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> Does anyone know of a routine in Delphi5 to check if the CD drive is > present and what the path to it is on a system? function IsCDReady(var C : Char): boolean; var CD : Char; begin Result := False; for CD := 'A' to 'Z' do begin Result := ((GetDriveKind(CD) = dkCDRom) and IsDiskUsable(CD)); if Result then begin C := CD; Exit; end; end; end; (*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description : returns the status of a drive Platform : Win32 Error checking : ? Example call : Notes : declare the TDiskStatus (the return type) and option as following type TDiskStatus = ( dsUnKnown, dsPathNotFound, dsDriveIsInvalid, dsDiskHasFiles, dsDiskIsEmpty, dsNoDiskInDrive, dsDiskIsUnAccessible, dsDiskIsFull, dsDiskIsCorrupted, dsDiskIsUnFormatted, dsDiskIsWriteProtected ); TDriveKind = ( dkUnKnown, dkDriveIsInvalid, dkRootNotExists, dkRemovable, dkFixed, dkNerWorkDrive, dkCDRom, dkRamDisk); const arDiskStates : array[TDiskStatus] of string = ('Unknown drive', 'Disk/Path not found','Drive is invalid', 'Disk has files', 'Disk is empty', 'No disk in drive', 'Disk in not accessible', 'Disk is full', 'Disk is corrupted', 'Disk is unformatted', 'Disk has write protection' ); Author : Theo Bebekis - -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*) function GetDiskStatus(C: Char): TDiskStatus; const cMask = ':\*.*'; var iCode : LongInt; SR : TSearchRec; OldErrorMode : cardinal; begin Result := dsUnKnown; if not IsValidDriveLetter(C) then Exit; { turn off critical errors } OldErrorMode := SetErrorMode(SEM_FAILCRITICALERRORS); {$I-} { turn off exceptions } iCode := SysUtils.FindFirst( C + cMask, faAnyfile, SR); SysUtils.FindClose(SR); {$I+} { turn on exceptions } { turn on critical errors } SetErrorMode(OldErrorMode); case iCode of ERROR_SUCCESS : Result := dsDiskHasFiles; ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND , ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND : Result := dsPathNotFound; ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES : Result := dsDiskIsEmpty; ERROR_NOT_READY : Result := dsNoDiskInDrive; ERROR_NOT_DOS_DISK : Result := dsDiskIsUnAccessible; ERROR_HANDLE_DISK_FULL, ERROR_DISK_FULL : Result := dsDiskIsFull; ERROR_DISK_CORRUPT : Result := dsDiskIsCorrupted; ERROR_UNRECOGNIZED_MEDIA : Result := dsDiskIsUnFormatted; STG_E_DISKISWRITEPROTECTED : Result := dsDiskIsWriteProtected; end; end; {---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description : Parameters : Author : Theodoros Bebekis, email -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------} function GetDriveKind(C: Char): TDriveKind; begin Result := dkUnKnown; if not IsValidDriveLetter(C) then Exit; case Windows.GetDriveType(PChar(C + ':\')) of 0 : Result := dkUnKnown; 1 : Result := dkRootNotExists; DRIVE_REMOVABLE : Result := dkRemovable; DRIVE_FIXED : Result := dkFixed; DRIVE_REMOTE : Result := dkNerWorkDrive; DRIVE_CDROM : Result := dkCDRom; DRIVE_RAMDISK : Result := dkRamDisk; end; end; {---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description : Notes : Author : Theodoros Bebekis, email -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------} function IsDiskUsable(C: Char): boolean; begin Result := not (GetDiskStatus(C) in [ dsUnKnown, dsDriveIsInvalid, dsNoDiskInDrive, dsDiskIsUnAccessible, dsDiskIsCorrupted, dsDiskIsUnFormatted, dsDiskIsWriteProtected]); end; {---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description : Notes : Author : Theodoros Bebekis, email -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------} function IsValidDriveLetter(C: Char): boolean; begin Result := UpCase(C) in ['A'..'Z']; end; Theo ----------------------------------- Theo Bebekis Thessaloniki, Greece ----------------------------------- _______________________________________________ Delphi mailing list ->