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Class to handle cgi post query

unit PostCont; { Class to parse the data from a web server's QUERY_STRING variables and the stdin data during a POST. The .Create method used determines how this loads the data. by Dave Wedwick } interface uses SysUtils, Classes; type EPostContentError = class(Exception); TPostContent = class private FList: TList; function GetValue(Index: Integer): String; function GetKey(Index: Integer): String; function GetCount: Word; procedure ParseStream(MemStr: TMemoryStream); procedure FreeItems; public constructor Create(ContentLen: Integer); constructor CreateFromString(Str: String); destructor Destroy; override; property Value[Index: Integer]: String read GetValue; property Key[Index: Integer]: String read GetKey; property Count: Word read GetCount; function ValueForKey(Key: String; Occurance: Word): String; end; implementation type PValueRec = ^ValueRec; ValueRec = record Name: String[100]; Value: String[200]; end; { Support functions } function StrToHex(const HexVal: String): Char; const StartingLetter = ord('A'); StartingNumber = ord('0'); var Val, Counter: Byte; begin { Find the hex value of the passed two byte string } Val := 0; for Counter := 1 to 2 do begin if Counter = 2 then Val := Val shl 4; case HexVal[Counter] of '0'..'9': Val := Val + (ord(HexVal[Counter]) - StartingNumber); 'A'..'F': Val := Val + (ord(HexVal[Counter]) - StartingLetter + 10); end; end; Result := Char(Val); end; { Class methods } constructor TPostContent.Create(ContentLen: Integer); var MemStr: TMemoryStream; Counter: Word; NextChar: Char; begin FList := TList.Create; MemStr := TMemoryStream.Create; Counter := 1; while Counter <= ContentLen do begin Read(NextChar); MemStr.Write(NextChar, 1); { Add one to the count } Inc(Counter); end; ParseStream(MemStr); MemStr.Free; end; constructor TPostContent.CreateFromString(Str: String); { This creates the value pairs by parsing out a string, rather than reading from stdin. Used with the QUERY_STRING. } var MemStr: TMemoryStream; StartPos: Word; begin FList := TList.Create; MemStr := TMemoryStream.Create; { The query data starts after the ? in the query. If none is found, start at position 1. Convenient, since Pos returns 0 if not found. } StartPos := Pos('?', Str) + 1; MemStr.Write(Str[StartPos], Length(Str)-StartPos+1); ParseStream(MemStr); MemStr.Free; end; destructor TPostContent.Destroy; begin FreeItems; { See below } FList.Free; inherited; end; procedure TPostContent.ParseStream(MemStr: TMemoryStream); type InType = (itName, itValue); var VRecPtr: PValueRec; NextChar: Char; Counter: Word; CurrType: InType; VRec: ValueRec; HexVal: String[2]; begin Counter := 1; CurrType := itName; { Clear the structure to where the value are going to go } VRec.Name := ''; VRec.Value := ''; MemStr.Seek(0, soFromBeginning); while Counter <= MemStr.Size do begin { Get the next character from the stream } MemStr.Read(NextChar, 1); { Plus signs are spaces } if NextChar = '+' then NextChar := ' '; case NextChar of '=': CurrType := itValue; '%': begin { The next two bytes are a hex value for an ASCII character. Decode the character, add it to the appropriate place, and increment the counter by three} HexVal := ''; MemStr.Read(NextChar, 1); HexVal := HexVal + NextChar; MemStr.Read(NextChar, 1); HexVal := HexVal + NextChar; NextChar := StrToHex(HexVal); if CurrType = itName then VRec.Name := VRec.Name + NextChar else VRec.Value := VRec.Value + NextChar; { Add two to the counter here -- there is one more added below at the bottom of the loop, making a total of three added } Inc(Counter, 2); end; '&': begin { Finished with this variable name/value pair. Allocate memory and add it to the list } New(VRecPtr); VRecPtr^ := VRec; FList.Add(VRecPtr); { Get ready for the next values } CurrType := itName; VRec.Name := ''; VRec.Value := ''; end; else with VRec do begin if CurrType = itName then Name := Name + NextChar else Value := Value + NextChar; end; end; { Add one to the count } Inc(Counter); end; { Add the last one } if MemStr.Size > 0 then begin New(VRecPtr); VRecPtr^ := VRec; FList.Add(VRecPtr); end; end; procedure TPostContent.FreeItems; var Counter: Word; begin { Free all items in the list } for Counter := 1 to FList.Count do Dispose(PValueRec(FList[Counter-1])); end; function TPostContent.GetValue(Index: Integer): String; begin if Index < 0 then raise EPostContentError.Create('Can''t have negative numbers'); if Index > FList.Count-1 then raise EPostContentError.Create('Index value too high'); Result := PValueRec(FList[Index])^.Value; end; function TPostContent.GetKey(Index: Integer): String; begin if Index < 0 then raise EPostContentError.Create('Can''t have negative numbers'); if Index > FList.Count-1 then raise EPostContentError.Create('Index value too high'); Result := PValueRec(FList[Index])^.Name; end; function TPostContent.GetCount: Word; begin Result := FList.Count; end; function TPostContent.ValueForKey(Key: String; Occurance: Word): String; var Counter, HitCount: Word; begin { Find the Occurance of Key in the list } if Occurance < 1 then raise EPostContentError.Create('Occurance value must be > 0'); Result := ''; HitCount := 0; for Counter := 1 to FList.Count do begin with PValueRec(FList[Counter-1])^ do begin { If the key passed matches the name of the value, and the occurance is found, return the value } if UpperCase(Key) = UpperCase(Name) then begin Inc(HitCount); if HitCount = Occurance then begin Result := Value; Exit; end; end; end; end; { If we're here, then we didn't find the value for the key -- raise an exception } raise EPostContentError.Create('Key not found'); end; end.