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Check for previous instance

unit previnst; {Copyright © 1997 Simon Carter. All Rights Reserved. This component can be used as freeware in any commercial or private application the only request I make is that if it is modified in any way then I have a copy of the modifications. If you do use this product then please drop me an E-Mail to to let me know. Originally created by Simon Carter Released to public domain on 18 June 1997 No Warranty or liability can be taken by Simon Carter in respect of the use or inability to use this component under any circumstances HISTORY Date Name Reason 17-6-97 Simon Carter Created Additional Information Properties AppName - Name of the application. This will be used for the temporary file DupeMessage - Message to be displayed if duplicate found Usage Simply drop on the component on the form fill in the above properties and run program. } interface { dcr for this unit is contained below !! } uses Windows, SysUtils, Classes, Forms; type TPrevInst = class(TComponent) private FFileHandle: HFile; FAppName: String; FTempLoc: String; FDupeMessage: String; MOFS: TOFStruct; //my open file struct protected Function AppHasPrevious:Boolean; Procedure PrepFile; public constructor Create(Owner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; Function GetAppName: String; Procedure SetAppName(NewName: String); Function GetDupeMessage:String; Procedure SetDupeMessage(NewMessage: String); published Property AppName: String read GetAppName write SetAppName; Property DupeMessage: String read GetDupeMessage write SetDupeMessage; end; procedure Register; implementation Procedure TPrevInst.PrepFile; var I: Integer; S: String; Begin S := FTempLoc + FAppName + '.Tmp'; For I := 1 to Length(FTempLoc + FAppName + '.Tmp') Do MOFS.szPathName[I] := S[I]; MOFS.cBytes := SizeOf(MOFS); End; Procedure TPrevInst.SetDupeMessage(NewMessage: String); Begin FDupeMessage := NewMessage; End; Function TPrevInst.GetDupeMessage:String; Begin Result := FDupeMessage; End; Function TPrevInst.AppHasPrevious:Boolean; Begin If FileExists(FTempLoc + FAppName + '.Tmp') Then Begin If DeleteFile(FTempLoc + FAppName + '.Tmp') Then Begin Result := False; PrepFile; FFileHandle := OpenFile(PChar(FTempLoc + FAppName + '.Tmp'),MOFS,OF_Create or OF_Share_Exclusive); End Else Begin Application.MessageBox(PChar(FDupeMessage),Pchar(AppName),mb_OK + mb_IconStop); Application.Terminate; Result := True; End; End Else Begin PrepFile; FFileHandle := OpenFile(PChar(FTempLoc + FAppName + '.Tmp'),MOFS,OF_Create or OF_Share_Exclusive); Result := False; End; End; constructor TPrevInst.Create(Owner: TComponent); Begin Inherited Create(Owner); If Application.Title = '' then FAppName := 'New Project' Else FAppName := Application.Title; FTempLoc := ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0)); FDupeMessage := 'Only One Instance Of This Program Can Be Run At Any One Time'; End; destructor TPrevInst.Destroy; Begin CloseHandle(FFileHandle); //try and delete file if it won't then don't worry try DeleteFile(FTempLoc + FAppName + '.Tmp'); Except //CloseFile End; inherited destroy; End; Function TPrevInst.GetAppName: String; Begin Result := FAppName; End; Procedure TPrevInst.SetAppName(NewName: String); Begin FAppName := NewName; If not (csDesigning in ComponentState) then AppHasPrevious; End; procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents('Additional', [TPrevInst]); end; end.