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Best way to store a tdatetime in the registry

Question: What is the best/most commonly used format for storing TDateTime in the reguistry ? Converting it to a string and then back is not always satisfactory as people can change their date and time formats and we do not want to impose any restrictions on the software. Answer: TDateTime is a float, so you can store it as a binary value. See the sample code below. Download file DateRegistry.dpr. program DateRegistry; uses Windows, Dialogs, Registry, SysUtils; {$R *.RES} procedure SaveDate(const sKey: string; const sField: string; aDate: TDateTime); begin with TRegistry.Create do begin RootKey := HKEY_CURRENT_USER; if OpenKey(sKey, True) then begin WriteBinaryData(sField, aDate, SizeOf(aDate)); CloseKey; end; Free; end; end; function ReadDate(const sKey: string; const sField: string) : TDateTime; begin // default: return 0 Result := 0; with TRegistry.Create do begin RootKey := HKEY_CURRENT_USER; if OpenKey(sKey, False) then begin try ReadBinaryData(sField, Result, SizeOf(Result)); except end; CloseKey; end; Free; end; end; var dDate: TDateTime; begin // save the date SaveDate('\Software\preview\Demo', 'LastDate', Now); // retrieve it dDate := ReadDate('\Software\preview\Demo', 'LastDate'); // show it ShowMessage(DateTimeToStr(dDate)); end.