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Clone a process in Linux

Title: clone a process in Linux? { Unter Linux kann ein Process mit fork dupliziert werden. Im original Prozess gibt fork das Handle auf den duplizierten Prozess zurück, im Duplizierten wird 0 zurück gegeben. } { In Linux it is possible to duplicate a process with fork. In the original process, fork will return the handle to the duplicated process. The duplicated process will return zero. } program TestFork; {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} uses SysUtils, Libc; var ForkedProcessHandle: __pid_t; bForked: Boolean; procedure ForkNow; begin bForked := true; ForkedProcessHandle := fork; end; function IsForked: Boolean; begin Result := (ForkedProcessHandle = 0) and bForked; end; var Lf: Integer; begin sigignore(SIGCHLD); bForked := false; WriteLn('do some stuff'); WriteLn('before fork'); ForkNow; WriteLn('after fork - we have dublicated the process'); if IsForked then begin WriteLn('do some stuff in forked process (wait 5s)'); for Lf := 0 to 50 do begin Write('f'); sleep(100); end; end else begin WriteLn('do stuff in original process (wait 10)'); for Lf := 0 to 100 do begin Write('o'); sleep(100); end; end; WriteLn; if IsForked then WriteLn('forked process end') else WriteLn('original process end'); end. { Output of this demo app: do some stuff before fork after fork - we have dublicated the process after fork - we have dublicated the process do some stuff in forked process (wait 5s) fdo stuff in original process (wait 10) ooffooffooffooffooffooffooffooffooffooffooffooffooffooffooffooffooffooff ooffooffooffooffooffooffooffoo forked process end ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo original process end }