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Adding to program manager

{Here is what's left from what I got from borland some time ago. The DDEClient is a component you drop on the form (System, DdeClientItem). } Var Macro : String; Var Cmd: array[0..255] of Char; NewPrg,Desc : String; Begin { Create the group, does nothing if it existst } Name := 'StartUp'; Macro := Format('[CreateGroup(%s)]', [Name]) + #13#10; StrPCopy (Cmd, Macro); DDEClient.OpenLink; if not DDEClient.ExecuteMacro(Cmd, False) then MessageDlg(<ErrorMsg>, mtInformation, [mbOK], 0); { Then you add you program } NewPrg := 'C:\HELLO.EXE'; {Full path of the program you} Desc := 'Say Hello'; {Description that appears under the icon| Macro := '[AddItem('+NewPrg+','+Desc+')]'+ #13#10; StrPCopy (Cmd, Macro); if not f1_.DDEClient.ExecuteMacro(Cmd, False) then MessageDlg(<errorMsg>,mtInformation, [mbOK], 0); { To make sure the group is saved } StrPCopy (Cmd,'[ShowGroup(nonexist,1)]'); DDEClient.ExecuteMacro(Cmd, False); { Now... this part doesn't work and I don't know why } { Anybody who knows why is welcome } StrPCopy (Cmd,'[reload()]'); DDEClient.ExecuteMacro(Cmd, False); { and close the link } DDEClient.CloseLink; End; A procedure to get all groups from the program manager using a DDEclientconv: {This example needs a listbox called AllGroups} procedure GetGroups(Sender: TObject); var Thedata: pchar; {pchar that holds the groups} dat: char; {used to process each group} charcount: word; Theitem,theline:string; begin {get allgroups items} charcount:=0; TheData:= DDEClientConv2.RequestData('Groups'); theline:=''; repeat application.processmessages; dat:=Thedata[charcount];{get character from the Thedata} if (dat=chr(10)) {or (dat=chr(13))} then begin while Pos(char(10), Theline) > 0 do delete(Theline,pos(char(10),Theline),1); while Pos(char(13), Theline) > 0 do delete(Theline,pos(char(13),Theline),1); If theline='' then continue; allgroups.items.add(theline); {Allgroups is a LISTBOX} theline:=''; end; Theline:=theline+dat; inc(charcount); until charcount>=strlen(Thedata); strdispose(Thedata); end;