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Calling idispatch directly

How to incorporate simple scripting capabilities into Delphi. It might prove useful to call a method, described as string, on an interface, defined by a string containing something like 'MyLib.MyObject1'. This unit exposes a few function that you can call to access IDispatch interface more easily. ------------------------------- {//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Name of unit: DispatchLib Purpose of unit: Exposes function to manipulate COM objects that implement IDispatch interface. You can call methods or properties directly or you can list all the functions to a TStringList object. An example: procedure fa(sl: TStringList); var a: variant; s: string; begin a := CreateOLEObject("microsoft.msxml"); DocumentIDispatch(a, sl); ExecuteOnDispatchMultiParam(a, "loadxml", ["b"]); s := ExecuteOnDispatchMultiParam(a, "xml", []); MessageDlg(s, mtInformation, [mbOk], 0); end; Code is based on a unit I found on the internet, but it contained some serious bugs and it didn't support more than one parameter. Anything unusual: Coded by: VJ Date: 17.07.2001 Revision history: ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////} unit DispatchLib; interface uses ActiveX, sysutils, classes; type exMethodNotSupported = class(Exception); exIDispatchCallError = class(Exception); function ExecuteOnDispatchMultiParam(TargetObj: IDispatch; MethodName: string; ParamValues: array of const): OleVariant; procedure DocumentIDispatch(ID: IDispatch; var SL: TStringList); procedure DocumentIDispatch2(ID: IDispatch; var SLNames: TStringList); function ElementDescriptionToString(a: TElemDesc): string; implementation function ElementDescriptionToString(a: TElemDesc): string; begin case a.tdesc.vt of VT_I4: Result := 'int'; VT_R8: Result := 'double'; VT_BSTR: Result := 'string'; else Result := ''; end; end; procedure DocumentIDispatch(ID: IDispatch; var SL: TStringList); var res: HResult; Count, loop, loop2, loop3: integer; TI: ITypeinfo; pTA: PTypeAttr; pFD: PFuncDesc; varDesc: pVarDesc; numFunctions: integer; numParams: integer; funcDispID: integer; names: TBStrList; numReturned: integer; functionstr: widestring; hide: boolean; begin assert(SL <> nil, 'SL may not be nil'); SL.Clear; res := ID.GetTypeInfoCount(Count); if succeeded(res) then begin for loop := 0 to Count - 1 do begin res := ID.GetTypeInfo(loop, 0, TI); if succeeded(res) then begin res := TI.GetTypeAttr(pTA); if succeeded(res) then begin if pTA^.typekind = TKIND_DISPATCH then begin numFunctions := pTA^.cFuncs; for loop2 := 0 to numFunctions - 1 do begin res := TI.GetFuncDesc(loop2, pFD); if succeeded(res) then begin funcDispID := pFD^.memid; numParams := pFD^.cParams; res := TI.GetNames(funcDispID, @names, numParams + 1, numReturned); if succeeded(res) then begin functionstr := ''; if numReturned > 0 then functionstr := functionstr + names[0]; if numReturned > 1 then begin functionstr := functionStr + '('; for loop3 := 1 to numReturned - 1 do begin if loop3 > 1 then functionstr := functionstr + ', '; functionstr := functionstr + names[loop3] + ':' + ElementDescriptionToString(pFD^.lprgelemdescParam^[loop3 - 1]); end; //functionstr := functionstr + names[numReturned - 1] + ')'; functionstr := functionstr + ')'; end; hide := False; // Hides the non-dispatch functions if (pFD^.wFuncFlags and FUNCFLAG_FRESTRICTED) = FUNCFLAG_FRESTRICTED then hide := True; // Hides the functions not intended for scripting: basically redundant functions if (pFD^.wFuncFlags and FUNCFLAG_FHIDDEN) = FUNCFLAG_FHIDDEN then hide := True; if not hide then SL.add(functionstr); end; TI.ReleaseFuncDesc(pFD); end; end; end; TI.ReleaseTypeAttr(pTA); end; end; end; end else raise Exception.Create('GetTypeInfoCount Failed'); end; procedure DocumentIDispatch2(ID: IDispatch; var SLNames: TStringList); var res: HResult; Count, loop, loop2, loop3: integer; TI: ITypeinfo; pTA: PTypeAttr; pFD: PFuncDesc; varDesc: pVarDesc; numFunctions: integer; numParams: integer; funcDispID: integer; names: TBStrList; numReturned: integer; functionstr: widestring; hide: boolean; begin SLNames.Clear; res := ID.GetTypeInfoCount(Count); if succeeded(res) then begin for loop := 0 to Count - 1 do begin res := ID.GetTypeInfo(loop, 0, TI); if succeeded(res) then begin res := TI.GetTypeAttr(pTA); if succeeded(res) then begin if pTA^.typekind = TKIND_DISPATCH then begin numFunctions := pTA^.cFuncs; for loop2 := 0 to numFunctions - 1 do begin res := TI.GetFuncDesc(loop2, pFD); if not succeeded(res) then Continue; funcDispID := pFD^.memid; numParams := pFD^.cParams; res := TI.GetNames(funcDispID, @names, numParams + 1, numReturned); if not succeeded(res) then begin TI.ReleaseFuncDesc(pFD); Continue; end; // Hides the non-dispatch functions if (pFD^.wFuncFlags and FUNCFLAG_FRESTRICTED) = FUNCFLAG_FRESTRICTED then Continue; // Hides the functions not intended for scripting: basically redundant functions if (pFD^.wFuncFlags and FUNCFLAG_FHIDDEN) = FUNCFLAG_FHIDDEN then Continue; functionstr := ''; if numReturned > 0 then begin functionstr := functionstr + names[0]; end; functionstr := functionstr + '('; if numReturned > 1 then begin for loop3 := 1 to numReturned - 1 do begin if loop3 > 1 then functionstr := functionstr + ','; functionstr := functionstr + ElementDescriptionToString(pFD^.lprgelemdescParam^[loop3 - 1]); end; end; SLNames.Add(functionstr + ')'); TI.ReleaseFuncDesc(pFD); end; end; TI.ReleaseTypeAttr(pTA); end; end; end; end else raise Exception.Create('GetTypeInfoCount Failed'); end; {//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Name: ExecuteOnDispatchMultiParam Purpose: To execute arbitrary method on given COM object. Author: VJ Date: 07.07.2001 History: ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////} function ExecuteOnDispatchMultiParam( TargetObj: IDispatch; MethodName: string; ParamValues: array of const): OleVariant; var wide: widestring; disps: TDispIDList; panswer: ^olevariant; answer: olevariant; dispParams: TDispParams; aexception: TExcepInfo; pVarArg: PVariantArgList; res: HResult; ParamCount, i: integer; begin Result := false; // prepare for function call ParamCount := High(ParamValues) + 1; wide := MethodName; pVarArg := nil; if ParamCount > 0 then GetMem(pVarArg, ParamCount * sizeof(TVariantArg)); try // get dispid of requested method if not succeeded(TargetObj.GetIDsOfNames(GUID_NULL, @wide, 1, 0, @disps)) then raise exMethodNotSupported.Create('This object does not support this method'); pAnswer := @answer; // prepare parameters for i := 0 to ParamCount - 1 do begin case ParamValues[ParamCount - 1 - i].VType of vtInteger: begin pVarArg^[i].vt := VT_I4; pVarArg^[i].lVal := ParamValues[ParamCount - 1 - i].VInteger; end; vtExtended: begin pVarArg^[i].vt := VT_R8; pVarArg^[i].dblVal := ParamValues[ParamCount - 1 - i].VExtended^; end; vtString, vtAnsiString, vtChar: begin pVarArg^[i].vt := VT_BSTR; pVarArg^[i].bstrVal := PWideChar(WideString(PChar(ParamValues[ParamCount - 1 - i].VString))); end; else raise Exception.CreateFmt('Unsuported type for parameter with index %d', [i]); end; end; // prepare dispatch parameters dispparams.rgvarg := pVarArg; dispparams.rgdispidNamedArgs := nil; dispparams.cArgs := ParamCount; dispparams.cNamedArgs := 0; // make IDispatch call res := TargetObj.Invoke(disps[0], GUID_NULL, 0, DISPATCH_METHOD or DISPATCH_PROPERTYGET, dispParams, pAnswer, @aexception, nil); // check the result if res <> 0 then raise exIDispatchCallError.CreateFmt( 'Method call unsuccessfull. %s (%s).', [string(aexception.bstrDescription), string(aexception.bstrSource)]); // return the result Result := answer; finally if ParamCount > 0 then FreeMem(pVarArg, ParamCount * sizeof(TVariantArg)); end; end; end.