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Build a Blog

Title: Build a Blog Question: What we want to do next is to download the last blog entries, write a new entry and upload it immediately with the help of FTP. Answer: This lesson will introduce you to FTP and HTTP. By the way do you know whats a Blog is? Blogs are usually maintained by an individual with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or video. In the following lines were going to build a blog script. All about the Code is a tutorial available: {*************************************************************** * Project : Blogger * Unit Name: 129_pas_blogger * Purpose : Blog from anywhere in a stream without save a file * Date : 21/08/2010 - 14:38:56 * History : translate/integrate to maXbox, locs=87 * shows subroutines of assign a stream/stringlist direct to a FTP Upload! NEWSLINE='LINB3Just got a IdHTTP.Request.CacheControl ID:8NB4/LI'; ****************************************************************} program Blogger_MAX; const HTM_FILE = 'maxboxblog.htm'; CONTENT_URL = ''+HTM_FILE; BLOGLINE = //'Just got the IdHTTP.Request.CacheControl test with success ID:9'; 'another test the script example 129_pas_blogger.txt in /examples'; var contentLst: TStringList; procedure LetHTTPConnect(vcontentURL: string; vcontList: TStringList); var idHTTP: TIdHTTP; begin idHTTP:= TIdHTTP.Create(self) try {IdHTTP.ProxyParams.ProxyServer:=''; IdHTTP.ProxyParams.ProxyPort:=4480;} idHTTP.Request.Pragma:= 'no-cache'; idHTTP.Request.CacheControl:= 'no-cache'; vcontList.text:= idHTTP.Get2(vcontentURL); finally idHTTP.Free maxform1.color:= clred; //test end; end; procedure FTP_UploadStream(mysource, myFile: string); var ftpUpStream: TMemoryStream; myftp: TIdFTP; begin ftpUpStream:= TMemoryStream.create; myftp:= TIdFTP.create(self); try with myftp do begin Host:= '' Username:= ''; Password:= ''; end; with ftpUpStream do begin Seek(0,soFromBeginning); Write(mysource, length(mysource)) SetLength(mysource, ftpupstream.Size); //saveToFile(ExePath+'docs/'+myFile); end; //Connect FTP server and Use PASV mode myftp.Connect(true, 1200) myftp.Passive:= true; //Change directory and Upload myftp.ChangeDir('httpdocs') myftp.Put1(ftpUpStream, myFile, false); writeln('Upload Size :'+inttoStr(myftp.size(myfile))) finally ftpUpStream.Free; //Disconnect to Quit(); myftp.Quit; myftp.Free; end; end; //main: of blogger begin //constructor and process contentLst:= TStringList.create; try LetHTTPConnect(CONTENT_URL, contentLst); contentLst.insert(35,'LI'+dateToStr(Date)+' '+BLOGLINE+'/LI') //contentLst.delete(35); Writeln(contentLst.text) //output control FTP_UploadStream(contentLst.text, HTM_FILE) finally contentLst.Free; memo2.height:= 300; end; end. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- {RegisterMethod('Procedure Put1( const ASource : TStream; const ADestFile: string; const AAppend : boolean);');} ftp.Host = "" ftp.Username = "YourFtpUsername" ftp.Password = "YourFtpPassword" IdHTTP.Request.UserAgent := 'Mozilla/3.0'; IdHTTP.Request.Pragma := 'no-cache'; IdHTTP.Request.CacheControl := 'no-cache'; IdHTTP.ProxyParams.ProxyServer := FProxy; IdHTTP.ProxyParams.ProxyPort := FProxyPort; IdHTTP.ConnectTimeout := 10000; IdHTTP.ReadTimeout := 10000; WebContent := IdHTTP.Get('http://' + FHostname + FSite);