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Closing internet explorer [ie] from delphi

Question: My application has to close the IE. How can an application close the Internet Explorer or an Explorer window? Answer: The key is to post to the *right* window. Use the code below and it will close all instances of IE. program Sample; function CloseIEs(Wnd : HWnd; Form : TForm1) : Boolean; export; stdcall; var sCap : array [0..255] of char; begin GetWindowText (Wnd, sCap, sizeof(sCap)); if pos ('Microsoft Internet Explorer', sCap) > 0 then begin PostMessage (Wnd, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0); end else begin // check by class name! GetClassName (Wnd, sCap, sizeof(sCap)); if sCap = 'IEFrame' then PostMessage (Wnd, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0); end; CloseIEs := true; { next window, please } end; begin // close all hidden instances EnumWindows(@CloseIEs, 0); end.