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Add most recent files to menu

{ > How do you add the most recent files accessed to the file menu? Of course, there's no one answer to this question, but here are some excerpts from my implementation of that feature, clipped from a text editor I wrote. First, I subclassed TStringList to hold the list of recent files. } type TRecentFileList = class(TStringList) public constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; function Add(const S: String): Integer; override; procedure Remove(const s: String); end; Create and Destoy mostly involve reading and writing the list to the registry, so that the recent file list will be persistent. Add and Remove are shown below. function TRecentFileList.Add(const S: String): Integer; begin Result := IndexOf(s); if (Result = -1) then begin if Count >= MAX_RECENT_FILES then Delete(MAX_RECENT_FILES - 1); Insert(0, s); Result := 0; end; end; procedure TRecentFileList.Remove(const s: String); var i: Integer; begin i := IndexOf(s); if i >= 0 then Delete(i); end; The main form contains a TRecentFileList called recentFileList. When the program closes a file it adds it to this list; When it opens one, it removes it. (As shown, the TRecentFileList is smart enough not to add a file twice, or to try and delete a non-existant file.) The OnClick handler for the main menu's "File" menu item, FileMenuClick, creates a TMenuItem for each recent file in the list and adds it to the TMenuItem named FileReopenItem before it opens the menu. Thus the names of the recent files appear in a submenu to a menu item captioned "Reopen". procedure TMainForm.FileMenuClick(Sender: TObject); var i: Integer; mi: TMenuItem; begin if recentFileList.Count = 0 then FileReopenItem.Enabled := False else begin FileReopenItem.Enabled := True; for i := FileReopenItem.Count - 1 downto 0 do FileReopenItem.Delete(i); for i := 0 to recentFileList.Count - 1 do begin mi := TMenuItem.Create(Self); mi.Caption := recentFileList[i]; mi.OnClick := FileReopen; FileReopenItem.Add(mi); end; end; end; The recent file menu items each have the procedure FileReopen as their OnClick handler. When the user clicks one of the recent file menu items, this procedure uses the caption of the clicked item to determine what file to reopen. procedure TMainForm.FileReopen(Sender: TObject); var fileName: String; begin fileName := (Sender as TMenuItem).Caption; CreateMemoPage.LoadFromFile(fileName); recentFileList.Remove(fileName); end;