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Indicates which items are checked. type TCheckBoxState = (cbUnchecked, cbChecked, cbGrayed); property State[Index: Integer]: TCheckBoxState; Description For each member of the Items array, State indicates whether its check box is selected (cbChecked), deselected (cbUnchecked), or grayed (cbGrayed). The cbChecked state corresponds to the Boolean property Checked; that is, State = cbChecked when Checked = True. To add lines to the CheckListBox: CheckListBox.Items.Add('Next line'); To put a BitMap next to each string in a CheckListBox: EXAMPLE: Here is a typical handler for an OnDrawItem event. In the example, a list box with the lbOwnerDrawFixed style draws a bitmap to the left of each string. procedure TForm1.ListBox1DrawItem(Control: TWinControl; Index: Integer; Rect:TRect;State: TOwnerDrawState); var Bitmap: TBitmap; { temporary variable for the item’s bitmap } Offset: Integer; { text offset width } begin with (Control as TListBox).Canvas do { draw on control canvas, not on the form } begin FillRect(Rect); { clear the rectangle } Offset := 2; { provide default offset } Bitmap := TBitmap((Control as TListBox).Items.Objects[Index]); { get the bitmap ) if Bitmap <> nil then begin BrushCopy(Bounds(Rect.Left + 2, Rect.Top, Bitmap.Width, Bitmap.Height), Bitmap, Bounds(0, 0, Bitmap.Width, Bitmap.Height), clRed); {render bitmap} Offset := Bitmap.width + 6; { add four pixels between bitmap and text} end; TextOut(Rect.Left + Offset, Rect.Top, (Control as TListBox).Items[Index]) { display the text } end; end;