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Class to read the dos environment variab

unit DosEnv01; { Class to read the DOS Environment variables } interface uses SysUtils, WinProcs, Classes; type TDOSEnvironment = class private FKeys: TStringList; FValues: TStringList; function GetCount: Integer; function GetKey(Index: Integer): string; function GetValue(Index: Integer): string; protected public constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; function ValueForKey(const Key: string): string; property Count: Integer read GetCount; property Key[Index: Integer]: string read GetKey; property Value[Index: Integer]: string read GetValue; end; implementation { TDOSEnvironment } constructor TDOSEnvironment.Create; var EnvStrings: PChar; S: string; begin FKeys := TStringList.Create; FValues := TStringList.Create; {$IFDEF WIN32} EnvStrings := GetEnvironmentStrings; {$ELSE} EnvStrings := GetDosEnvironment; {$ENDIF} while EnvStrings[0] <> #0 do begin S := StrPas(EnvStrings); FKeys.Add(Copy(S,1,Pos('=',S)-1)); FValues.Add(Copy(S,Pos('=',S)+1,255)); Inc(EnvStrings,StrLen(EnvStrings)+1); end; end; destructor TDOSEnvironment.Destroy; begin FKeys.Free; FValues.Free; end; function TDOSEnvironment.ValueForKey(const Key: string): string; var I: Integer; begin I := FKeys.IndexOf(Key); if I >= 0 then Result := FValues.Strings[I] else Result := ''; end; function TDOSEnvironment.GetCount: Integer; begin Result := FKeys.Count; end; function TDOSEnvironment.GetKey(Index: Integer): string; begin Result := FKeys.Strings[Index]; end; function TDOSEnvironment.GetValue(Index: Integer): string; begin Result := FValues.Strings[Index]; end; end.