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>TScrollingPaintBox = class(TScrollingWinControl) >private >Canvas: TCanvas; >public >constructor Create(aOwner:TComponent); >end; I would change the definition as follows: TScrollingPaintBox = class(TScrollingWinControl) private FCanvas: TCanvas; public constructor Create(aOwner:TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; property Canvas: TCanvas read FCanvas; end; constructor TScrollingPaintBox.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); FCanvas := TControlCanvas.Create; TControlCanvas(FCanvas).Control := Self; end; destructor TScrollingPaintBox.Destroy; begin FCanvas.Free; inherited Destroy; end; A TControlCanvas is important because it creates a DC that belongs to the HWND of the control. Also, override is important on your constructor and destructor to insure that they are actually called. I hope this helps.