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An introduction to procedural textures

A short article about creating texture graphics, taking from my website. The most frequent question about Delphi programming I got was "How do you create these textures in your software Buttonz and Tilez?". Well, I am not going to release the source code, but here's an article that should explain the basics. This article is split into 4 parts for the ease of reading: 1. Gradients 2. Sinus Plasma 3. Cellular Automats 4. Plasma Clouds (Cubic Plasma) The attached sample project for D2 (should compile with higher versions, tough...) additionally includes some more optimized code, examples of how to use functions together, plus a simple implementation of perlin noise. 1.Gradients: ------------ Most gradients I have seen in Delphi so far were created using the most basic way: They have a start value (Tcolor) and an end value. However, Much more flexible gradients can be created using a sinus function. The big advantage is that we can change the frequency, and so get as many transitions as we want within the target area. A minor drawback is that, when not properly coded, this might be slighlty slower on old CPUs. The pseudo-code for a horizontal gradient would be: freq_temp:=image.width / frequency; with image.canvas do for y:=0 to image.width do for x:=0 to image.height do begin z:=trunc(abs(sin(x/freq_temp*pi)*255)); pixels[x,y]:=rgb(z,z,z); end; The variable freq_temp is used to determine the number of transitions (or stripes). To understand this, imagine a sinus curve like a height map, the higher the curve, the lighter the gradient. 2. Sinus Plasma: ---------------- A common effect in so called "demos" is the interference plasma: Three or more sinus functions which are overlapped to produce a texture. You might know overlapping sinus waves give a new wave, called interference (I hope this is expressed this way in english). If you take several functions which are depended of either x, y or both, you'll get a nice texture: for y:=0 to image.width do for x:=0 to image.height do begin z1:=sin(x/freq_temp*1.7*pi); z2:=sin((x/3+y)/freq_temp*1.5*pi); z3:=sin(y/freq_temp*0.9*pi); {almost any variation will give interesting results} z:=trunc(abs(z1+z2+z3)*255); pixels[x,y]:=rgb(z,z,z); end; When playing with the frequency in this example, you will notice that the frequency can be compared to a "zoom level" - voila, we've get a texture that can be easily scaled! This effect can also be misused for simple animation effects. Together with color cycling, it really looks psychadelic... :) 3. Cellular Automats: --------------------- Interesting textures can also be created by applying some rules of growth to a matrix, just like in the classic "game of life". Cellular automats & reaction- diffusion patterns are, however, extremly complex topics and so I've only added a very simple example here. It starts of with an array of random values, and calculates the average of each value and it's eight neighbours, and finally add 1 to that average. Though the result is interesting, it really takes some time - the image depicted here has taken 2000 iterations to render. Of course, modifying the rules can give much more interesting images. for i:=0 to iterations do for x:=1 to 254 do for y:=1 to 254 do array1[x,y]:= ((array2[x-1, y-1]+array2[x+1, y-1]+ array2[x-1, y+1]+array2[x+1, y+1]+ array2[x-1, y] +array2[x+1, y]+ array2[x, y-1] +array2[x, y+1]+ array2[x, y]) div 9)+1; As you can see in the code, I used two array that represents the image for the rendering. The first array starts of with random noise, and sort of a median cut as repeatedly applied to the image. 3. Plasma Clouds (aka Cubic Plasma): ------------------------------------ The "Plasma Cloud" algorithm is my fave for 2 reasons: It renders much more quickly than, for example, reaction diffusion patterns, and also produces very nice and flexible images. They are generated by a recursive algorithm that randomly puts values to the corners of a rectangle (squares are preferred, however), and then continues recursively quartering the whole rectangle until there are no zero values left. Random colors are averaged with the delta of a point so that small neighborhoods do not show much change, for a smoothed-out effect: [XA,YA] --- NewValue --- [XB,YB] Points A and B are known to be non- zero. The new Value would therefor be : (plasma[xa,ya]+plasma[xb,yb])/2 +(random-0.5)*(Abs(xa-xb)+Abs(ya-yb)) You can see that the average of the two original points is calculated, and a random value that depends on the distance of the two original pixels is added. This value can also be used to control the "noisyness" of the final image. Tip: you can get seamless results by pre-rendering the outer lines of the image and mirroring them