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Cgi handler with demo

{ NOTE THE Sample DEMO is included in XX34 format at the end } unit cgi_h; interface uses classes; {intitialize and cleanup procedures} procedure InitializeCGI; {call this at the beginning of the program, it reads in and separates} {all the Form variables to allow easy calling from the functions} procedure freeCGI; {call this at end of program to free the string list containing} {the form input} {output special HTML codes easily} procedure writeHTMLHeader; {writes out the header for an HTML document} function sendFile(fileName:string):boolean; {sends a file to the server for output} function sendFileBinary(fileName:string):boolean; {sends a binary file to the server for output} function sendFileBinary2( fileName:string): boolean; {same but sends length header} procedure br; {writes a <BR> code} procedure hr; {writes an <HR> code} function HRef(location, text: string):string; {returns a string containing the link to [location] around [text]} function Image(location: string):string; {returns a string containing a reference to image at [location]} {retrieve and output Form variables} procedure outputList; {Outputs the list of form variables, one per line} procedure outputListToFile(s:string); {Outputs all variables to an HTML file for easy reading} {Used for guestbooks. It appends if fileExists} function getInputVar(s:string):string; {return the value of the input variable} function getAsField(s:string):string; {returns the value of the input variable with Field codes} {this one works when the Field name is the same as the Form variable} function getAsFieldName(s,f:string):string; {similar to getAsField, except, this allows you to specify a different name for the field} function getRemoteHost:string; function getRemoteIP:string; function getCookie(s:string):string; function WinExecuteWait(s:string):boolean; {string manipulations} procedure findRepl(var s:string; f,r:string); {finds and replaces substrings in a string} function EncodeURL(s:string):string; {puts the hex equivolent in for special characters} {(opposite of decodeFormInfo)} function DecodeFormInfo(s:string):string; {Convert Form Info to regular text (remove Special Character Codes} {Internally used functions...but you could use them if you know how} function getRequestMethod:String; {gets the request method (POST or GET)} function decodeHEXChr(s:string):char; {Converts a two digit Hex number to it's character equivolent} function getContentLength:integer; {Returns the length of the Form Info} procedure retrieveInput(var s:string); {Pulls in all Form variables} procedure separateInput( s:string); {Separates the Form variables and put in string list} implementation uses windows,sysUtils; const ValidURLChars:set of char=['A'..'Z','a'..'z','~','_','0'..'9']; alreadyRetrieved:boolean=false; clOpen:boolean=false; var cl:TStringList; procedure writeHTMLHeader; begin writeln('Content-type: text/html'); writeln; writeln; end; procedure writeHTMLHeaderCookie(n,v,d:string); begin writeln('Content-type: text/html'); if d<>'' then writeln('Set-cookie: '+n+'='+v+'; domain='+d) else writeln('Set-cookie: '+n+'='+v); writeln; writeln; end; procedure fr(var s:string; f,r:string); var x:longint; begin while pos(f,s)<>0 do begin x:=pos(f,s); delete(s,x,length(f)); insert(r,s,x); end; end; procedure findRepl(var s:string; f,r:string); begin fr(s,f,#25); fr(s,#25,r); end; procedure br; begin writeln('<BR>'); end; procedure hr; begin writeln('<HR>'); end; function HexDigit(c:char):integer; begin c:=upcase(c); if (c>='0') and (c<='9') then result:=ord(c)-ord('0'); if (c>='A') and (c<='F') then result:=ord(c)-ord('A')+10; end; procedure freeCGI; begin clOpen:=false;; end; procedure InitializeCGI; var s:string; begin cl:=tStringList.create; clOpen:=true; retrieveInput(s); SeparateInput(s); end; function decodeHEXChr(s:string):char; var x:integer; begin x:=16*hexDigit(s[1])+hexDigit(s[2]); result:=chr(x); end; function EncodeURL(s:string):string; var i:integer; c:char; begin i:=1; findRepl(s,'!','!21'); while (i<=length(s)) and (i<2000) do begin if (not (s[i] in validURLChars)) and (s[i]<>' ') and (s[i]<>'!') then begin c:=s[i]; findRepl(s,c,'!'+intToHex(ord(c),2)); i:=i+2; end; i:=i+1; end; findRepl(s,' ','+'); result:=s; end; function DecodeFormInfo(s:string):string; begin result:=''; findRepl(s,'+',' '); findRepl(s,'!','%'); while length(s)>0 do begin if s[1]='%' then begin delete(s,1,1); if s[1]='%' then begin result:=result+'%'; delete(s,1,1); end else begin result:=result+decodeHEXChr(copy(s,1,2)); delete(s,1,2); end; end else begin result:=result+s[1]; delete(s,1,1); end; end; end; function getRemoteHost:string; var PC: array[0..255] of char; begin getEnvironmentVariable('REMOTE_HOST',PC,255); Result:=StrPas(pc); end; function getRemoteIP:string; var PC: array[0..255] of char; begin getEnvironmentVariable('REMOTE_ADDR',PC,255); Result:=StrPas(pc); end; function getCookie(s:string):string; var PC: array[0..1023] of char; x:integer; begin getEnvironmentVariable('HTTP_COOKIE',PC,1023); Result:=StrPas(pc); x:=pos(uppercase(s),uppercase(result)); if x=0 then begin result:=''; exit; end; delete(result,1,x-1+length(s)); x:=pos(';',result); if x<>0 then delete(result,x,length(result)); end; function getContentLength:integer; var PC: array[0..255] of char; Content_Length:string; x:integer; begin result:=0; getEnvironmentVariable('CONTENT_LENGTH',PC,255); Content_Length:=StrPas(pc); val(Content_Length,result,x); end; function getRequestMethod:String; var PC: array[0..255] of char; begin getEnvironmentVariable('REQUEST_METHOD',PC,255); Result:=StrPas(pc); end; function getQueryString:String; var PC: array[0..1023] of char; begin getEnvironmentVariable('QUERY_STRING',PC,1024); Result:=StrPas(pc); end; procedure retrieveInput(var s:string); var c:char; i:integer; begin s:=''; if alreadyRetrieved then exit; alreadyRetrieved:=true; if getRequestMethod='POST' then for i:=1 to getContentLength do begin read(c); s:=s+c; end else s:=getQueryString; end; procedure separateInput( s:string); begin if not clOpen then exit; while (length(s)>0) do begin if pos('&',s)<>0 then begin cl.add(copy(s,1,pos('&',s)-1)); delete(s,1,pos('&',s)); end else begin cl.add(s); s:=''; end; end; end; procedure outputList; var i:integer; begin if not clOpen then exit; for i:=0 to cl.count-1 do writeln(decodeFormInfo(cl.strings[i])+'<BR>'); end; procedure outputListToFile(s:string); var i,j:integer; f:textFile; begin if not clOpen then exit; if s='' then exit; assignFile(f,s); if fileExists(s) then append(f) else rewrite(f); try writeln(f,'<HR>('+timeToStr(time)+')--->['+dateToStr(date)+']<BR>'); for i:=0 to cl.count-1 do begin s:=decodeFormInfo(cl.strings[i]); if pos('=',s)<>0 then begin j:=pos('=',s); delete(s,j,1); insert('</Strong><DD>',s,j); end; findRepl(s,#13,'<DD>'); writeln(f,'<strong>'+s); writeln(f,'<BR>'); end; finally closeFile(f); end; end; function getInputVar(s:string):string; var i:integer; begin if not clOpen then exit; i:=0; result:=''; while i<cl.count do begin if uppercase(copy(cl.strings[i],1,length(s)))=uppercase(s) then begin result:=copy(cl.strings[i],pos('=',cl.strings[i])+1,length(cl.strings[i])); result:=decodeFormInfo(result); exit; end; inc(i); end; end; function getAsField(s:string):string; begin result:=getInputVar(s); if result<>'' then result:='[Field '+s+':'+result+']'; end; function getAsFieldName(s,f:string):string; begin result:=getInputVar(s); if result<>'' then result:='[Field '+f+':'+result+']'; end; function HRef(location, text: string):string; begin result:='<A HREF="'+location+'">'+text+'</A>'; end; function Image(location: string):string; begin result:='<IMG SRC="'+location+'">'; end; function sendFileBinary( fileName:string): boolean; var fileHandle:HFile; f:char; x,i:integer; begin result:=false; FileHandle:= CreateFile( PChar(fileName), Generic_Read, File_Share_Read, nil, Open_Existing, File_Attribute_Normal, 0); if FileHandle = Invalid_Handle_Value then exit; fileSeek(fileHandle,0,0); repeat x:=fileRead(FileHandle,f,sizeOf(f)); write(f); until x<>sizeOf(f); closeHandle(fileHandle); result:=true; end; function sendFileBinary2( fileName:string): boolean; var fileHandle:HFile; f:char; x,i:integer; l:longInt; begin result:=false; FileHandle:= CreateFile( PChar(fileName), Generic_Read, File_Share_Read, nil, Open_Existing, File_Attribute_Normal, 0); if FileHandle = Invalid_Handle_Value then exit; l:=getFileSize(fileHandle,@l); writeln('Content-type: application/octet-string'); writeln('Content-Length: '+intToStr(l)); writeln; fileSeek(fileHandle,0,0); repeat x:=fileRead(FileHandle,f,sizeOf(f)); write((f)); until x<>sizeOf(f); closeHandle(fileHandle); result:=true; end; function sendFile( fileName:string): boolean; var fileHandle:HFile; f:array [0..2000] of char; x,i:integer; begin result:=false; FileHandle:= CreateFile( PChar(fileName), Generic_Read, File_Share_Read, nil, Open_Existing, File_Attribute_Normal, 0); if FileHandle = Invalid_Handle_Value then exit; fileSeek(fileHandle,0,0); repeat x:=fileRead(FileHandle,f,sizeOf(f)); write(f); until x<>sizeOf(f); closeHandle(fileHandle); result:=true; end; function WinExecuteWait(s:string):boolean; var StartupInfo:TStartupInfo; ProcessInfo: TProcessInformation; begin if (CreateProcess(nil, pchar(s), Nil, Nil, FALSE, 0, nil, nil, StartupInfo, Processinfo)) then begin waitForSingleObject(ProcessInfo.Hprocess, INFINITE); result:=true; end else begin result:=false; end; end; end.