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procedure TEditorForm.WhiteSpaceLeftMargin(whiteSpaceNum: Integer); {here we call a routine to add n whitespace characters to the start of each line as a Heath-Robinson quick-fix solution...} {NOT a good solution to the problem of inserting margin at the left of text in a RichEdit, as IF A LINE HAS WORD-WRAPPED, then this will screw things up (and the whitespace WON'T get inserted properly)...} var i, j, k, linesNum, lineLength: Integer; tempArray: array[0..(maxLineLen + maxWhiteSpace + 1)] of Char; tempLine: String; begin linesNum := Editor.Lines.Count; for i := 0 to linesNum do begin tempLine := Editor.Lines[i]; lineLength := Length(tempLine); if (lineLength <= (maxLineLen - whiteSpaceNum)) then begin for j := 0 to whiteSpaceNum do begin tempArray[j] := ' '; end; k := 1; for j := whiteSpaceNum to (lineLength + whiteSpaceNum) do begin tempArray[j] := tempLine[k]; Inc(k); end; tempArray[j + 1] := #0; Editor.Lines[i] := String(tempArray); end; end; end;