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Adding hint windows to applications

Question: How can I pop up a hint window? Answer: You can either programmatically move the mouse pointer over the control with the hint, or you can display a hint window of your own; Example # 1 - programmatically moving the mouse. procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var pt : TPoint; begin {Let the button repaint} Application.ProcessMessages; {Get the screen coordinates of the center of the button} pt := ClientToScreen(Point(Button1.Left + Button1.Width div 2, Button1.Top + Button1.Height div 2)); {Position the cursor at the center of the button} SetCursorPos(Pt.x, Pt.y); end; Example #2 - Creating you own hint window. For this example, you will need a TPanel and a TTimer component. The Panel will be used as the hint window, and will be invisible untill called. The timer will hide the panel after a specified duration. procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin Timer1.Enabled := false; Panel1.Visible := false; Panel1.BevelInner := bvNone; Panel1.BevelOuter := bvNone; Panel1.BorderStyle := bsSingle; Panel1.Color := clWhite; Button1.Hint := 'Hint test'; end; procedure TForm1.ShowAHint(x : integer; y : integer; Caption : string; Duration : LongInt); var dc : hdc; OldFont : hFont; pt : TSize; p : pChar; begin if Timer1.Enabled <> false then Timer1.Enabled := false; Timer1.Enabled := false; if Panel1.Visible <> false then Panel1.Visible := false; if Caption = '' then exit; Panel1.Caption := caption; {Get the width of the caption string} GetMem(p, Length(Panel1.Caption) + 1); StrPCopy(p, Panel1.Caption); dc := GetDc(Panel1.Handle); OldFont := SelectObject(dc, Panel1.Font.Handle); GetTextExtentPoint32(dc, p, Length(Panel1.Caption), pt); SelectObject(dc, OldFont); ReleaseDc(Panel1.Handle, Dc); FreeMem(p, Length(Panel1.Caption) + 1); {Position and show the panel} Panel1.Left := x; Panel1.Top := y; Panel1.Width := + 6; Panel1.Height := + 2; Panel1.Visible := true; {Fire off the timer to hide the panel} Timer1.Interval := Duration; Timer1.Enabled := true; end; procedure TForm1.Timer1Timer(Sender: TObject); begin if Panel1.Visible <> false then Panel1.Visible := false; Timer1.Enabled := false; end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin {Let the button repaint} Application.ProcessMessages; ShowAHint(Button1.Left, Button1.Top + Button1.Height + 6, Button1.Hint, 2000); end;