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CDRom drives and how to set them up. FOR WHEN WINDOWS CRASHES, WHEN YOU'VE DELETED IMPORTANT STUFF, YOU NEED TO RE-INSTALL WINDOWS, AND YOU CAN'T ACCESS THE D DRIVE find existing, get hold of new MSCDEX.EXE (to run CDROM drivers) find existing, or get hold of new (eg from floppy) CDROM driver file(s) put these files in sensible places on the c:\ drive (or in subdirectories) and write down the locations on a scrap of paper add a line to the AUTOEXEC.BAT as follows (EXAMPLE): C:\DOS\MSCDEX.EXE /D: 12345678 L:D and note that the last bit (L:D) sets the NAME of the CDROM drive to 'D' add a line to the CONFIG.SYS file as follows (EXAMPLE): DEVICE=C:\DCROM\DRIVERNAME where drivername is the name of the right driver file (usually a .sys or an .exe file with a name like NEC_IDE.SYS) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Or alternatively get a Windows startup disk, which will automatically install the CD-Rom driver and put you into DOS ready to run Windows setup.