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Categories / Delphi / Examples

Algorithms alfresco gilding pale streams

Julian Bucknall extends the TStream class in a variety of interesting and useful ways, adding a variety of filters for debugging, regex handling, encryption and more. This month we look at extending the TStream class We’re bang in the middle of moving here at TurboPower. Lots of moving boxes are sitting around, the pictures on the wall aren’t there any more, and people are getting rid of years of accumulated rubbish. We’ve got some snazzy new offices in downtown Colorado Springs (until now we’ve been up on the North end of town in a high tech corridor with WorldCom, HP, Agilent and now Intel). It’ll be good to be downtown for a change: new lunchtime eateries, everything within walking distance, a different kind of working crowd. By the time you read this we should have been there, up and running, for several weeks. And then to crown it all, Wordware, my publishers, sent me the proof of my book Tomes of Delphi: Algorithms and Data Structures. They wanted it proofed and indexed in one week. Unfortunately the proof wasn’t very good, and so I didn’t get away with just indexing; I had to read the whole thing and compare against my original documents. Anyway, after a hectic week or so, I managed to get everything done (at least as much as I could) and it has now gone off to the printers. It should be available by the time you read this. So, unfortunately, I have less time than usual to write this article. Since I’ve been hitting the heavy stuff recently in these columns, I thought I’d make this one a little easier going, both for me to write and for you to read.