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Center windows on desktop

Is there an easy way to get the coordinates of the desktop window area that= is not covered by either windows 95 taskbar or windows 95 application bars? Following is a snippet that I use to center my forms within the screen. var r : TRect; osv : TOSVersionInfo; begin { Center the screen within the Windows95 'work area'. If we're on Wind= ows NT3.Ex, then just center within the screen itself. } osv.EdwOSVersionInfoSize := sizeof(osv); GetVersionEx(osv); if osv.dwPlatformId = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS then begin SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETWORKAREA, 0, @r, 0); Left := ((r.right - r.left) - Width) div 2; Top := ((r.bottom - - Height) div 2; end else begin Left := (GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN) - Width) div 2; Top := (GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN) - Height) div 2; end; end;