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Add menu item to explorer context menu

Add a menu item to windows explorer and desktop popup menus ShellSPY V1.1a is the award winning and powerful monitoring solution that you need! ShellSPY gives you the power to log all keystrokes, windows viewed, applications ran, internet connections made, passwords entered, chat conversations that were made, Monitor all running tasks on your pc Download Now Web Site: // Open Delphi select dynamic link library // Copy / paste this into the DLL // Then compile // You will have to customize this code. To suite your needs. // once the dll has been compiled you will now have to register this // com server. // Use regsvr32.exe sendtoweb.dll // now open windows explorer and you will see a new menu item // which can be accessed by the desktop also.. unit Sendtoweb; // Author C Pringle { Implementation of the context menu shell extension COM object. This COM object is responsible for forwarding requests to its partner TPopupMenu component. The TPopupMenu component must reside on the MenuComponentForm, and is referred to explicitly in this example. You can modify this code to make it more flexible and generic in the future. The TContextMenu component registers itself as a global context menu handler. This is accomplished by adding a key to the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\ShellEx\ContextMenuHandlers key in the registry. jfl } interface uses Classes, ComServ, ComObj, ActiveX, Windows, ShlObj, Interfaces, Menus, ShellAPI, SysUtils,registry; type TContextMenuFactory = class( TComObjectFactory ) public procedure UpdateRegistry( Register: Boolean ); override; end; TContextMenu = class( TComObject, IShellExtInit, IContextMenu ) private FFileName: String; function BuildSubMenu( Menu: HMENU; IndexMenu: Integer; var IDCmdFirst: Integer ): HMENU; protected szFile: array[0..MAX_PATH] of Char; // Required to disambiguate TComObject.Initialize otherwise a compiler // warning will result. function IShellExtInit.Initialize = IShellExtInit_Initialize; public { IShellExtInit members } function IShellExtInit_Initialize(pidlFolder: PItemIDList; lpdobj: IDataObject; hKeyProgID: HKEY): HResult; stdcall; { IContextMenu } function QueryContextMenu(Menu: HMENU; indexMenu, idCmdFirst, idCmdLast, uFlags: UINT): HResult; stdcall; function InvokeCommand(var lpici: TCMInvokeCommandInfo): HResult; stdcall; function GetCommandString(idCmd, uType: UINT; pwReserved: PUINT; pszName: LPSTR; cchMax: UINT): HResult; stdcall; end; var // Must be set prior to instantiation of TContextMenu! GFileExtensions: TStringList; const MenuCommandStrings: array[ 0..3 ] of String = ( '','&STW Web Upload','&STW FTPClient','&STW Setup' ); implementation { TContextMenuFactory } { Public } Function ReadDefaultPAth: String; var path : String; Reg : TRegistry; begin Reg := TRegistry.CReate; try With Reg Do Begin RootKey := HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE; Path := 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths'; If KeyExists(Path) Then Begin OpenKey(Path+'\sendtoweb.exe',false); Result := ReadString(#0); closekey; End; // Key Added to shell ext. End; Finally Reg.CloseKey; Reg.Free; End; End;// Custom registration code procedure TContextMenuFactory.UpdateRegistry( Register: Boolean ); begin inherited UpdateRegistry( Register ); // Register our global context menu handler if Register then begin CreateRegKey( '*\ShellEx\ContextMenuHandlers\SendToWeb', '', GUIDToString( Class_ContextMenu ) ); CreateRegKey( 'CLSID\' + GUIDToString( ClassID ) + '\' + ComServer.ServerKey, 'ThreadingModel', 'Apartment' ); end else begin DeleteRegKey( '*\ShellEx\ContextMenuHandlers\SendToWeb' ); end; end; { TContextMenu } { Private } { Build a context menu using the existing Menu handle. If Menu is nil, we create a new menu handle and return it in the function's return value. Note that this function does not handle nested (recursive) menus. This exercise is left to the reader. } function TContextMenu.BuildSubMenu( Menu: HMENU; IndexMenu: Integer; var IDCmdFirst: Integer ): HMENU; var i: Integer; menuItemInfo: TMenuItemInfo; begin if Menu = 0 then Result := CreateMenu else Result := Menu; // Build the menu items here with menuitemInfo do begin cbSize := SizeOf( TMenuItemInfo ); fMask := MIIM_CHECKMARKS or MIIM_DATA or MIIM_ID or MIIM_STATE or MIIM_SUBMENU or MIIM_TYPE or MIIM_CHECKMARKS ; fType := MFT_STRING; fState := MFS_ENABLED ; hSubMenu := 0; hbmpChecked := 0; hbmpUnchecked := 0; end; for i := 0 to High( MenuCommandStrings ) do begin if i = 0 then menuitemInfo.fType := MFT_SEPARATOR else menuiteminfo.ftype := MFT_String; if i = 1 then menuitemInfo.fstate := MFS_ENABLED OR MFS_DEFAULT Else menuitemInfo.fstate := MFS_ENABLED; menuitemInfo.dwTypeData := PChar(MenuCommandStrings[ i ]); menuitemInfo.wID := IDCmdFirst; InsertMenuItem( Result, IndexMenu + i, True, menuItemInfo ); Inc( IDCmdFirst ); end; end; { IShellExtInit } function TContextMenu.IShellExtInit_Initialize( pidlFolder: PItemIDList; lpdobj: IDataObject; hKeyProgID: HKEY ): HResult; var medium: TStgMedium; fe: TFormatEtc; begin with fe do begin cfFormat := CF_HDROP; ptd := Nil; dwAspect := DVASPECT_CONTENT; lindex := -1; tymed := TYMED_HGLOBAL; end; // Fail the call if lpdobj is Nil. if lpdobj = Nil then begin Result := E_FAIL; Exit; end; // Render the data referenced by the IDataObject pointer to an HGLOBAL // storage medium in CF_HDROP format. Result := lpdobj.GetData(fe, medium); if Failed(Result) then Exit; // If only one file is selected, retrieve the file name and store it in // szFile. Otherwise fail the call. if DragQueryFile(medium.hGlobal, $FFFFFFFF, Nil, 0) = 1 then begin DragQueryFile(medium.hGlobal, 0, szFile, SizeOf(szFile)); Result := NOERROR; end else Result := E_FAIL; ReleaseStgMedium(medium); end; { IContextMenu } function TContextMenu.QueryContextMenu( Menu: HMENU; indexMenu, idCmdFirst, idCmdLast, uFlags: UINT ): HResult; var extension: String; I: Integer; idLastCommand: Integer; begin Result := E_FAIL; idLastCommand := idCmdFirst; // Extract the filename extension from the file dropped, and see if we // have a handler registered for it // extension := UpperCase( ( FFileName ) ); //for i := 0 to GFileExtensions.Count - 1 do // if Pos(Lowercase(GFileExtensions[ i ]),lowercase(extension))=0 then // begin BuildSubMenu( Menu, indexMenu, idLastCommand ); // Return value is number of items added to context menu Result := idLastCommand - idCmdFirst; // Exit; // end; end; function TContextMenu.InvokeCommand( var lpici: TCMInvokeCommandInfo ): HResult; var idCmd: UINT; begin if HIWORD( Integer(lpici.lpVerb) ) <> 0 then Result := E_FAIL else begin idCmd := LOWORD( lpici.lpVerb ); Result := S_OK; // Activate the Dialog And prepare to send data to the // web case idCmd of 1: Begin ShellExecute( GetDesktopWindow, nil,Pchar(ExtractFileName(ReadDefaultPath)), Pchar('Direct'+'"'+szfile+'"'), nil, SW_SHOW ); End; 3:Begin ShellExecute( GetDesktopWindow, nil,Pchar(ExtractFileName(ReadDefaultPath)), Pchar('Path'), nil, SW_SHOW ); End; 2: ShellExecute( GetDesktopWindow, nil, Pchar(ExtractFileName(ReadDefaultPath)), PChar(''), nil, SW_SHOW ); else Result := E_FAIL; end; end; end; function TContextMenu.GetCommandString( idCmd, uType: UINT; pwReserved: PUINT; pszName: LPSTR; cchMax: UINT ): HResult; begin // StrCopy( pszName, 'Send To The Web') ; Result := S_OK; end; initialization { Note that we create an instance of TContextMenuFactory here rather than TComObjectFactory. This is necessary so that we can add some custom registry entries by overriding the UpdateRegistry virtual function. } TContextMenuFactory.Create( ComServer, TContextMenu, Class_ContextMenu, 'ContextMenu', 'Send To The Web', ciMultiInstance ); // Initialize the file extension list GFileExtensions := TStringList.Create; // GFileExtensions.Add( 'setup msn' ); finalization GFileExtensions.Free; end.