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Checking disk in drive

{With my last project if a disk is not in say one of the Floppy drives or my CDRom drive it will crash so i used this function that borland suggest } function DiskInDrive(Drive: Char): Boolean; var ErrorMode: word; ok it stops the program from crashing but it shows I/O 32 error message the question is how do i show them another message telling the user that thay need to pop in a disk. And pop the Drive Combo box back to the Hard Drive. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< I'm using the following snippet in cmbDrive.OnChange event. Be sure NOT to connect lstDir through DirList property of cmbDrive. It's a bit like a batch file, but it works for me OK in Delphi 2 :) procedure TfrmMain.cmbDriveChange(Sender: TObject); var OldDrive: char; label Retry; function SetDrive(const NewDrive: char): boolean; begin try lstDir.Drive := NewDrive; Result := true; except Result := false; end; end; begin Retry: OldDrive := lstDir.Drive; if not SetDrive(cmbDrive.Drive) then begin beep; if MessageBox(Handle, PChar(UpperCase(cmbDrive.Drive) + ':\ is not accessible.'#13#13'Drive not ready.'), 'Error', mb_RetryCancel or mb_IconStop or mb_DefButton1) = IDRETRY then goto Retry else begin lstDir.Drive := OldDrive; cmbDrive.Drive := lstDir.Drive; end; end; end;