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Categories / Delphi / Examples

Catch-a-maximize command

> I need to have a form in my application that zooms to half of > the screen when the Maximize button is pressed, not to full > screen. > you could handle the WM_GETMINMAXINFO message from your form. for example, add the following declaration to the protected section of your form (interface): -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure _WM_GETMINMAXINFO( var mmInfo : TWMGETMINMAXINFO ); message wm_GetMinMaxInfo; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- then define (implementation) the above message handler as follows (TForm1 being the name of your form of course): -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure TForm1._WM_GETMINMAXINFO( var mmInfo : TWMGETMINMAXINFO ); begin // set the position and the size of your form when maximized: with mmInfo.minmaxinfo^ do begin ptmaxposition.x := Screen.Width div 4; ptmaxposition.y := Screen.Height div 4; ptmaxsize.x := Screen.Width div 2; ptmaxsize.y := Screen.Height div 2; end; end;