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Add-delete pages - tabbed notebook

procedure AddPage(nbk : TNotebook; tabset : TTabSet; const pagename : string); { Adds a new page to nbk and a new tab to tabset with pagename for the text, } { places a memo on the page, and brings the new page to the top. } { Assumes the tabset has exactly one tab for each notebook page in same order. } var memo : TMemo; page : TPage; begin if nbk <> nil then begin nbk.Pages.Add(pagename); {add a page to the TNotebook} nbk.PageIndex := nbk.Pages.Count - 1; {make new page the current page} if tabset <> nil then begin tabset.Tabs.Add(pagename); {add a matching tab} tabset.TabIndex := nbk.PageIndex; {make new tab the current tab} end; if nbk.PageIndex > -1 then begin {make sure a page exists} page := TPage(nbk.Pages.Objects[nbk.PageIndex]); {get page object} memo := TMemo.Create(page); {create memo (owned by page)} try memo.Parent := page; {set page as Parent} memo.Align := alClient; {set alignment to fill client area} except memo.Free; {free memo if something goes wrong} end; page.Visible := true; {make sure the page gets displayed} end; end; end; procedure DeletePage(nbk : TNotebook; tabset : TTabSet; index : integer); { Deletes the page whose PageIndex = index from nbk and tabset. } { Assumes the tabset has exactly one tab for each notebook page in same order. } var switchto : integer; begin if nbk <> nil then begin if (index >= 0) and (index < nbk.Pages.Count) then begin if index = nbk.PageIndex then begin if index < nbk.Pages.Count - 1 then begin {if page is not last in list} switchto := nbk.PageIndex; {show page behind current after delete} if (index = 0) and (nbk.Pages.Count > 1) then {if first page} nbk.PageIndex := 1; {show second page now} end else switchto := nbk.PageIndex - 1; {else, show page before current} end; nbk.Pages.Delete(index); {free's the page & all controls it owns} if tabset <> nil then begin if index < tabset.Tabs.Count then tabset.Tabs.Delete(index); {delete corresponding tab} end; nbk.PageIndex := switchto; end; end; end;