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Basically, you need to add two keys to the registry under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT. Say your extension in ".ext", then the first key you add is the extension itself: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\ .ext\ and set the "default" string value of this key to an "internal name" for your file type - for example MyApp.Document: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\ .ext\ Default = "MyApp.Document" You then create another key with this name: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\ MyApp.Document\ Create a sub-key of this called "shell", a sub-key of *this* called "open" and a further sub-key of "open" called "command". The default value uder this key is the location and name of your your application folled by "%1" which represents the filename parameter that Windows will pass to your executable: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\ MyApp.Document\ shell\ open\ command\ Default = "C:\myapp\myapp.exe %1" You can do this in code with the TRegistry object, or use InstallShield, which can make registry changes for you. I'd advise doing both, in case the user trashes your registry entry. From: "Rodney E Geraghty" &tt;> The easiest way I've found to do this is to modify the Extensions section of the win.ini file that is located in the Windows directory. This also works under Win 95 and will update the registry automatically under Win95. Look at the extensions section of the win.ini to see the format you have to use. Put IniFiles in your uses clause and then use something like this: var INIFile: TIniFile; begin try INIFile := TInifile.Create('WIN.INI'); INIFile.WriteString('Extensions','txt','c:\windows\notepad.exe ^.txt'); finally INIFile.Free; end; end; This would associate *.txt files with Windows Notepad. If you had an app named MyApp in the c:\MyApps directory and your extension was *.MAP then you would change it like this: var INIFile: TIniFile; begin try INIFile := TInifile.Create('WIN.INI'); INIFile.WriteString('Extensions','map','c:\myapps\myapp.exe ^.map'); finally INIFile.Free; end; end; This will work in both Win 3.11 and Win 95 and saves you from having to modify the Reqistry under Win 95. Not sure about Win NT (or Win95b) since I don't have a test machine available. Note that this is only the first part of the solution though since it will open the associated application but it won't load the file you clicked. To do this you have to read ParamStr(1), which would hold the full path of the file you clicked, and run the file name through your file opening routine.