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Baseform class

Have you ever found yourself adding the same code to different forms? Well now you can use the following as a base class for all forms. =============== BEGIN CODE ====================== unit BaseForm; interface uses SysUtils, Classes, Forms, Windows; type TBaseForm = class(TForm) protected function IsModal(): Boolean; procedure KeyDown(var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); override; procedure ShowError(E: Exception); function MsgBox(Msg: string; uType: Integer = MB_OK or MB_ICONSTOP): Integer; overload; function MsgBox(Msg, MsgCaption: string; uType: Integer = MB_OK or MB_ICONSTOP): Integer; overload; end; implementation uses Controls; { TPipeCallBaseForm } function TBaseForm.MsgBox(Msg: string; uType: Integer = MB_OK or MB_ICONSTOP): Integer; begin Result := MsgBox(Msg, Caption, uType); end; procedure TBaseForm.KeyDown(var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); begin inherited; if ((IsModal) and (GetActiveWindow() = Handle) and (Key = VK_ESCAPE)) then ModalResult := mrCancel; end; function TBaseForm.MsgBox(Msg, MsgCaption: string; uType: Integer = MB_OK or MB_ICONSTOP): Integer; var FlashInfo: FLASHWINFO; begin if (GetForegroundWindow() <> Handle) then begin (* if the current window is not active make it flash to alert user *) FillChar(FlashInfo, SizeOf(FLASHWINFO), 0); FlashInfo.cbSize := SizeOf(FLASHWINFO); FlashInfo.dwFlags := FLASHW_ALL or FLASHW_TIMERNOFG; FlashInfo.hwnd := Handle; FlashWindowEx(FlashInfo); end; Result := MessageBox(Handle, PChar(Msg), PChar(Caption), uType); end; procedure TBaseForm.ShowError(E: Exception); begin MsgBox(Format('Error: %s'#13#13'Error Class: %s', [E.Message, E.ClassName])); end; function TBaseForm.IsModal: Boolean; begin Result := (fsModal in FormState); end; end. =============== END CODE ====================== To use this base form you simple add "BaseForm" to the uses clause and change the forms implementation from: TfrmMyForm = class(TForm) To TfrmMyForm = class(TBaseForm) Now each form will have the ability to: Display an error in a consistent manner Show a MessageDlg whilst flashing the window if not active. Return mrCancel if the user presses the ESC key on a modal dialog.