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Add wallpaper to client area of a mdi

HereI are the steps to add a wallpaper to the client area of of a MDI parent form: 1) Create a new project 2) Set the form's FormStyle to fsMDIForm 3) Drop an image on the form and select a bitmap into it. 4) Find the { Private Declarations } comment in the form's definition and add these lines right after it: FClientInstance, FPrevClientProc : TFarProc; PROCEDURE ClientWndProc(VAR Message: TMessage); 5) Find the "implementation" line and the {$R *.DFM} line that follows it. After that line, enter this code: PROCEDURE TForm1.ClientWndProc(VAR Message: TMessage); VAR MyDC : hDC; Ro, Co : Word; begin with Message do case Msg of WM_ERASEBKGND: begin MyDC := TWMEraseBkGnd(Message).DC; FOR Ro := 0 TO ClientHeight DIV Image1.Picture.Height DO FOR Co := 0 TO ClientWIDTH DIV Image1.Picture.Width DO BitBlt(MyDC, Co*Image1.Picture.Width, Ro*Image1.Picture.Height, Image1.Picture.Width, Image1.Picture.Height, Image1.Picture.Bitmap.Canvas.Handle, 0, 0, SRCCOPY); Result := 1; end; else Result := CallWindowProc(FPrevClientProc, ClientHandle, Msg, wParam, lParam); end; end; 6) Start an OnCreate method for the form and put these lines in it: FClientInstance := MakeObjectInstance(ClientWndProc); FPrevClientProc := Pointer(GetWindowLong(ClientHandle, GWL_WNDPROC)); SetWindowLong(ClientHandle, GWL_WNDPROC, LongInt(FClientInstance)); 7) Add a new form to your project and set its FormStyle to fsMDIChild. Now you have a working MDI project with "wallpaper". The image component is not visible, but its bitmap is replicated to cover the MDI form's client area. There is still one problem; when you minimize the child window its icon will be drawn against a gray rectangle.