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Animated cursors

Animated cursors have become so popular since the good old days of Windows 3.0, now they are a built-in part of the Windows 95 and Windows NT operating systems. Here's how you can use them in your Delphi program: const cnCursorID1 = 1; begin Screen.Cursors[ cnCursorID1 ] := LoadCursorFromFile('c:\winnt\cursors\piano.ani' ); Cursor := cnCursorID1; end; "c:\winnt\cursors\piano.ani" is of course the name of the animated cursor file and cnCursorID1 (defined as 1) is the index of your newly defined cursor. If you wanted to use more than one animated cursor, simply use a different index number -- cnCursorID2 (or 2) for example. { ------------------- } Does anyone know how to make an existing cursor available to a project? The following example from on-line help should work if you have created a cursor resource, but I can't seem to find how to do that. Start Example This example assumes you have created a cursor resource with the name NewCursor. The code loads the new cursor into the Cursors property array and makes the newly loaded cursor the cursor of the form: const crMyCursor = 5; procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin Screen.Cursors[crMyCursor] := LoadCursor(HInstance, 'NewCursor'); Cursor := crMyCursor; end; End Example The only help I've seen on creating a cursor resource is a statement something like: NewCursor Cursor "C:\pathname......\filename"