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Add a bitmap to a menu

Maybe like this : var Bmp1 : TPicture; ... Bmp1 := TPicture.Create; Bmp1.LoadFromFile('c:\where\b1.BMP'); SetMenuItemBitmaps( MenuItemTest.Handle, 0, MF_BYPOSITION, Bmp1.Bitmap.Handle, Bmp1.Bitmap.Handle); ... Create a Picture. Load a .BMP from somewhere into the picture. Use the SetMenuItemBitmaps API call to connect the Picture to the Menu with these parameters : - MenuItemTest is the name given to the horizontal Menuitem - 0,1 ... is the position of the item on which you want to place the bitmap. (start counting with 0) - The first of the two bitmap-handles is the one for the bitmap displayed for the unchecked menuitem. - The second is the one for the checked menuitem. These can be the same or not. All this can by coded in the .Create of a form. Result : It works, but only the right-top of the bitmap is displayed. Rest us to change the height and/or width of the menuitem according to the bitmap