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Clipboard and streams

In article <>, "D:DEMONSPOOLMAIL" <> wrote: >I want to use the clipboard to store data in a proprietry format but I >would like to just write a single set of routines to input and output >from streams. > >Is it possible to set up a TMemoryStream object, fill it with the data >and then give it to the clipboard? >If so, how? Not only is it possible, but this is exactly how Borland implemented the Clipboard.GetComponent and Clipboard.SetComponent functions. Basically, you would need to register your own clipboard format with a call to RegisterClipboardFormat(): CF_MYFORMAT := RegisterClipboardFormat('My Format Description'); You would then follow these steps: 1. Create a memory stream & write your data to it. 2. Create a global memory buffer and copy the stream into it. 3. Call Clipboard.SetAsHandle() to place it on the clipboard. Example: var hbuf : THandle; bufptr : Pointer; mstream : TMemoryStream; begin mstream := TMemoryStream.Create; try {-- Write your data to the stream. --} hbuf := GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE, mstream.size); try bufptr := GlobalLock(hbuf); try Move(mstream.Memory^, bufptr^, mstream.size); Clipboard.SetAsHandle(CF_MYFORMAT, hbuf); finally GlobalUnlock(hbuf); end; except GlobalFree(hbuf); raise; end; finally mstream.Free; end; end; IMPORTANT: Do not delete the buffer you GlobalAlloc(). Once you put it on the clipboard, it's up to the clipboard to dispose of it. When retrieving it, again, do not delete the buffer you retrieve -- just make a copy of the contents. To retrieve the stream and its data, do something like this: var hbuf : THandle; bufptr : Pointer; mstream : TMemoryStream; begin hbuf := Clipboard.GetAsHandle(CF_MYFORMAT); if hbuf <> 0 then begin bufptr := GlobalLock(hbuf); if bufptr <> nil then begin try mstream := TMemoryStream.Create; try mstream.WriteBuffer(bufptr^, GlobalSize(hbuf)); mstream.Position := 0; {-- Read your data from the stream. --} finally mstream.Free; end; finally GlobalUnlock(hbuf); end; end; end; end;