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Apache shared modules

Brian Long shows how to create and use Apache shared modules using Kylix. One of the potentially exciting things about Kylix is being able to write Apache web server shared modules. However, it can be frustrating, so my goal in this article is to explain what you need to do to write shared modules and to get them to work with Apache. I should warn you that it may be more complicated and involved than you might expect... First things first. Kylix can generate applications for Apache version 1.3.9 and later, running under Linux. Also, the support for generating Apache applications is restricted to the Server Developer edition and the Enterprise Studio edition (it’s not in the Desktop Developer or Open Edition). I should also mention that the name Apache Web Server comes from the fact that it started life as a patchy web server, based on the code base for another popular web server. One final thing: this article will not discuss how to write web applications, since the Windows Delphi WebBroker concepts all transfer readily across to Kylix and Linux. For more information on how WebBroker applications work, see past and future editions of Bob Swart’s Under Construction column.