCoAuthIdentity = ^TCoAuthIdentity; TCoAuthIdentity = record // User: PUSHORT; UserLength: ULong; // Domain: PUShort; DomainLength: ULong; // Password: PUShort; PasswordLength: ULong; Flags: ULong; end; PCoAuthInfo = ^TCoAuthInfo; TCoAuthInfo = record dwAuthnSvc: DWord; dwAuthzSvc: DWord; pwszServerPrincName: PWideChar; dwImpersonationLevel: DWord; pAuthIdentityData: PCoAuthIdentity; dwCapabilities: Dword; end; PCoServerInfo = ^TCoServerInfo; TCoserverinfo = record dwReserved1: DWord; pwszName: PWideChar; pAuthInfo: PCoAuthInfo; dwReserved2: DWord; end; {$IFDEF VER90} TCoserverinfo = record dwReserved1: DWord; pwszName: PWideChar; pAuthInfo: PCoAuthInfo; dwReserved2: DWord; end; PCoServerInfo = ^TCoServerInfo; TCoServerInfo = record dwSize: DWORD; pszName: POleStr; end; {$ENDIF} EOleError = class(Exception); PClassInfo = ^TClassInfo; TClassInfo = record FileName: string; ProgID: string; ClassID: string; Description: string; end; TMakeGuid = class private FClassInfo: TClassInfo; FGuid: TGuid; FClassName: string; function GUIDToString: string; protected public constructor Create(AClassName: string); virtual; function CreateClassInfo(FileName, ProgID, Description: string; UpdateReg: Boolean): TClassInfo; destructor Destroy; override; function GUIDToNewPascalRecord: string; function GUIDToOldPascalRecord: string; function GUIDToCStruct: string; function CreateRegFile: string; procedure UpdateRegistry(DoRegister: Boolean); function StringGUIDToPascalRecord(S: string): string; property GUID: TGUID read FGuid; property GuidAsString: string read GuidToString; end; {$IFDEF VER90} function CoCreateInstanceEx(const clsid: TGUID; unkOuter: IUnknown; dwClsContext: Longint; CoServer: PCoServerInfo; const CMQ: LongInt; rgmqResults: PMultiQI): HResult; stdcall; } {$ENDIF} function AnsiToUnicode(S: string; var NewSize: Integer): PWideChar; function CLSIDToStr(ID: TGUID): string; // function CreateRemoteOleObject(const ClassName, Server: string): Variant; {$IFDEF VER90} function GetRemoteOleObject(ClassID: TGUID; const Server: string): Variant; {$ENDIF} function CreateRemoteOleObject(ClassID: TGUID; const Server: string): Variant; function CreateRemoteUnknown(ClassID: TGUID; const Server: string): IUnknown; function CreateLocalOleObject(ClassID: TGUID): Variant; procedure CreateRegKey(const Key, Value: string); function CutDirStr(Start: string; NumDirs: Integer): string; procedure DeleteRegKey(const Key: string); function EnumerateClipBoardFormats(AHandle: THandle): string; function FileNameToExe(S: string): string; function GetAppContentType(sExt: string): string; function GetCLSIDName(iid: TGuid): string; function GetNameOfCLSID(iid: TGUID): string; function GetNameOfInterfaceID(iid: TGUID): string; function GetVarType(i: Integer): string; function GetOleError(ErrorCode: HResult): ShortString; function GetcfFormat(AFormat: DWord): ShortString; function GetMediumType(tymed: Longint): string; procedure OleError(ErrorCode: HResult); procedure OleSucceeded(hr: HResult); procedure SplitDirName(Path: string; var Dir: string; var WName: String); function UnicodeToAnsi(S: PWideChar): string; { --- Palette Manipulation --- } type T256PalEntry = array[0..255] of TPALETTEENTRY; PRGB = ^TRGB; TRGB = array[ 0..255 ] of TRGBQuad; { TFilePalette accepts a Paint Shop Pro text file palette and create a windows palette. In PSP, you can save a 256 color palette to a text file. That is the file that TFilePalette works with.} TFilePalette = class private FDC: HDC; FFileName: string; FHandle: HWnd; FOldPal: HPalette; FPalette: HPalette; FPalEntries: T256PalEntry; function MakePalette: Boolean; function ReadPalette: Boolean; protected public constructor Create(AHandle: HWnd; AFileName: string); virtual; destructor Destroy; override; function GetPalette: HPalette; function RealizePalette: HDC; property Palette: HPalette read FPalette write FPalette; end; procedure BatchBitmapToJPeg(Dir: string; DeleteOriginals: Boolean); procedure BitmapToJPeg(FileName: string; DeleteOriginal: Boolean); procedure DrawClock(Canvas: TCanvas; X, Y: Integer; Color: TColor); procedure DrawPalette(DC: HDC); function GetDCCaps(DC: HDC): string; function GetPaletteFromResFile(Instance: THandle; BitmapName: string; var NumPalEntries: Integer): T256PalEntry; procedure MakePaletteCurrent(Handle: HWnd; Pal: T256PalEntry); procedure ReadPal(FileName: string; var P: T256PalEntry); procedure WritePal(FileName: string; var P: T256PalEntry); procedure AppendError(ErrorCode: HResult; ErrStr: string); procedure SaveClipBoardBitmap(BitMap: HBitMap; FileName: string); procedure ShowFilePalette(Handle: HWnd; AFileName: string); function StartTimer: DWord; function EndTimer(StartTime: DWord): DWORD; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STRING HANDLING These routines are designed to make life easier when you are handling text. The routines are not necessarily well optimized, but they make it easy to write easily maintainable code for manipulating strings. TODO This section has some references to WIN32. Its doubtful that CodeBox will even come close to compiling under Delphi 1, so I can probably remove those references, rather than trying to IfDef them.... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------} const CR = #13#10; MaxStrLen = 250; type Str12 = string[12]; DirStr = string[67]; PathStr = string[79]; NameStr = string[8]; ExtStr = string[4]; function Ask(S: string): Boolean; function Address2Str(Addr : Pointer) : string; function AddBackSlash(S: string): string; function CleanFTPString(S: string): string; function CleanString(S: string): string; function GetFirstWord(S: string): string; function GetFirstToken(S: string; Token: Char): string; function GetHexWord(w: Word): string; function GetLastToken(S: string; Token: Char): string; function GetLastWord(S: string): string; {$IFNDEF WIN32} function GetLogicalAddr(A: Pointer): Pointer; {$ENDIF} function GetTodayName(Pre, Ext: string): string; function GetTodaysDate: string; function GetTimeString: string; function GetTimeFormated: string; function IsNumber(Ch: Char): Boolean; function LeftSet(src: string; Width:Integer; var Trunc: Boolean): String; procedure ParseTokenList(S: string; Token: Char; var List: TStringList); function ReplaceChars(S: string; OldCh, NewCh: Char): string; function ReplaceCharStr(S: string; OldCh: Char; NewStr: string): string; function RightCharSet(Src: string; Width: Integer; Ch: Char; var Trunc: Boolean): string; function RemoveFirstWord(var S : String) : String; function ReplaceString(NewSubStr, OldSubStr, WholeStr: string): string; function ReplaceAllStrings(NewStr, ReplaceStr: string; Data: string): string; function ReverseStr(S: string): string; function Shorten(S: string; Cut: Integer): string; function StripAllChars(S: string; Ch: Char): string; function StripCRs(S: string): string; function StripBackSlash(const S: String): String; function StripBlanks(S: string): string; function StripEndChars(S: string; Ch: Char): string; function StripFirstWord(S : string) : string; function StripFirstToken(S: string; Ch: Char): string; function StripFrontChars(S: string; Ch: Char): string; function StripFromFront(S: string; Len: Integer): string; function StripFromEnd(S: string; Num: integer): string; function StripLastToken(S: string; Token: Char): string; function StripLastWord(S: string): string; {$IFNDEF WIN32} procedure SetLength(var S: string; i: Integer); {$ENDIF} function StrTok(StrToSearch, StrToFind: string): string; procedure Tokenize (toBeTokened: string; delimiter : char; var tokens :array of string); {--------------------------------------} {-- RichEdit Code ---------------------} {--------------------------------------} (* uses RichEdit; Type TEditStreamCallBack = function (dwCookie : DWORD; buf : PChar; bytestoread : LongInt; var bytesread : LongInt): DWORD; stdcall; TEditStream = record dwCookie: Longint; dwError: Longint; pfnCallback: TEditStreamCallBack; end; StreamOps = (readop, writeop); TRTFCookieData = {my data record} record streamop : readop..writeop; opstream : TStream; end; PRTFData = ^TRTFCookieData; {$R *.DFM} function EditStreamCallBack(dwCookie : DWORD; buf : PChar; bytestoread : LongInt; var bytesread : LongInt): DWORD; stdcall; var astream : TStream; RTFData : PRTFData; begin RTFData := PRTFData(dwCookie); astream := RTFData.opstream; result := S_OK; bytesread := 0; try if RTFData.streamop = readop then bytesread := astream.Read(buf^, bytestoread) else bytesread := astream.Write(buf^, bytestoread); showmessage(inttostr(bytesread)); except result := E_FAIL; end; end; procedure RTF_To_Stream(RE : TRichEdit; astream : TStream); var CookieData : TRTFCookieData; EditStream : TEditStream; begin CookieData.streamop := writeop; CookieData.opstream := astream; EditStream.dwCookie := DWORD(@CookieData); EditStream.pfnCallback := EditStreamCallBack; EditStream.dwError := S_OK; SendMessage(RE.handle, EM_STREAMOUT, SF_RTF or SFF_SELECTION, LongInt(@EditStream)); end; procedure RTF_From_Stream(RE : TRichEdit; astream : TStream); var CookieData : TRTFCookieData; EditStream : TEditStream; begin CookieData.streamop := readop; CookieData.opstream := astream; EditStream.dwCookie := DWORD(@CookieData); EditStream.pfnCallback := EditStreamCallBack; EditStream.dwError := S_OK; SendMessage(RE.handle, EM_STREAMIN, SF_RTF or SFF_SELECTION, LongInt(@EditStream)); end; procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); var ss : TStringStream; begin ss := TStringStream.Create(''); try RTF_To_Stream(RichEdit1, ss); ss.position := 0; RTF_From_Stream(RichEdit3, ss); finally; end; end; *) {----------------------------------------------------------------------------- COM STORAGE -----------------------------------------------------------------------------} type TSafeStore = class(TObject) private FStorageStrings: TStringList; FStorage: IStorage; procedure CreateStorage(FileName: string); procedure OpenStorage(FileName: string); function ShowStorageElement(S: string; StatStg: TStatStg): Integer; procedure HandleProperty(Storage: IStorage); procedure HandleSubStorage(var Storage: IStorage; StatStg: TStatStg); procedure EnumStorageElements(var Storage: IStorage); public destructor Destroy; override; function RefreshStorageStr: TStringList; constructor Create(FileName: string); virtual; procedure DestroyElement(S: string); function GetNewStream(StreamName: string): IStream; function OpenStream(StreamName: string): IStream; procedure WriteTextToStorage(StreamName: string; Value: string); function ReadTextFromStream(StreamName: string): string; procedure ReadInteger(Stream: IStream; var Num: Integer); procedure WriteInteger(Stream: IStream; Num: Integer); procedure ReadString(Stream: IStream; var S: string); procedure WriteString(Stream: IStream; S: string); property StgStrings: TStringList read FStorageStrings; property Storage: IStorage read FStorage; end; procedure CreateNewFile(var F: TextFile; FileName: string); procedure DrawBitmap(PaintDC: HDC; Bitmap: HBitMap; XVal, Yval, AWidth, AHeight: Integer); function CoinFlip: Boolean; function ReadStringFromStorage(StorageName: string; StreamName: string): string; procedure WriteStreamToStorage(StorageName, StreamName, Value: string); {$IFDEF VER90} function VarToInterface(const V: Variant): IDispatch; {$ENDIF} procedure GetFileAttributeList(Items: TStrings; A: Integer); //function GetWebRequest(Request: TWebRequest): string; {----------------------------------------------------------------------------- FILE HANDLING Some of the following are from the FmxUtils.pas file that ships with Delphi 4 in the demos directory. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------} function BigFileSize(FileName: string): Int64; function CheckExtension(FileName: string; Values: array of string): Boolean; function GetStartDir: string; function GetTempDir: string; procedure GetNameAndExt(FileName: string; var Name: string; var Ext: string); function ExecuteFile(const FileName, Params, DefaultDir: string; ShowCmd: Integer): THandle; procedure EZCopyFile(const FileName, DestName: string); procedure MoveFile(const FileName, DestName: string); function GetFileSize2(const FileName: string): LongInt; function FileDateTime(const FileName: string): TDateTime; function HasAttr(const FileName: string; Attr: Word): Boolean; function IsPrinterOn(const Port: Word): Boolean; function IsValidDir(S: string): Boolean; procedure WinExec2(ProgramToStart: string; Params: string; Show: Integer); procedure WinExecAndWait(const Cmd: string; Params: string; Show: Integer); implementation uses Dialogs, ClipBrd, Registry, ComObj, ShellApi, jpeg, MMSystem; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This routine should return True 50% of the time. Call Randomize before calling this method ------------------------------------------------------------------------------} function CoinFlip: Boolean; var Odds: Real; begin Odds := Random; if Odds < 0.5 then Result := True else Result := False; end; procedure CreateNewFile(var F: TextFile; FileName: string); begin AssignFile(F, FileName); ReWrite(F); CloseFile(F); end; {** WinExec2 is a replacement for the Win16 WinExec procedure, which is still available, but which is officially obsolete. @param Show The show parameter can be: <CODE> SW_HIDE = 0; SW_SHOWNORMAL = 1; SW_SHOWMINIMIZED = 2; SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED = 3; </CODE> @example Here is an example: <Code> WinExec2('c:\windows\notepad.exe', ' c:\autoexec.bat', SW_SHOWNORMAL); </Code> } procedure WinExec2(ProgramToStart: string; Params: string; Show: Integer); var StartupInfo: TStartupInfo; ProcessInfo: TProcessInformation; begin if (Params <> '') and (Params[1] <> ' ') then Params := ' ' + Params; FillChar(StartupInfo, SizeOf(TStartupInfo), 0); StartupInfo.cb := SizeOf(TStartupInfo); StartupInfo.dwFlags := STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW; StartupInfo.wShowWindow := Show; if not (CreateProcess(PChar(ProgramToStart), PChar(Params), nil, nil, False, NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS, nil, nil, StartupInfo, ProcessInfo)) then RaiseLastWin32Error; WaitForInputIdle(ProcessInfo.hProcess, Infinite); CloseHandle(ProcessInfo.hThread); CloseHandle(ProcessInfo.hProcess); end; {** WinExecAndWait starts a program and wait for it to return. See WinExec2 above for more details. @example <Code> WinExecAndWait('c:\windows\notepad.exe', '', SW_SHOWNORMAL); ShowMessage('Call over'); </Code> } procedure WinExecAndWait(const Cmd: string; Params: string; Show: Integer); var StartupInfo: TStartupInfo; ProcessInfo: TProcessInformation; Wait: DWord; begin if (Params <> '') and (Params[1] <> ' ') then Params := ' ' + Params; FillChar(StartupInfo, SizeOf(TStartupInfo), 0); StartupInfo.cb := SizeOf(TStartupInfo); StartupInfo.dwFlags := STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW; StartupInfo.wShowWindow := Show; if not (CreateProcess(PChar(Cmd), PChar(Params), nil, nil, False, NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS, nil, nil, StartupInfo, ProcessInfo)) then RaiseLastWin32Error; WaitForInputIdle(ProcessInfo.hProcess, Infinite); Wait := WaitForSingleObject(ProcessInfo.hProcess, Infinite); case Wait of WAIT_ABANDONED: ; WAIT_OBJECT_0: ; WAIT_TIMEOUT: ; end; CloseHandle(ProcessInfo.hThread); CloseHandle(ProcessInfo.hProcess); end; {** Pass in a TStrings object and this routine will file it with the attributes from TSearchRec. Typically used with FindNext and a ListBox.Items object. } procedure GetFileAttributeList(Items: TStrings; A: Integer); begin if A and SysUtils.faDirectory = SysUtils.faDirectory then Items.Add('Directory'); if A and faReadOnly = faReadOnly then Items.Add('ReadOnly'); if A and faSysFile = faSysFile then Items.Add('SystemFile'); if A and faVolumeID = faVolumeID then Items.Add('Volume ID'); if A and faArchive = faArchive then Items.Add('Archive'); if A and faAnyFile = faAnyFile then Items.Add('AnyFile'); if A and faHidden = faHidden then Items.Add('Hidden'); end; {$IFDEF VER90} {** For use with older versions of Delphi } function VarToInterface(const V: Variant): IDispatch; begin Result := nil; if TVarData(V).VType = varDispatch then Result := TVarData(V).VDispatch else if TVarData(V).VType = (varDispatch or varByRef) then Result := Pointer(TVarData(V).VPointer^); if Result = nil then raise EOleError.Create(SVarNotObject); end; {$ENDIF} { ------------------------- } { --- BIT MANIPULATION --- } { ------------------------- } {** ShowBits accepts a byte parameter and returns a string of eight ones and zeros indicating the binary form of a bite. } function ShowBits(B : Byte): string; var i: Integer; bt: Byte; s: string; begin bt := $01; s := ''; for i := 1 to 8 do begin if (b And bt) > 0 then S := '1' + s else s := '0' + s; {$R-} bt := bt shl 1; {$R+} end; ShowBits := s; end; {** SetBit sets a particular bit in ChangeByte to either 1 or 0. The bit is specified by Position, which can range from 0 to 7. In Value, put 1 if you want the bit Position set to 1 and put 0 if you want bit Position set to 0. The right byte is Position 0, the far left is Position 7. Based on a routine found in Turbo Pascal by Stephen K O'Brian. } procedure SetBit(Position : Integer; Value : Byte; var ChangeByte : Byte); var Bt : Byte; begin bt := $01; bt := bt shl Position; if Value = 1 then ChangeByte := ChangeByte or bt else begin bt := bt xor $FF; ChangeByte := ChangeByte and bt; end; end; {** BitOn tests if a bit in TestByte is turned on (equal to 1). If the bit indicated by Position is turned on, then BitOn returns True. } function BitOn(Position : Integer; TestByte : Byte) : Boolean; var bt : Byte; begin bt := $01; bt := bt shl Position; BitOn := (bt and TestByte) > 0; end; { ------------------------ } { --- MATH ROUTINES --- } { ------------------------ } {** ArcCos Find the ArcCos of a Real Date: 02/20/94 } function ArcCos(x: Real): Real; begin ArcCos := ArcTan(Sqrt(1 - Sqr(x)) / x); end; {** <Code> Name: ArcSin function Declaration: function ArcSin(x: Real): Real; Unit: MathBox Code: N Date: 02/20/94 Description: Find the ArcSin of a Real </Code>} function ArcSin(x: Real): Real; begin ArcSin := ArcTan(x / Sqrt( 1 - Sqr(x))); end; {** <Code> Name: Comp2Str function Declaration: Comp2Str(N: real; Width, Places: integer) Unit: MathBox Code: N Date: 02/17/94 Description: Converts a Comp into a String </Code> } function Comp2Str(N: Comp): String; var TempString: String; begin Str(N:0:0, TempString); Comp2Str := TempString; end; {** <Code> Name: Int2Str function Declaration: Int2Str(N: LongInt): String; Unit: MathBox Code: N Date: 06/25/94 Description: Converts a number into a string and pads the string with zeros if it is less than Len characters long. </Code> } function Int2Str(N: LongInt): String; var S : String; begin Str(N:0,S); Int2Str := S; end; {** <Code> Name: Int2StrPad0 function Declaration: Int2StrPad0(N: LongInt; Len: Integer): String; Unit: MathBox Code: N Date: 03/01/94 Description: Converts a number into a string and pads the string with zeros if it is less than Len characters long. </Code> } function Int2StrPad0(N: LongInt; Len: Integer): string; begin FmtStr(Result, '%d', [N]); while Length(Result) < Len do Result := '0' + Result; end; {** <Code> Name: IsEqual function Declaration: IsEqual(R1, R2: Double): Boolean; Unit: MathBox Code: N Date: 07/04/94 Description: Tests to see if two doubles are effectively equal. Floating point numbers are never exact, so we need an approximation. </Code> } function IsEqual(R1, R2: Double): Boolean; var R : Double; begin R := Abs(R1 - R2); if R > 0.0001 then IsEqual := False else IsEqual := True; end; {** <Code> Name: LogXY function Declaration: function LogXY(x: Real): Real; Unit: MathBox Code: N Date: 02/20/94 Description: Log of X Y </Code> } function LogXY(x, y: Real): Real; begin LogXY := Ln(x) / Ln(y); end; {** <Code> Name: Pennies2Dollars function Declaration: Pennies2Dollars(C: Comp): String; Unit: MathBox Code: N Date: 02/17/94 Description: Converts a Comp type that represents a certain number of pennies into a string with two decimal places. 123 => $1.23 </Code> } function Pennies2Dollars(C: Comp): String; var S: string; begin S := Comp2Str(C); Insert('.', S, Length(S) - 1); if S[1] = '-' then begin { Number negative? } S := StripFrontChars(S, '-'); S := '-$' + S; end else S := '$' + S; Pennies2Dollars := S; end; {** <Code> Name: Power function Declaration: Power(X: Integer; Y: Integer): Real; Unit: MathBox Code: N Date: 02/20/94 Description: Raise X to the Y power </Code> } function Power(X: Integer; Y: Integer): Real; var Count: Integer; OutCome: Real; begin OutCome := 1; for Count := 1 to Y do OutCome := OutCome * X; Power := OutCome; end; {** A power function from Jack Lyle. Said to be more powerful than the Pow function that comes with Delphi. } function Power2(Base, Exponent : Double) : Double; { raises the base to the exponent } CONST cTiny = 1e-15; VAR Power : Double; { Value before sign correction } BEGIN Power := 0; { Deal with the near zero special cases } IF (Abs(Base) < cTiny) THEN BEGIN Base := 0.0; END; { IF } IF (Abs(Exponent) < cTiny) THEN BEGIN Exponent := 0.0; END; { IF } { Deal with the exactly zero cases } IF (Base = 0.0) THEN BEGIN Power := 0.0; END; { IF } IF (Exponent = 0.0) THEN BEGIN Power := 1.0; END; { IF } { Cover everything else } IF ((Base < 0) AND (Exponent < 0)) THEN Power := 1/Exp(-Exponent*Ln(-Base)) ELSE IF ((Base < 0) AND (Exponent >= 0)) THEN Power := Exp(Exponent*Ln(-Base)) ELSE IF ((Base > 0) AND (Exponent < 0)) THEN Power := 1/Exp(-Exponent*Ln(Base)) ELSE IF ((Base > 0) AND (Exponent >= 0)) THEN Power := Exp(Exponent*Ln(Base)); { Correct the sign } IF ((Base < 0) AND (Frac(Exponent/2.0) <> 0.0)) THEN Result := -Power ELSE Result := Power; END; { FUNCTION Pow } {** <Code> Name: Real2Str function Declaration: Real2Str(N: real; Width, Places: integer) Unit: MathBox Code: N Date: 02/17/94 Description: Converts a Real number into a String </Code> } function Real2Str(N: Real; Width, Places: integer): String; var TempString: String; begin Str(N:Width:Places, TempString); Real2Str := TempString; end; {** <Code> Name: Str2Comp function Declaration: Str2Real(MyString: string) Unit: MathBox Code: N Date: 02/17/94 Description: Converts a String to a Comp </Code> } function Str2Comp(MyString: string): Comp; var ErrCode: Integer; Temp: Comp; begin If Length(Mystring) = 0 then Str2Comp := 0 else begin Val(Mystring, Temp, ErrCode); if ErrCode = 0 then Str2Comp := temp else Str2Comp := 0; end; end; {** <Code> Name: Str2Pennies function Declaration: Str2Pennies(MyString: string) Unit: MathBox Code: N Date: 02/17/94 Description: Converts a String to a Comp </Code> } function Str2Pennies(S: String): Comp; var C: Comp; i: Integer; begin if S[1] = '$' then Delete(S, 1, 1); i := Pos('.', S); if i = Length(S) then begin { Is last character a period? } Delete(S, i, 1); S := S + '00'; end else if i <> 0 then begin { Some pennies? } Delete(S, i, 1); if i = (Length(S)) then { Only one char after decimal?} S := S + '0' end else S := S + '00'; { No decimal, no pennies } C := Str2Comp(S); Str2Pennies := C; end; {** <Code> Name: Str2Real function Declaration: Str2Real(MyString: string) Unit: MathBox Code: N Date: 02/17/94 Description: Converts a String to Real number </Code> } function Str2Real(MyString: string): Double; var ErrCode: Integer; Temp: Double; begin If Length(Mystring) = 0 then Str2Real := 0 else begin Val(Mystring, Temp, ErrCode); if ErrCode = 0 then Str2Real := temp else Str2Real := 0; end; end; {** <Code> Name: XToTheY function Declaration: XToTheY(x, y: Real): Real; Unit: MathBox Code: N Date: 02/20/94 Description: Raise X to the Y Power </Code> } function XToTheY(x, y: Real): Real; begin XToTheY := Exp(y * Ln(x)); end; { ------------------------------------------------------ } { --- DateTime ROUTINES ------------------------------ } { ------------------------------------------------------ } function HoursToMsecs(Hours: Integer): Integer; begin Result := Hours * 60 * 60 * 1000; end; function MinutesToMSecs(Minutes: Integer): Integer; begin Result := Minutes * 60 * 1000; end; function SecondsTOMSecs(Seconds: Integer): Integer; begin Result := Seconds * 1000; end; { ------------------------------------------------------ } { --- OLE ROUTINES ----------------------------------- } { ------------------------------------------------------ } { --- TMakeGuid --- } // Not exactly rocket science.... constructor TMakeGuid.Create(AClassName: string); begin CoInitialize(nil); CoCreateGuid(FGUID); FClassName := AClassName; end; destructor TMakeGuid.Destroy; begin CoUninitialize; inherited Destroy; end; function TMakeGuid.GUIDToString: string; var P: PWideChar; begin StringFromCLSID(FGUID, P); Result := WideCharToString(P); end; function TMakeGuid.StringGuidToPascalRecord(S: string): string; var Len, i: Integer; begin S := ReplaceString('D1:$', '{', S); S := ReplaceString(';D2:$', '-', S); S := ReplaceString(';D3:$', '-', S); S := ReplaceString(';D4:($', '-', S); S := ReplaceString(',$', '-', S); S := ReplaceString('));', '}', S); for i := 1 to 7 do begin Len := Length(S); if i <> 6 then Insert(',$', S, Len - (4 * i)); end; S := ' CLSID_' + FClassName + ': TGUID = (' + #13#10#32#32#32#32 + S; Result := S; end; // Convert Windows GUID to old Delphi GUID function TMakeGuid.GUIDToNewPascalRecord: string; var S: string; begin S := GUIDToString; Result := 'LIBID_Project1: TGUID = ''' + S + ''';'; end; // Convert Windows GUID to old Delphi GUID function TMakeGuid.GUIDToOldPascalRecord: string; var S: string; begin S := GUIDToString; Result := StringGuidToPascalRecord(S); end; function TMakeGuid.GUIDToCStruct: string; var Len, i: Integer; AClassName, S: string; begin AClassName := UpperCase(FClassName); S := GuidToString; S := ReplaceString('0x', '{', S); S := ReplaceString(', 0x', '-', S); S := ReplaceString(', 0x', '-', S); S := ReplaceString(', 0x', '-', S); S := ReplaceString('', '-', S); S := ReplaceString(');', '}', S); for i := 1 to 7 do begin Len := Length(S); Insert(',0x', S, Len - (3 + ((i - 1) * 5))); end; S := 'DEFINE_GUID(CLSID_' + AClassname + ', ' + S; Result := S; end; function TMakeGuid.CreateRegFile: string; var GuidAsString: string; const RegString = 'REGEDIT' + CR + 'HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\%s1.0 = %s Object' + CR + 'HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\%s1.0\CLSID = %s' + CR + 'HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\%s = %s Object' + CR + 'HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\%s\CurVer = %s1.0' + CR + 'HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\%s\CLSID = %s' + CR + 'HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\%s = %s Object'+ CR + 'HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\%s\ProgID = %s1.0' + CR + 'HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\%s\VersionIndependentProgID = %s' + CR + 'HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\%s\InprocServer32 = e:\src\Maze\%s\%s.dll' + CR + 'HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\%s\NotInsertable'; begin GuidAsString := GUIDToString; Result := Format(RegString, [FClassName, FClassName, FClassName, GuidAsString, FClassName, FClassName, FClassName, FClassName, FClassName, GuidAsString, GuidAsString, FClassName, GuidAsString, FClassName, GuidAsString, FClassName, GuidAsString, FClassName, FClassName, GuidAsString]); end; function TMakeGuid.CreateClassInfo(FileName, ProgID, Description: string; UpdateReg: Boolean): TClassInfo; begin FClassInfo.ClassID := GUIDAsString; FClassInfo.FileName := FileName; FClassInfo.ProgID := ProgID; FClassInfo.Description := Description; If UpdateReg then UpdateRegistry(True); Result := FClassInfo; end; ///////////////////////////////////////////////// // Given a TClassInfo structure, as defined in this unit, // either register, or unregister the class in the // registration database. Use REGEDIT.EXE to view results. ///////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TMakeGuid.UpdateRegistry(DoRegister: Boolean); begin if DoRegister then begin CreateRegKey(FClassInfo.ProgID, FClassInfo.Description); CreateRegKey(FClassInfo.ProgID + '\Clsid', FClassInfo.ClassID); CreateRegKey('CLSID\' + FClassInfo.ClassID, FClassInfo.Description); CreateRegKey('CLSID\' + FClassInfo.ClassID + '\ProgID', FClassInfo.ProgID); CreateRegKey('CLSID\' + FClassInfo.ClassID + '\InprocServer32', FClassInfo.FileName); end else begin DeleteRegKey('CLSID\' + FClassInfo.ClassID + '\InprocServer32'); DeleteRegKey('CLSID\' + FClassInfo.ClassID + '\ProgID'); DeleteRegKey('CLSID\' + FClassInfo.ClassID); DeleteRegKey(FClassInfo.ProgID + '\Clsid'); DeleteRegKey(FClassInfo.ProgID); end; end; { This function returns the size of the allocated string in NewSize. YOu have to free up this memory yourself. } function AnsiToUnicode(S: string; var NewSize: Integer): PWideChar; var Size: Integer; P: PWideChar; begin Size := Length(S); NewSize := Size * 2; P := VirtualAlloc(nil, Size, Mem_Commit, Page_ReadWrite); MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, PChar(S), Size, P, NewSize); Result := P; end; function CLSIDToStr(ID: TCLSID): string; var hr: hResult; WideString: PWideChar; begin hr := StringFromCLSID(ID, WideString); if Failed(hr) then OleError(hr); Result := UnicodeToAnsi(WideString); end; const ole32 = 'ole32.dll'; {$IFDEF VER90} function CoCreateInstanceEx; external ole32 name 'CoCreateInstanceEx'; {$ENDIF} // Thanks to Serge Shalatski <> for his // improvements to GetRemoteOleObject, CreateRemoteUnknown, and // CreateLocalOleObject. {$IFDEF VER90} function GetRemoteOleObject(ClassID: TGUID; const Server: string): Variant; var Unknown: IUnknown; ClassFactory: IClassFactory; Info: TCoServerInfo; Dest: Array[0..127] of WideChar; begin ClassFactory := nil; Info.dwReserved1 := 0; Info.pwszName := StringToWideChar(Server, Dest, SizeOf(Dest) div 2); Info.pAuthInfo := nil; Info.dwReserved2 := 0; OleCheck( CoGetClassObject(ClassID, CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER or CLSCTX_REMOTE_SERVER or CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, @Info, IClassFactory, ClassFactory)); if ClassFactory = nil then ShowMessage('No Class Factory') else ClassFactory.CreateInstance(nil, IUnknown, Unknown); Result := Unknown as IDispatch; end; {$ENDIF} function CreateRemoteUnknown(ClassID: TGUID; const Server: string): IUnknown; var Info: TCoServerInfo; Dest: Array[0..127] of WideChar; MultiQI: TMultiQi; Guid: TGuid; begin Guid := IDispatch; MultiQi.IID := @Guid; MultiQI.Unknown := nil; FillChar(Info, sizeOF(Info), #0); Info.pwszName := StringToWideChar(Server, Dest, SizeOf(Dest) div 2); OleCheck(CoCreateInstanceEx(ClassID, nil, CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER or CLSCTX_REMOTE_SERVER or CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, @Info, 1, @MultiQI)); Result := MultiQI.Unknown; end; function CreateRemoteOleObject(ClassID: TGUID; const Server: string): Variant; begin Result := CreateRemoteUnknown(ClassID, Server) as IDispatch; end; function CreateLocalOleObject(ClassID: TGUID): Variant; var Unknown: IUnknown; ClassFactory: IClassFactory; begin ClassFactory := nil; OleCheck(CoGetClassObject(ClassID, CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER, nil, IClassFactory, ClassFactory)); if ClassFactory = nil then ShowMessage('No Class Factory') else ClassFactory.CreateInstance(nil, IUnknown, Unknown); Result := Unknown as IDispatch; end; (* function CreateRemoteUnknown(ClassID: TGUID; const Server: string): IUnknown; var Info: TCoServerInfo; Dest: Array[0..127] of WideChar; MultiQI: TMultiQi; Guid: TGuid; begin Guid := IDispatch; MultiQi.IID := @Guid; MultiQI.Unknown := nil; FillChar(Info, sizeOF(Info), #0); Info.pwszName := StringToWideChar(Server, Dest, SizeOf(Dest) div 2); OleCheck(CoCreateInstanceEx(ClassID, nil, CLSCTX_REMOTE_SERVER, @Info, 1, @MultiQI)); Result := MultiQI.Unknown; end; function CreateRemoteOleObject(ClassID: TGUID; const Server: string): Variant; begin Result := CreateRemoteUnknown(ClassID, Server) as IDispatch; end; function CreateLocalOleObject(ClassID: TGUID): Variant; var Unknown: IUnknown; ClassFactory: IClassFactory; begin ClassFactory := nil; OleCheck(CoGetClassObject(ClassID, CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER, nil, IClassFactory, ClassFactory)); if ClassFactory = nil then ShowMessage('No Class Factory') else ClassFactory.CreateInstance(nil, IUnknown, Unknown); try Result := Unknown; finally //ClassFactory.Release; // Unknown.Release; end; end; *) procedure CreateRegKey(const Key, Value: string); begin RegSetValue(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, PChar(Key), REG_SZ, PChar(Value), Length(Value)); end; procedure DeleteRegKey(const Key: string); begin RegDeleteKey(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, PChar(Key)); end; // Don't use this function. Its just a test // routine. I need to do more research into the // poorly documented FindExecutable function function FileNameToExe(S: string): string; var Str: PChar; begin GetMem(Str, 1024); FindExecutable(PChar(S), nil, Str); Result := Str; FreeMem(Str, 1024); end; {This function will return the type of the application that windows has assciated with the extension. If you modified the function you proberly could get the GUID and COM Server information.} function GetAppContentType(sExt: String): String; var Reg: TRegistry; sKey: String; begin Result := 'application/unknown'; If Pos('.', sExt) = 0 Then Begin sKey := '.' + sExt; End Else Begin sKey := sExt; End; Reg := TRegistry.Create; Reg.RootKey := HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT; If Reg.KeyExists(sKEY) Then Begin If Reg.OpenKey(sKEY, False) Then Begin Try Result := Reg.ReadString('Content Type'); Except Result := 'application/' + sKEY; End; End; End; Reg.Free; end; function GetCLSIDName(iid: TCLSID): string; var S: string; begin if IsEqualIID(iid, IUnknown) then S := 'IID_IUnknown' else if IsEqualIID(iid, IClassFactory) then S := 'IID_IClassFactory' else if IsEqualIID(iid, IMarshal) then S := 'IID_IMarshal' else if IsEqualIID(iid, IStdMarshalInfo) then S := 'IID_IStdMarshalInfo' else if IsEqualIID(iid, IExternalConnection) then S := 'IID_IExternalConnection' else S := CLSIDToStr(iid); Result := S; end; function GetNameOfCLSID(iid: TIID): string; var Registry: TRegistry; S: string; P: PWideChar; begin OleCheck(StringFromCLSID(iid, P)); S := WideCharToString(P); Registry := TRegistry.Create; Registry.RootKey := HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT; Registry.OpenKey('CLSID', False); Registry.OpenKey(S, False); Result := Registry.ReadString(''); Registry.Free; end; function GetNameOfInterfaceID(iid: TIID): string; var Registry: TRegistry; S: string; P: PWideChar; begin OleCheck(StringFromCLSID(iid, P)); S := WideCharToString(P); Registry := TRegistry.Create; Registry.RootKey := HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT; Registry.OpenKey('Interface', False); Registry.OpenKey(S, False); Result := Registry.ReadString(''); if Result = '' then Result := 'Could Not Find ID: ' + S; Registry.Free; end; procedure OleError(ErrorCode: HResult); var Message: string; begin Message := SysErrorMessage(ErrorCode); if Message = '' then FmtStr(Message, LoadStr(SOleError), [ErrorCode]); raise EOleError.Create(Message); end; procedure OleSucceeded(hr: HResult); begin if not Succeeded(hr) then OleError(hr); end; function GetOleError(ErrorCode: HResult): ShortString; var S: string; begin S := SysErrorMessage(ErrorCode); if S = '' then FmtStr(S, LoadStr(SOleError), [ErrorCode]); Result := 'GetOleError: ' + S; end; function GetVarType(i: Integer): string; var S: string; begin case i of varEmpty: S := 'varEmpty'; varNull: S := 'VarNull'; varSmallint: S := 'varSmallInt'; varInteger: S := 'varInteger'; varSingle: S := 'varSingle'; varDouble: S := 'varDouble'; varCurrency: S := 'varCurrency'; varDate: S := 'varData'; varOleStr: S := 'varOleStr'; varDispatch: S := 'varDispatch'; varError: S := 'varError'; varBoolean: S := 'varBoolean'; varVariant: S := 'varVariant'; varUnknown: S := 'varUnknown'; varByte: S := 'varByte'; varString: S := 'varString'; varTypeMask: S := 'varTypeMask'; varArray: S := 'varArray'; varByRef: S := 'varByRef'; else S := 'Unknown - That is, I don''t know what it is.'; end; Result := S; end; function GetcfFormat(AFormat: DWord): ShortString; var S: ShortString; Temp: PChar; Len: Integer; begin case AFormat of CF_TEXT: S := 'CF_TEXT'; CF_BITMAP: S := 'CF_BITMAP'; CF_METAFILEPICT: S := 'CF_METAFILEPICT'; CF_SYLK: S := 'CF_SYLK'; CF_DIF: S := 'CF_DIF'; CF_TIFF: S := 'CF_TIFF'; CF_OEMTEXT: S := 'CF_OEMTEXT'; CF_DIB: S := 'CF_DIB'; CF_PALETTE: S := 'CF_PALETTE'; CF_PENDATA: S := 'CF_PENDATA'; CF_RIFF: S := 'CF_RIFF'; CF_WAVE: S := 'CF_WAVE: 12'; CF_UNICODETEXT: S := 'CF_UNICODETEXT: 13'; CF_ENHMETAFILE: S := 'CF_ENHMETAFILE: 14'; CF_HDROP: S := 'CF_HDROP: 15'; CF_LOCALE: S := 'CF_LOCAL: $10'; CF_MAX: S := 'CF_MAX: 17'; CF_OWNERDISPLAY: S := 'CF_OWNERDISPLAY: 128'; CF_DSPTEXT: S := 'CF_DSPTEXT: 129'; CF_DSPBITMAP: S := 'CF_DSPBITMAP'; CF_DSPMETAFILEPICT: S := 'CF_DSPMETAFILEPICT'; CF_DSPENHMETAFILE: S := 'CF_DSPENHMETAFILE'; { "Private" formats don't get GlobalFree()'d } CF_PRIVATEFIRST: S := 'CF_PRIVATEFIRST'; CF_PRIVATELAST: S := 'CF_PRIVATELAST'; { "GDIOBJ" formats do get DeleteObject()'d } CF_GDIOBJFIRST: S := 'CF_GDIOBJFIRST'; CF_GDIOBJLAST: S := 'CF_GDIOBJLAST'; //-1: S := 'Sent -1 (wildcard?)'; else GetMem(Temp, MaxStrLen + 1); Len := GetClipboardFormatName(AFormat, Temp, MaxStrLen); if Len = 0 then S := Format('Not recognized: %d %x', [AFormat, AFormat]) else S := Temp; FreeMem(Temp, MaxStrLen + 1); end; Result := S; end; function EnumerateClipBoardFormats(AHandle: THandle): string; var Format: Integer; S: ShortString; begin S := ''; Format := 0; OpenClipBoard(AHandle); repeat Format := EnumClipBoardFormats(Format); if Format <> 0 then S := S + GetcfFormat(Format) + CR; until Format = 0; CloseClipBoard; Result := S; end; function GetMediumType(tymed: Longint): string; var S: string; begin case tymed of TYMED_HGLOBAL : S := 'TYMED_HGLOBAL'; TYMED_FILE : S := 'TYMED_FILE'; TYMED_ISTREAM : S := 'TYMED_ISTREAM'; TYMED_ISTORAGE : S := 'TYMED_ISTORAGE'; TYMED_GDI : S := 'TYMED_GDI'; TYMED_MFPICT : S := 'TYMED_MFPICT'; TYMED_ENHMF : S := 'TYMED_ENHMF'; TYMED_NULL : S := 'TYMED_NULL'; -1 : S := 'Sent - 1'; else S := 'Unknown Type'; end; Result := S; end; // Assumes you are passing in a string of type: c:\Temp\Sam\*.* // This will return c:\Temp\ // If you pass in c:\Temp\Sam you will get c:\ // If you pass in c:\Temp\Sam\ then it will return c:\Temp\ function CutDirStr(Start: String; NumDirs: Integer): String; var i, j: Integer; CurDir: string; FileMask: string; begin SplitDirName(Start, CurDir, FileMask); CurDir := AddBackSlash(CurDir); i := Length(CurDir); for j := 1 to NumDirs do begin if CurDir[i] = '\' then begin CurDir := Shorten(CurDir, 1); Dec(i); end; while CurDir[i] <> '\' do begin CurDir := Shorten(CurDir, 1); Dec(i); end; end; Result := CurDir; end; procedure SplitDirName(Path: string; var Dir: string; var WName: string); begin Dir := ExtractFilePath(Path); WName := ExtractFileName(Path); end; function UnicodeToAnsi(S: PWideChar): string; var S1: PChar; i: Integer; begin i := lstrlenw(S) + 1; GetMem(S1, 500); WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, S, i, S1, i * 2, nil, nil); Result := S1; FreeMem(S1, 500); end; { ------------------------------------------------------ } { --- PALETTE ROUTINES --------------------------------- } { ------------------------------------------------------ } { --- TFilePalette --- } constructor TFilePalette.Create(AHandle: HWnd; AFileName: string); begin FHandle := AHandle; FFileName := AFilename; FDC := GetDC(FHandle); end; destructor TFilePalette.Destroy; begin if FPalette <> 0 then DeleteObject(FPalette); if FDC <> 0 then begin SelectPalette(FDC, FOldPal, True); ReleaseDC(FHandle, FDC); end; inherited Destroy; end; { Call only if you are not calling RealizePalette } function TFilePalette.GetPalette: HPalette; begin ReadPalette; MakePalette; Result := FPalette; end; function TFilePalette.MakePalette: Boolean; var Log: PLogPalette; begin GetMem(Log, 4 + (256 * SizeOf(TPaletteEntry))); Log^.palVersion := $300; Log^.palNumEntries := 256; Move(FPalEntries, Log^.palPalEntry, SizeOf(T256PalEntry)); FPalette := CreatePalette(Log^); FreeMem(Log, 4 + (256 * SizeOf(TPaletteEntry))); Result := True; end; { Automatically calls GetPallette } function TFilePalette.RealizePalette: HDC; begin GetPalette; FOldPal := SelectPalette(FDC, FPalette, True); Windows.RealizePalette(FDC); Result := FDC; end; function TFilePalette.ReadPalette: Boolean; begin ReadPal(FFileName, FPalEntries); Result := True; end; { --- Misc Routines --- } procedure BatchBitmapToJPeg(Dir: string; DeleteOriginals: Boolean); var SR: TSearchRec; FindResult: Integer; begin SetCurrentDir(Dir); FindResult := FindFirst('*.bmp', faAnyFile, SR); if FindResult = 0 then repeat if SR.Name <> '' then BitmapToJPeg(Dir + SR.Name, True); until FindNext(SR) <> 0; FindClose(SR); end; procedure BitmapToJPeg(FileName: string; DeleteOriginal: Boolean); var Bitmap: TBitmap; JPeg: TJPegImage; begin Bitmap := TBitmap.Create; Bitmap.LoadFromFile(FileName); JPeg := TJPegImage.Create; JPeg.Assign(Bitmap); JPeg.SaveToFile(ChangeFileExt(FileName, '.jpg')); JPeg.Free; Bitmap.Free; if DeleteOriginal then DeleteFile(FileName); end; procedure DrawClock(Canvas: TCanvas; X, Y: Integer; Color: TColor); const Border = 10; var S: string; HalfTextWidth: Integer; HalfTextHeight: Integer; begin S := DateTimeToStr(Now); HalfTextWidth := (Canvas.TextWidth(S) div 2); HalfTextHeight := (Canvas.TextHeight(S) div 2); Canvas.Brush.Color := Color; Canvas.Ellipse((X - HalfTextWidth) - Border, (Y - HalfTextHeight) - Border, X + HalfTextWidth + Border, Y + HalfTextHeight + Border); SetBkMode(Canvas.Handle, Transparent); Canvas.TextOut(X - HalfTextWidth , Y - HalfTextHeight, S); end; procedure DrawPalette(DC: HDC); var i, j: Integer; AColor: TColorRef; AnIndex, X, Y: Integer; OldBrush: HBrush; Brush: TBrush; begin AnIndex := 0; Brush := TBrush.Create; for j := 1 to 16 do for i := 0 to 15 do begin X := i * 25 + 10; Y := j * 25 + 10; AColor := PaletteIndex(AnIndex); Brush.Color := AColor; OldBrush := SelectObject(DC, Brush.Handle); Rectangle(DC, X, Y, X + 15, Y + 15); SelectObject(DC, OldBrush); Inc(AnIndex); end; Brush.Free; end; procedure MakePaletteCurrent(Handle: HWnd; Pal: T256PalEntry); var OldPal, hPal: hPalette; Log: PLogPalette; DC: HDC; begin DC := GetDC(Handle); GetMem(Log, 4 + (256 * SizeOf(TPaletteEntry))); Log^.palVersion := $300; Log^.palNumEntries := 256; Move(Pal, Log^.palPalEntry, SizeOf(Pal)); hPal := CreatePalette(Log^); OldPal := SelectPalette(DC, hPal, True); ShowMessage(IntToStr( RealizePalette(DC) )); SelectPalette(DC, OldPal, True); DeleteObject(hPal); ReleaseDC(Handle, DC); FreeMem(Log, 4 + (256 * SizeOf(TPaletteEntry))); end; function GetPaletteFromResFile(Instance: THandle; BitmapName: string; var NumPalEntries: Integer): T256PalEntry; var h: HRsrc; BitmapInfo: PBitmapInfo; RGB: PRGB; i: Integer; APE: T256PalEntry; GLobal: HGlobal; begin h := FindResource(Instance, PChar(BitmapName), RT_BITMAP); if h = 0 then begin raise Exception.Create('Can''t load resource in GetPaletteFromResFile'); Exit; end; AppendError(0, 'H Exists'); if h <> 0 then begin Global := LoadResource(Instance, h); BitmapInfo := PBitmapInfo(LockResource(Global)); RGB := PRGB(@BitmapInfo^.bmiColors); if (BitmapInfo = NIL) or (BitmapInfo^.bmiHeader.biSize < sizeof(TBITMAPINFOHEADER)) then NumPalEntries := 0 else if (BitmapInfo^.bmiHeader.biBitCount > 8) then NumPalEntries := 0 else if (BitmapInfo^.bmiHeader.biClrUsed = 0) then NumPalEntries := 1 SHL BitmapInfo^.bmiHeader.biBitCount else NumPalEntries := BitmapInfo^.bmiHeader.biClrUsed; // a DIB color table has its colors stored BGR not RGB // so flip them around. AppendError(0, 'NumPalEntries: ' + IntToStr(NumPalEntries)); for i := 0 to NumPalEntries - 1 do with APE[ i ], RGB^[ i ] do begin peRed := rgbRed; peGreen := rgbGreen; peBlue := rgbBlue; peFlags := 0; end; FreeResource(Global); end; Result := APE; end; procedure SaveClipBoardBitmap(BitMap: HBitMap; FileName: string); var B: Graphics.TBitmap; begin B := TBitMap.Create; B.Assign(ClipBoard); B.SaveToFile(FileName); B.Free; end; {procedure WriteError(ErrorCode: HResult); var Message: string; F: Text; begin Message := SysErrorMessage(ErrorCode); if Message = '' then FmtStr(Message, LoadStr(62211), [ErrorCode]); Assign(F, 'c:\err.txt'); ReWrite(F); WriteLn(F, Message, ' Code: ', ErrorCode); Close(F); end; } procedure AppendError(ErrorCode: HResult; ErrStr: string); var Message: string; F: Text; begin Message := SysErrorMessage(ErrorCode); if Message = '' then FmtStr(Message, LoadStr(62211), [ErrorCode]); Assign(F, 'c:\err.txt'); try Append(F); except ReWrite(F); end; WriteLn(F, Message, ' Code: ', ErrorCode, ' ', ErrStr); Close(F); end; {procedure GetColors(S: String; P: TRGBQuad); begin WriteLn(S); P.rgbBlue := 1; end; } procedure ShowFilePalette(Handle: HWnd; AFileName: string); var FilePal: TFilePalette; ADC: HDC; begin FilePal := TFilePalette.Create(Handle, AFileName); ADC := FilePal.RealizePalette; DrawPalette(ADC); FilePal.Free; end; { This is one of those text version of palettes like PSP creates } procedure ReadPal(FileName: string; var P: T256PalEntry); var F: Text; i: Integer; S: String; begin Assign(F, FileName); Reset(F); ReadLn(F, S); ReadLn(F, S); ReadLn(F, S); for i := 0 to 255 do begin ReadLn(F, p[i].peRed, p[i].peGreen, p[i].peblue); P[i].peFlags := PC_NOCOLLAPSE; end; Close(F); end; procedure WritePal(FileName: string; var P: T256PalEntry); var F: Text; i: Integer; begin Assign(F, FileName); ReWrite(F); WriteLn(F, 'JASC-PAL'); WriteLn(F, '0100'); WriteLn(F, '256'); for i := 0 to 255 do WriteLn(F, P[i].peRed, ' ', P[i].peGreen, ' ', P[i].peBlue); Close(F); end; {procedure ShowFH(D: TBitMapFileHeader); begin WriteLn('File Header'); WriteLn('==========='); WriteLn('Type: ', Chr(Lo(D.bfType)), Chr(Hi(D.bfType))); WriteLn('Size: ', D.bfSize); WriteLn('Offset: ', D.bfOffBits); end; } {function GetPaletteSize(Info: TBitMapInfoHeader): LongInt; begin if Info.biSize = SizeOf(TBitMapCoreHeader) then GetPaletteSize := Info.biClrUsed * SizeOf(TRGBTriple) else GetPaletteSize := Info.biClrUsed * SizeOf(TRGBQuad); end; } {** Show the capabilities of a device context } function GetDCCaps(DC: HDC): string; const CR = #13#10; var S: string; begin S := Format('BitsPerPixel: %d' + CR + 'Color Planes: %d' + CR + 'Num Colors: %d', [GetDeviceCaps(DC, BitsPixel), GetDeviceCaps(DC, Planes), GetDeviceCaps(DC, NumColors)]); Result := S; end; {** For use when timing how long a chunk of code takes to execute. Profiling. @seeAlso EndTimer @Example Here is an example of how to use the StartTimer and EndTimer functions: procedure TForm1.DoWith; begin with Paintbox1.canvas do begin font.color:=clGreen; TextOut(12,12,'GreenText'); end; end; procedure TForm1.DoWithOut; begin PaintBox1.Canvas.Font.Color := clGreen; PaintBox1.Canvas.TextOut(12,12,'Green Text'); end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var ATime: DWord; i: Integer; begin ATime := StartTimer; for i := 1 to 1000 do DoWithOut; Edit2.Text := IntToStr(EndTimer(ATime)); ATime := StartTimer; for i := 1 to 1000 do DoWith; Edit1.Text := IntToStr(EndTimer(ATime)); end;} function StartTimer: DWORD; begin Result := TimeGetTime; end; {** For use when profiling a chunk of code @seeAlso StartTimer } function EndTimer(StartTime: DWord): DWORD; begin Result := TimeGetTime - StartTime; end; { ------------------------ } { --- STRING ROUTINES --- } { ------------------------ } {$IFNDEF WIN32} {** If you are using Delphi 1.0, support the Delphi Win32 SetLength function } procedure SetLength(var S: string; i: Integer); begin S[0] := Chr(i); end; {$ENDIF} {** Ask the user a question and get a Boolean yes/no response } function Ask(S: string): Boolean; begin if MessageDlg(S, mtConfirmation, mbOkCancel, 0) = idOk then Result := True else Result := False; end; {** Convert the address of a pointer to a string } function Address2Str(Addr: Pointer): string; begin Result := Format('%p', [Addr]); end; {** Append a backslash to a string. For use with directory strings. } function AddBackSlash(S: string): string; var Temp: string; begin Temp := S; if S[Length(Temp)] <> '\' then Temp := Temp + '\'; AddBackSlash := Temp; end; {** When listing FTP directories, clean up the string so it has the right number of slashes.} function CleanFTPString(S: string): string; begin S := ReplaceAllStrings('/', '//', S); if S[Length(S)] <> '/' then S := S + '/'; Result := S; end; {** <Code> Name: CleanString function Declaration: CleanString(S: String): string; Unit: StrBox Code: S Date: 05/05/94 Description: Erase blanks from end and beginning of a string </Code> } function CleanString(S: string): string; var Temp: String; begin Temp := ''; if Length(S) <> 0 then begin Temp := StripFrontChars(S, #32); Temp := StripEndChars(Temp, #32); end; CleanString := Temp; end; {** <Code> Name: GetFirstWord function Declaration: GetFirstWord(var S: string): string; Unit: StrBox Code: S Date: 05/02/94 Description: Get the first word from a string </Code> } function GetFirstWord(S: string): string; Var i: Integer; S1: String; begin i := 1; SetLength(S1, 250); // Large buffer, changed later while (S[i] <> ' ') and (i < Length(S)) do begin S1[i] := S[i]; Inc(i); end; Dec(i); SetLength(S1, i); GetFirstWord := S1; end; {** Convert a Word into a Hex String. For example convert 16 to 0F } function GetHexWord(w: Word): string; const HexChars: array [0..$F] of Char = '0123456789ABCDEF'; var Addr: string; begin Addr[1] := hexChars[Hi(w) shr 4]; Addr[2] := hexChars[Hi(w) and $F]; Addr[3] := hexChars[Lo(w) shr 4]; Addr[4] := hexChars[Lo(w) and $F]; SetLength(Addr, 4); GetHexWord := addr; end; {** Get the first n letters from a string, where the number of letters in n is determined by a Token. For instance, get the first word from a sentence } function GetFirstToken(S: string; Token: Char): string; var Temp: string; Index: INteger; begin Index := Pos(Token, S); if Index < 1 then begin GetFirstToken := ''; Exit; end; Dec(Index); SetLength(Temp, Index); Move(S[1], Temp[1], Index); GetFirstToken := Temp; end; {** Get the last part of a string, from a token onward. Given "Sam.Txt", and "." as a token, this returns "Txt" @seeAlso GetLastWord } function GetLastToken(S: string; Token: Char): string; var Temp: string; Index: INteger; begin S := CleanString(S); S := ReverseStr(S); Index := Pos(Token, S); if Index < 1 then begin // <= ??? GetLastToken := ''; Exit; end; Dec(Index); SetLength(Temp, Index); Move(S[1], Temp[1], Index); GetLastToken := ReverseStr(Temp); end; {** Get the last word in a string delimited by spaces @seeAlso GetLastToken } function GetLastWord(S: string): string; begin Result := GetLastToken(S, ' '); end; {** <Code> Name: GetLogicalAddress function Declaration: GetLogicalAddr(A: Pointer): Pointer; Unit: StrBox Code: S Date: 02/09/95 Description: Enter a physical address and this function will return a logical address. </Code> } {$ifdef OLDDELPHI} function GetLogicalAddr(A: Pointer): Pointer; var APtr: Pointer; begin if A = nil then exit; if Ofs(A) = $FFFF then exit; asm mov ax, A.Word[0] mov dx, A.Word[2] mov es,dx mov dx,es:Word[0] mov APtr.Word[0], ax mov APtr.Word[2], dx end; GetLogicalAddr := APtr; end; {$endif} {** Get time in a string formated like this: 12:58:16 PM @seeAlso GetTimeFormated } function GetTimeString: string; begin Result := TimeToStr(Time); end; {** Get the current time in a string formated like this: 12:56:10 @seeAlso GetTimeString } function GetTimeFormated: string; var h, m, s, hund: Word; begin DecodeTime(Time, h, m, s, hund); GetTimeFormated:= Int2StrPad0(h, 2) + ':' + Int2StrPad0(m, 2) + ':' + Int2StrPad0(s, 2); end; {** Get the directory from which a program was launched, and make sure it has a backslash in the last position } function GetStartDir: string; begin Result := ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0)); if Result[Length(Result)] <> '\' then Result := Result + '\'; end; {** Get the temporary directory on a Windows machine } function GetTempDir: string; var TempPath: PChar; begin GetMem(TempPath, 1024); GetTempPath(1024, TempPath); Result := TempPath; FreeMem(TempPath, 1024); end; {** <Code> Name: GetTodayName function Declaration: GetTodayName(Pre, Ext: string): string; Unit: StrBox Code: S Date: 03/01/94 Description: Return a filename of type PRE0101.EXT, where PRE and EXT are user supplied strings, and 0101 is today's date. </Code> } function GetTodayName(Pre, Ext: string): string; var y, m, d: Word; Year: String; begin DecodeDate(Date,y,m,d); Year := Int2StrPad0(y, 4); Delete(Year, 1, 2); GetTodayName := Pre + Int2StrPad0(m, 2) + Int2StrPad0(d, 2) + Year + '.' + Ext; end; {** <Code> Name: GetTodaysDate function Declaration: GetTodaysDate: string; Unit: StrBox Code: S Date: 08/16/94 Description: Return a string of type MM/DD/YY. </Code> } function GetTodaysDate: string; var y, m, d: Word; Year: String; begin DecodeDate(Date, y,m,d); Year := Int2StrPad0(y, 4); Delete(Year, 1, 2); GetTodaysDate := Int2StrPad0(m, 2) + '/' + Int2StrPad0(d, 2) + '/' + Year; end; function IsNumber(Ch: Char): Boolean; begin IsNumber := ((Ch >= '0') and (Ch <= '9')); end; {** <Code> Name: LeftSet function Declaration: LeftSet(src: string; Width: Integer; var Trunc: Boolean): string; Code: S Date: 03/01/94 Description: Pad a string on the left </Code> } function LeftSet(src: string; Width: Integer; var Trunc: Boolean): String; var I: Integer; Temp: string[80]; begin Trunc := False; Temp := src; if(Length(Temp) > Width) and (Width > 0) then begin Temp[0] := CHR(Width); Trunc := True; end else for i := Length(Temp) to width do Temp := Temp + ' '; LeftSet := Temp; end; {** Given a string delimineted by a token, parse the string, and put the results in a TStringList. Pass in an initialized TStringList. } procedure ParseTokenList(S: string; Token: Char; var List: TStringList); begin if List = nil then Exit; while Pos(Token, S) <> 0 do begin List.Add(GetFirstToken(S, Token)); S := StripFirstToken(S, Token); end; if S <> '' then List.Add(S); end; {** <Code> Name: RemoveFirstWord function Declaration: RemoveFirstWord(var S: String): String; Unit: StrBox Code: S Date: 03/02/94 Description: Strip the first word from a sentence, return word and a shortened sentence. Return an empty string if there is no first word. </Code> } function RemoveFirstWord(var S: String): String; var i, Size: Integer; S1: String; begin i := Pos(#32, S); if i = 0 then begin RemoveFirstWord := ''; Exit; end; SetLength(S1, i); Move(S[1], S1[1], i); SetLength(S1, i-1); Size := (Length(S) - i); Move(S[i + 1], S[1], Size); SetLength(S, Size); RemoveFirstWord := S1; end; {** Replace all instances of a substring within a string with a new string } function ReplaceAllStrings(NewStr, ReplaceStr: string; Data: string): string; begin while Pos(ReplaceStr, Data) > 0 do Data := ReplaceString(NewStr, ReplaceStr, Data); Result := Data; end; {** <Code> Name: ReplaceString Declaration: ReplaceString(NewStr, ReplaceStr, Data: string): string; Code: S Date: 06/06/95 Description: Given a long string, replace one substring with another. Given the string: "Football Delight" the job is to replace the word Delight with Night: S := ReplaceString('Night', 'Delight', 'Football Delight'); where S ends up equaling "Football Night'; </Code> } function ReplaceString(NewSubStr, OldSubStr, WholeStr: string): string; var OffSet: Integer; begin OffSet := Pos(OldSubStr, WholeStr); Delete(WholeStr, OffSet, Length(OldSubStr)); Insert(NewSubStr, WholeStr, OffSet); Result := WholeStr; end; {** This function replaces all intances of a single character with a string. @seeAlso ReplaceChars } function ReplaceCharStr(S: string; OldCh: Char; NewStr: string): string; var // Len: Integer; i: Integer; Done: Boolean; begin Done := False; // Len := Length(S); i := 1; while not Done do begin if S[i] = OldCh then begin Delete(S, i, 1); Insert(NewStr, S, i); Inc(i, Length(NewStr)); end else Inc(i); if i > Length(S) then Done := True; end; Result := S; end; {** Given a string, replace all instances of certin character with characters of a given value. @seeAlso ReplaceCharStr } function ReplaceChars(S: string; OldCh, NewCh: Char): string; var Len: Integer; i: Integer; begin Len := Length(S); for i := 1 to Len do if S[i] = OldCh then S[i] := NewCh; Result := S; end; {** Reverse the characters in a string. If you pass in Summer you get back remmuS. } function ReverseStr(S: string): string; var Len: Integer; Temp: String; i,j: Integer; begin Len := StrLen(PChar(S)); // Length returns allocation, not length SetLength(Temp, Len); j := Len; for i := 1 to Len do begin Temp[i] := S[j]; dec(j); end; ReverseStr := Temp; end; {** Pad a string to a specified width with a specified character. @param Src the string to pad @param Width How wide the string should be when done @param Ch The character with which to pad the string @param Trunc Should the string by truncated if it is longer than Width? @returns The newly padded string } function RightCharSet(Src: string; Width: Integer; Ch: Char; var Trunc: Boolean): String; var I: Integer; Temp: string[80]; begin Trunc := False; Temp := Src; if(Length(Temp) > Width) and (Width > 0) then begin Temp[0] := CHR(Width); Trunc := True; end else for i := Length(Temp) to (width - 1) do Temp := Ch + Temp; RightCharSet := Temp; end; {** Cut the length of a string by n characters @param S The string to shorten @param Cut How much to cut it by @returns The shortened string } function Shorten(S: string; Cut: Integer): string; begin SetLength(S, Length(S) - Cut); Shorten := S; end; {** Remove rightmost n characters @param S The string to clean @param Ch The character to remove @returns The cleaned string. } function StripAllChars(S: string; Ch: Char): string; var i: Integer; begin i := Length(S); while (Length(S) > 0) and (i > 0) do begin if S[i] = Ch then Delete(S,i,1); Dec(i); end; Result := S; end; {** Removes trailing backslash from S, if one exists } function StripBackSlash(const S: string): string; begin Result := S; if Result[Length(Result)] = '\' then Result := Shorten(Result, 1); end; {** <Code> Name: StripBlanks function Declaration: function StripBlanks(var S: string): String; Code: S Description: Strip any stray spaces from the end of a string. Use StripEndChars instead. </Code> } function StripBlanks(S: string): string; begin Result := StripEndChars(S, #32); end; {** Remove carraige returns from the end of a string } function StripCRs(S: string): string; var i: Integer; begin i := Length(S); while (i > 0) and (Length(S) > 0) do begin if ((S[i] = #13) or (S[i] = #10)) then begin Delete(S,i,1); if (i >= 2) and (i < Length(S)) then if IsCharAlpha(S[i - 1]) and IsCharAlpha(S[i + 1]) then Insert(' ', S, i); end; Dec(i); end; StripCrs := S; end; function StripEndChars(S: string; Ch: Char): string; var i: Cardinal; begin i := StrLen(PChar(S)); SetLength(S, i); while (StrLen(PChar(S)) <= i) and (StrLen(PChar(S)) > 0) and (S[i] = Ch) do begin Delete(S,i,1); Dec(i); end; StripEndChars := S; end; function StripFirstToken(S: string; Ch: Char): string; var i, Size: Integer; begin i := Pos(Ch, S); if i = 0 then begin StripFirstToken := S; Exit; end; Size := (Length(S) - i); Move(S[i + 1], S[1], Size); SetLength(S, Size); StripFirstToken := S; end; {** <Code> Name: StripFirstWord function Declaration: StripFirstWord(S: string): string; Unit: StrBox Code: S Date: 03/02/94 Description: Strip the first word from a sentence, return the shortened sentence. Return original string if there is no first word. </Code> } function StripFirstWord(S: string): string; var i, Size: Integer; begin i := Pos(#32, S); if i = 0 then begin StripFirstWord := S; Exit; end; Size := (Length(S) - i); Move(S[i + 1], S[1], Size); SetLength(S, Size); StripFirstWord := S; end; {** <Code> Name: StripFrontChars function Declaration: StripFrontChars(S: string; Ch: Char): String; Unit: StrBox Code: S Date: 03/02/94 Description: Strips any occurances of charact Ch that might precede a string. </Code> } function StripFrontChars(S: string; Ch: Char): string; begin while (Length(S) > 0) and (S[1] = Ch) do S := Copy(S,2,Length(S) - 1); StripFrontChars := S; end; function StripFromEnd(S: string; Num: integer): string; begin Result := Copy(S, (Length(s) - Num + 1), Num); end; function StripFromFront(S: string; Len: Integer): string; begin S := ReverseStr(S); S := Shorten(S, Len); S := ReverseStr(S); StripFromFront := S; end; {** <Code> Name: StripLastToken function Declaration: function StripLastToken(var S: String): String; Unit: CodeBox Code: S Date: 03/02/94 Description: Given a string like "c:\sam\file.txt" This returns: "c:\sam" But not specific to files any token will do </Code> } function StripLastToken(S: string; Token: Char): string; var Temp: string; Index: INteger; begin S := ReverseStr(S); Index := Pos(Token, S); Inc(Index); Temp := Copy(S, Index, Length(S) - (Index - 1)); StripLastToken := ReverseStr(Temp); end; function StripLastWord(S: string): string; begin S := ReverseStr(S); Result := ReverseStr(StripFirstWord(S)); end; function StrTok(StrToSearch, StrToFind: string): string; var Index: Integer; begin Index := Pos(StrToFind, StrToSearch); Result := StripFromFront(StrToSearch, Index); end; {** Thanks to Rene Veerman } procedure Tokenize (toBeTokened: string; delimiter: char; var tokens: array of string); var i, j, tc: Integer; begin i := 0; j := 0; tc := low(tokens); while i < length(toBeTokened) do begin if toBeTokened[i] = delimiter then begin tokens[tc] := copy(toBeTokened, j, i-j); j := i; Inc(tc); if tc > high(tokens) then raise exception.create ('pass a bigger output array'); end; Inc (i); end; end; { --- Storage Code --- } constructor TSafeStore.Create(FileName: string); begin inherited Create; FStorageStrings := TStringList.Create; if not FileExists(FileName) then CreateStorage(FileName) else OpenStorage(FileName); end; destructor TSafeStore.Destroy; begin FStorageStrings.Free; // FStorage.Release; inherited Destroy; end; procedure TSafeStore.CreateStorage(FileName: string); var Hr: HResult; Dest: array[0..127] of WideChar; begin hr := StgCreateDocFile(StringToWideChar(FileName, Dest, SizeOf(Dest) div 2), STGM_DIRECT or STGM_CREATE or STGM_WRITE or STGM_SHARE_EXCLUSIVE, 0, FStorage); OleCheck(hr); end; {** <Code> Name: OpenStorage Declaration: OpenStorage(FileName: string); Unit: Main Description: Given a filename, try to open it as a storage file. </Code> } procedure TSafeStore.OpenStorage(FileName: string); var hr: HResult; S: PWideChar; Size: Integer; Failed: Boolean; begin Failed := False; S := nil; try try S := AnsiToUnicode(FileName, Size); hr := StgIsStorageFile(S); if hr <> NoError then raise Exception.Create('Not a valid storage file.'); FStorageStrings.Add('Storage ' + FileName); hr := StgOpenStorage(S, nil, Stgm_Direct or Stgm_ReadWrite or Stgm_Share_Exclusive, nil, LongInt(nil), FStorage); if ActiveX.Failed(hr) then raise Exception.Create('Call to StgOpenStorage failed'); except Failed := True; raise; end; { try..except } finally VirtualFree(S, Size, Mem_Release); end; { try..finally } if not Failed then begin EnumStorageElements(FStorage); end; end; function Test(hr: HResult): Boolean; begin if Succeeded(hr) then Result := True else begin ShowMessage('Enum Failed'); Result := False; end; end; {** <Code> Name: HandleProperty Declaration: Unit: Main Description: Show Summary Info </Code> } procedure TSafeStore.HandleProperty(Storage: IStorage); begin { Not Implemented } end; {** <Code> Name: ShowStorageElement Declaration: ShowStringType(S: string; StatStg: TStatStg); Unit: Main Description: Nonroot storage elements may have a first character between #1 and #6 that has a special meaning. We deal with that here. </Code> } function TSafeStore.ShowStorageElement(S: string; StatStg: TStatStg): Integer; var Temp: string; begin if S = 'Unknown' then begin StgStrings.Add('End Storage (Unknown)'); Result := -1; Exit; end; {$IFDEF VER100} Temp := UnicodeToAnsi(StatStg.pwcsName) + ' Size: ' + IntToStr(Round(StatStg.cbSize)); {$ELSE} Temp := UnicodeToAnsi(StatStg.pwcsName) + ' Size: ' + IntToStr(StatStg.cbSize); {$ENDIF} case Temp[1] of #1,#2,#3,#4,#6: Temp := '(Special: ' + IntToStr(Ord(Temp[1])) + ') ' + StripFromFront(Temp, 1); #5: begin Temp := StripFromFront(Temp, 1); Temp := '(Property) ' + Temp; end; end; StgStrings.Add(S + ' ' + Temp); Result := Ord(Temp[1]); end; procedure TSafeStore.HandleSubStorage(var Storage: IStorage; StatStg: TStatStg); var hr: HResult; SubStorage: IStorage; begin hr := Storage.OpenStorage(StatStg.pwcsName, nil, Stgm_Read or Stgm_Share_Exclusive, nil, LongInt(nil), SubStorage); if Succeeded(hr) then EnumStorageElements(SubStorage) else ShowMessage('Count not open subStorage'); end; {** <Code> Name: EnumStorageElements Declaration: EnumStorageElements(var Storage: IStorage); Unit: Main Description: Enumerate the elements inside a storage. This is a recursive routine, but the recursion occurs in the HandleSubStorage routine. </Code> } procedure TSafeStore.EnumStorageElements(var Storage: IStorage); var Enum: IEnumStatStg; hr: hResult; StatStg: TStatStg; Count: LongInt; S: string; begin if not Test(FStorage.EnumElements(0, nil, 0, Enum)) then Exit; repeat hr := Enum.Next(1, StatStg, @Count); OleCheck(hr); case StatStg.dwType of STGTY_STREAM: S := 'Stream'; STGTY_STORAGE: S := 'Storage'; STGTY_LOCKBYTES: S := 'LockBytes'; STGTY_PROPERTY: S := 'Property'; else S := 'Unknown'; end; if ShowStorageElement(S, StatStg) = 5 then HandleProperty(Storage); if S = 'Storage' then HandleSubStorage(Storage, StatStg); until HR <> S_OK; // Enum.Release; end; procedure TSafeStore.DestroyElement(S: string); var Dest: array[0..127] of WideChar; begin FStorage.DestroyElement(StringToWideChar(S, Dest, SizeOf(Dest) div 2)); end; {** You must Release the stream when done: Stream.Release; Stream is for writing only } function TSafeStore.GetNewStream(StreamName: string): IStream; var Hr: HResult; Stream: IStream; Dest: array[0..127] of WideChar; begin Hr := FStorage.CreateStream(StringToWideChar(StreamName, Dest, SizeOf(Dest) div 2), STGM_DIRECT or STGM_CREATE or STGM_READWRITE or STGM_SHARE_EXCLUSIVE , 0, 0, Stream); OleCheck(HR); Result := Stream; end; function TSafeStore.OpenStream(StreamName: string): IStream; var Hr: HResult; Stream: IStream; Dest: array[0..127] of WideChar; begin Hr := FStorage.OpenStream( StringToWideChar(StreamName, Dest, SizeOf(Dest) div 2), nil, STGM_DIRECT or STGM_READWRITE or STGM_SHARE_EXCLUSIVE , 0, Stream); OleCheck(HR); REsult := Stream; end; procedure TSafeStore.ReadInteger(Stream: IStream; var Num: Integer); var Size: Integer; begin OleCheck(Stream.Read(@Num, SizeOf(Integer), @Size)); if Size <> SizeOf(Integer) then raise Exception.Create(Self.ClassName + '.ReadInteger'); end; procedure TSafeStore.WriteInteger(Stream: IStream; Num: Integer); var Size: Integer; hr: Integer; begin hr := Stream.Write(@Num, SizeOf(Integer), @Size); OleCheck(hr); if Size <> SizeOf(Integer) then raise Exception.Create(Self.ClassName + '.WriteInteger'); end; procedure TSafeStore.ReadString(Stream: IStream; var S: string); var Num: Integer; Size: Integer; begin ReadInteger(Stream, Num); SetLength(S, Num + 1); Stream.Read(Pointer(S), Num, @Size); S[Num + 1] := #0; end; procedure TSafeStore.WriteString(Stream: IStream; S: string); var Size: Integer; begin WriteInteger(Stream, Length(S)); OleCheck(Stream.Write(PChar(S), Length(S), @Size)); if Size <> Length(S) then raise Exception.Create('Stream'); end; {** Assumes the whole stream will be one string. Use if you have a block of text you want to write to storage. It's like having a way to create a text file in a storage Use with ReadText from stream. } procedure TSafeStore.WriteTextToStorage(StreamName: string; Value: string); var Hr: HResult; Stream: IStream; Size: LongInt; Dest: array[0..127] of WideChar; begin Hr := FStorage.CreateStream(StringToWideChar(StreamName, Dest, SizeOf(Dest) div 2), STGM_DIRECT or STGM_CREATE or STGM_WRITE or STGM_SHARE_EXCLUSIVE , 0, 0, Stream); OleCheck(HR); Stream.Write(Pointer(Value), Length(Value), @Size); if Size <> Length(Value) then ShowMessage('Wrong size written'); // Stream.Release; end; function TSafeStore.ReadTextFromStream(StreamName: string): string; var Stream: IStream; hr: HResult; S: PChar; Size, ASize: LongInt; Dest: array [0..127] of WideChar; StatStg: TStatStg; begin hr := FStorage.OpenStream(StringToWideChar(StreamName, Dest, SizeOf(Dest) div 2), nil, STGM_DIRECT or STGM_READ or STGM_SHARE_EXCLUSIVE, 0, Stream); OleCheck(hr); Stream.Stat(StatStg, StatFlag_Default); {$IFDEF VER100} Size := Round(StatStg.cbSize); {$ELSE} Size := StatStg.cbSize; {$ENDIF} GetMem(S, Size + 1); Stream.Read(S, Size, @ASize); S[Size] := #0; Result := S; FreeMem(S, Size + 1); // Stream.Release; end; function TSafeStore.RefreshStorageStr: TStringList; begin EnumStorageElements(FStorage); Result := FStorageStrings; end; { === End === } function ReadStringFromStorage(StorageName: string; StreamName: string): string; var Storage: IStorage; Stream: IStream; hr: HResult; S: PChar; Size, ASize: LongInt; Dest: array [0..127] of WideChar; StatStg: TStatStg; begin hr := StgOpenStorage(StringToWideChar(StorageName, Dest, SizeOf(Dest) div 2), nil, STGM_DIRECT or STGM_READ or STGM_SHARE_EXCLUSIVE, nil, 0, Storage); OleCheck(hr); hr := Storage.OpenStream(StringToWideChar(StreamName, Dest, SizeOf(Dest) div 2), nil, STGM_DIRECT or STGM_READ or STGM_SHARE_EXCLUSIVE, 0, Stream); OleCheck(hr); Stream.Stat(StatStg, StatFlag_Default); {$IFDEF VER100} Size := Round(StatStg.cbSize); {$ELSE} Size := StatStg.cbSize; {$ENDIF} GetMem(S, Size + 1); Stream.Read(S, Size, @ASize); S[Size] := #0; Result := S; FreeMem(S, Size + 1); //Stream.Release; // Storage.Release; end; {** Given an existing IStorage file, add a new stream to it. Will create an IStorage file if none exists For now, this function is meant to work with strings } procedure WriteStreamToStorage(StorageName, StreamName, Value: string); var Hr: HResult; Storage: IStorage; Stream: IStream; Size: LongInt; Dest: array[0..127] of WideChar; begin if FileExists(StorageName) then begin StgOpenStorage(StringToWideChar(StorageName, Dest, SizeOf(Dest) div 2), nil, Stgm_Direct or Stgm_ReadWrite or Stgm_Share_Exclusive, nil, LongInt(nil), Storage); end else begin Hr := StgCreateDocFile(StringToWideChar(StorageName, Dest, SizeOf(Dest) div 2), STGM_DIRECT or STGM_CREATE or STGM_WRITE or STGM_SHARE_EXCLUSIVE, 0, Storage); if Hr <> S_OK then ShowMessage('Err'); end; Hr := Storage.CreateStream(StringToWideChar(StreamName, Dest, SizeOf(Dest) div 2), STGM_DIRECT or STGM_CREATE or STGM_WRITE or STGM_SHARE_EXCLUSIVE , 0, 0, Stream); OleCheck(HR); Stream.Write(PChar(Value), Length(Value), @Size); if Size <> Length(Value) then ShowMessage('Wrong size written'); // Stream.Release; // Storage.Release; end; (* function GetWebRequest(Request: TWebRequest): string; const CR = '<BR>'; var i: Integer; S: string; begin S := '<HTML><BODY>'; S := 'Request.Accept: ' + Request.Accept; S := S + CR + 'Request.Authorization: ' + Request.Authorization; S := S + CR + 'Request.CacheControl: ' + Request.CacheControl; S := S + CR + 'Request.Connection: ' + Request.Connection; S := S + CR + 'Request.Content: ' + Request.Content; S := S + CR + 'Request.ContentEncoding: ' + Request.ContentEncoding; S := S + CR + 'Request.ContentType: ' + Request.ContentType; S := S + CR + 'ContentFields.Count: ' + IntToStr(Request.ContentFields.Count); for i := 0 to Request.ContentFields.Count - 1 do S := S + CR + 'ContentFields: ' + Request.ContentFields.Strings[i]; S := S + CR + 'Request.ContentVersion: ' + Request.ContentVersion; S := S + CR + 'Request.Cookie: ' + Request.Cookie; S := S + CR + 'Request.Data: ' + DateToStr(Request.Date); S := S + CR + 'Request.From: ' + Request.From; S := S + CR + 'Request.Host: ' + Request.Host; S := S + CR + 'Method: ' + Request.Method; S := S + CR + 'MethodType: ' + IntToStr(Ord(Request.MethodType)); S := S + CR + 'Request.Query: ' + Request.Query; S := S + CR + 'Request.Query.Count: ' + IntToStr(Request.QueryFields.Count); for i := 0 to Request.QueryFields.Count - 1 do S := S + CR + 'QueryField: ' + Request.QueryFields.Strings[i]; S := S + CR + 'Request.Referer: ' + Request.Referer; S := S + CR + 'Request.RemoteAddress: ' + Request.RemoteAddr; S := S + CR + 'Request.RemoteHost: ' + Request.RemoteHost; S := S + CR + 'Request.PathTranslated: ' + Request.PathTranslated; S := S + CR + 'Request.URL: ' + Request.URL; S := S + CR + 'Request.ScriptName: ' + Request.ScriptName; S := S + CR + 'Request.Title: ' + Request.Title; S := S + CR + 'Request.UserAgent: ' + Request.UserAgent; S := S + '</BODY></HTML>'; Result := S; end; *) procedure DrawBitmap(PaintDC: HDC; Bitmap: HBitMap; XVal, Yval, AWidth, AHeight: Integer); var MemDC: HDC; OldBitmap: HBitmap; begin MemDC := CreateCompatibleDC(PaintDC); OldBitmap := SelectObject(MemDC, Bitmap); BitBlt(PaintDC, XVal, YVal, AWidth, AHeight, MemDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY); SelectObject(MemDC, OldBitmap); DeleteObject(MemDC); end; {** BigFileSize returns the size of a file. The FileSize function returns an integer. This one works with large files. } function BigFileSize(FileName: string): Int64; var hFile: THandle; LoSize, HighSize: DWORD; begin if Length(FileName) = 0 then Exit; hFile := CreateFile(PChar(FileName), GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, nil, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN, 0); if (hFile = 0) then Exit; LoSize := GetFileSize(hFile, @HighSize); Int64Rec(Result).Lo := LoSize; Int64Rec(Result).Hi := HighSize; CloseHandle(hFile); end; {**Check to see if a file has an extension in a list of extensions } function CheckExtension(FileName: string; Values: array of string): Boolean; var Ext, Value: string; i: Integer; begin Result := True; Ext := ExtractFileExt(FileName); for i := 0 to High(Values) do begin Value := Values[i]; if Value[1] <> '.' then Value := '.' + Value; if Value = Ext then Exit; end; Result := False; end; const SInvalidDest = 'Destination %s does not exist'; SFCantMove = 'Cannot move file %s'; type EInvalidDest = class(EStreamError); EFCantMove = class(EStreamError); {** Copy File From FmxUtils.pas in the Delphi 4 demos directory } procedure EZCopyFile(const FileName, DestName: string); var CopyBuffer: Pointer; { buffer for copying } BytesCopied: Longint; Source, Dest: Integer; { handles } Destination: TFileName; { holder for expanded destination name } const ChunkSize: Longint = 8192; { copy in 8K chunks } begin Destination := ExpandFileName(DestName); { expand the destination path } if HasAttr(Destination, faDirectory) then { if destination is a directory... } Destination := Destination + '\' + ExtractFileName(FileName); { ...clone file name } GetMem(CopyBuffer, ChunkSize); { allocate the buffer } try Source := FileOpen(FileName, fmShareDenyWrite); { open source file } if Source < 0 then raise EFOpenError.CreateFmt(SFOpenError, [FileName]); try Dest := FileCreate(Destination); { create output file; overwrite existing } if Dest < 0 then raise EFCreateError.CreateFmt(SFCreateError, [Destination]); try repeat BytesCopied := FileRead(Source, CopyBuffer^, ChunkSize); { read chunk } if BytesCopied > 0 then { if we read anything... } FileWrite(Dest, CopyBuffer^, BytesCopied); { ...write chunk } until BytesCopied < ChunkSize; { until we run out of chunks } finally FileClose(Dest); { close the destination file } end; finally FileClose(Source); { close the source file } end; finally FreeMem(CopyBuffer, ChunkSize); { free the buffer } end; end; {** MoveFile Moves the file passed in FileName to the directory specified in DestDir. Tries to just rename the file. If that fails, try to copy the file and delete the original. Raises an exception if the source file is read-only, and therefore cannot be deleted/moved. From FmxUtils.pas in the Delphi 4 demos directory } procedure MoveFile(const FileName, DestName: string); var Destination: string; begin Destination := ExpandFileName(DestName); { expand the destination path } if not RenameFile(FileName, Destination) then { try just renaming } begin if HasAttr(FileName, faReadOnly) then { if it's read-only... } raise EFCantMove.Create(Format(SFCantMove, [FileName])); { we wouldn't be able to delete it } EZCopyFile(FileName, Destination); { copy it over to destination...} // DeleteFile(FileName); { ...and delete the original } end; end; {** GetFileSize returns the size of the named file without opening the file. If the file doesn't exist, returns -1. From FmxUtils.pas in the Delphi 4 demos directory } function GetFileSize2(const FileName: string): LongInt; var SearchRec: TSearchRec; begin if FindFirst(ExpandFileName(FileName), faAnyFile, SearchRec) = 0 then Result := SearchRec.Size else Result := -1; end; {** FileDateTime From FmxUtils.pas in the Delphi 4 demos directory } function FileDateTime(const FileName: string): System.TDateTime; begin Result := FileDateToDateTime(FileAge(FileName)); end; {** HasAttr From FmxUtils.pas in the Delphi 4 demos directory } function HasAttr(const FileName: string; Attr: Word): Boolean; begin Result := (FileGetAttr(FileName) and Attr) = Attr; end; procedure GetNameAndExt(FileName: string; var Name: string; var Ext: string); var FName: string; begin FName := ExtractFileName(FileName); Ext := ExtractFileExt(FName); Name := StripLastToken(FName, '.'); end; {** ExecuteFile From FmxUtils.pas in the Delphi 4 demos directory } function ExecuteFile(const FileName, Params, DefaultDir: string; ShowCmd: Integer): THandle; var zFileName, zParams, zDir: array[0..79] of Char; begin Result := ShellExecute(Forms.Application.MainForm.Handle, nil, StrPCopy(zFileName, FileName), StrPCopy(zParams, Params), StrPCopy(zDir, DefaultDir), ShowCmd); end; function IsValidDir(S: string): Boolean; var SaveDir: string; begin SaveDir := GetCurrentDir; if SetCurrentDir(S) then Result := True else Result := False; SetCurrentDir(SaveDir); end; function IsPrinterOn(const Port : Word) : Boolean; const StRq : Byte = $02; var nRes : Byte; begin asm MOV AH, StRq MOV DX, Port INT $17 MOV nRes, AH end; Result := (nRes and $80) = $80; end; end.